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1、组员:090607206 朱碧芬090607210 周华娟090607213 黄丽君090607214 许维洁090607216 林 群090607242 林荫民Application Software 应用软件Technical terms and proper names(技术术语和适当的名字)application software 应用软件 word processing 字处理软件 spreadsheet 电子表格 personal finance 个人理财 presentation graphic 演示图形 database manager 数据库管理软 件 groupware 群

2、件(组件) desktop accessory 桌面辅助工具 browsers 浏览器 desktop publishing 桌面印刷 project management 项目管理 multimedia authoring 多媒体发布 animation 动画 speech synthesis 语音合成 insertion point 插入点 scroll bar 滚动条 window 窗口 menu bar 菜单条 pull-down menu 下拉式菜单 button 按钮 toolbar 工具条 dialog box 对话框 MIDI (Musical Instrument Digit

3、al Interface) 乐器数字化接口 computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM)计算机辅 助设计/制造Basic Technical Words and Expressions(基础技术单词和词组)default value 缺省值(默认值) macro 宏 OLE(Object Linking and Embedding) 对象链接与嵌入 clipboard 剪贴板 column 列 row 行 cell 单元格 cell address 单元格地址 cell pointer 单元格指针 formula 公式 function 函

4、数 bar chart 柱状图 line graph 线图 pie chart 圆饼图 workflow software 工具流软件 personal Information Manager (PIM) 个人信息管理软件 integrated software 集成软件 web browser 浏览器 World Wide Web 万维网 home page 主页Application software is the software designed to help you solve problems specific to business or perform specific bu

5、siness task.应用软件是设计用来帮助你们解决专用于商业或执行专门商业任务的软件 .Business and specialty software, often called vertical market software, consists of programs developed for a specific business or industry.商业和专业软件通常被称为纵向联合的市场软件,它是由为特定的商业或 行业应用而开发的程序组成。Applications Software Tools(应用软件工具)The insertion point is the movable

6、 symbol on the display screen that shows you where you may enter data next.插入点是显示屏上可移动的符号,用来指示用户下一次输入数据的位置。Using the directional arrow keys or a mouse, you can move(scroll) through the display screen and into the text above and below it. 使用方向键或鼠标,你可以滚动屏幕而进入到这一文本的前面的内容或者其后的 内容。Common Features of Appl

7、ications Software(应用软件的共同特征)Pull- down menus can be opened by keystroke commands or by “clicking” (pressing) the mouse button while pointing to the title in the menu bar and then dragging the mouse pointer down. 当指向菜单栏中的标题,然后向下拖动鼠标指针时,下拉菜单可以通过按键或“单 击”(按下)鼠标按钮来打开。A toolbar is a row of on-screen butto

8、ns, usually appearing immediately below the menu bar, used to activate a variety of functions of the application program. 工具栏是一行屏幕按钮,通常紧挨着菜单栏下方出现,用于激活应用程序的各种 功能。Productivity Software Tools(生产率软件工具)Thus, for example, most word processing programs will automatically prepare a document single-spaced, j

9、ustified, and with 1-inch right and left margins unless you alter these default settings, which is easy to do.举例来说,大部分字处理程序都会自动提供一种单倍行距、两端对齐、 左右页边距各1英寸的文档格式,如果你不改变这些默认的设置,这些设 置是很容易完成的。For example, “A1” is the cell address for the top left cell, where column A and row 1 intersect.例如,A1就是表中左上角位置的单元格,它

10、位于列A和行1的交叉处。Recalculation is the process of recomputing values automatically, either as an ongoing process or as data is being entered of afterward, with the press of a key.重算就是自动地重新计算数值的过程,或者作为一个正在进行的处理或者作为在 按下一个按键后自动输入的数据。The recalculation feature has opened up whole new possibilities for decision

11、 making. As a user, you can create a plan, put in formulas and numbers, and then ask yourself, “what would happen if we change the detail?”- and immediately see the effect on the bottom line.重算特征为新的决策制定提供了新的可能性。作为用户,你可以创建一项计划, 插入公式和数字后自问,“如果我们改变了一些细节后那么会有什么样的改变呢 ?”然后立刻可以在底部观察到结果。Groupware is softwar

12、e that is used on a network and serves a group of users working together on the same project.群件是指使用在网络环境中,并且为一组工作于同一项目中的用户提供服务的软 件。Workflow software, exemplified by ActionWorkflow System and ProcessIt, helps workers understand and redesign the steps that make up a particular process thus, it is proc

13、ess-centered.以ActionWorkflow System 和 ProcessIt为例的工作流软件帮助工人理解和重新 设计构成特定过程的步骤这样,它是以过程为中心的。Scheduling software such as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft schedulePlus, and Powercores Network Scheduler 3 uses a microcomputer network to coordinate co-workers electronic datebooks or appointment calendars so th

14、ey can figure out a time when they can all get together.如Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft schedulePlus, 以及 Powercores Network Scheduler 3的日程安排软件使用微机网络协调同事们的电子日 程安排,以便确定一个可以聚集所有员工的时间。To be connected to the World Wide Web, you need a modem and an automatic setup with an online service or Internet access provider, which often provides the browser software for exploring the Web.为了连接到万维网,你需要一个调制解调器和一个具有联机服务或 Internet接入供应商的自动的设置,Internet接入供应商经常提供浏览 Web的浏览器软件。thanks everyone


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