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1、第三篇第10章 英译汉常见错误例析P. 1231、望文生义型错误*注意一词多义的问题例5 Fight shy of the theoretical method of approach to the learning of English.译文1:从理论上讲,学英语的方法,就是 要战胜害羞。译文2:学英语要避免只讲理论。释:fight shy of 习语:回避、躲避He always fought shy of the crowd.例2 For the balance of the section, lets speak in straightforward and elementary te

2、rms to describe the function and form of the electronic computer.平衡?To balance剩余部分You may keep the balance. 余额The young man walked far into the woods to make water.那个年轻人走进树林深处去取水。那个年轻人走进树林深处去小便。fetch water才是取水。例7 This failure was the making of him.译文1:这次失败是他造成的。译文2:这次失败是他成功的基础。释:make造成,也可作:发展或发达的过程

3、,成功的原因或手段。making 用作复数“要素 、素质”.如:He has in him the makings of a scholar.他有学者的素质。例8 They made an example of the boy.译文1:他们以这个男孩为榜样。译文2:他们惩罚这个男孩以儆他人。释:make an example of one=punish one as an example to others=make an example of the first offender as a warning to others; set an example 才是树立榜样例9 He tried

4、 to seem angry, but his smile betrayed him.译文1:他试图看上去是生气的,但是他的笑 容背叛了他。译文2:他假装生气的样子,可是他的笑容暴 露了他的真实情感。释:him指his true feelings.英语中的人称代 词并非都是指代人。它所指的内容要根据上下 文而定。这体现了英语的简捷性,但是翻译时 一定要译出它指代的是什么。如:When he was accused of theft, he turned red.例10 Whats more, factory workers did not have enough money to send t

5、heir children on country holidays away from home.译文1:此外,工人们没有足够的钱,在全国性 的假日里让孩子们离家外出度假。译文2:此外,工人们没有足够的钱,所以在假 日里不能让自己的孩子离家去乡村度假。释:本句中country作形容词用,country holiday的含义是holiday in the country 在语义 上是与city相对的,不是“国家”的意思。全国性的假日: national holiday2.语法关系混淆型错误例1 He has little concern for money, though he could ha

6、ve been extremely rich.译文1:尽管他可以成为富翁,但他却不在 乎金钱。译文2:他很少关心金钱,尽管这样,他本 来也是可以成为富翁的。例2 Any literate person on the face of globe is deprived if he does not know English.译文1:地球上任何有文化的人,如果不懂英 语将被剥夺很多东西。译文2:世界上任何有文化的人,如不懂英语 就算不上受过良好教育的人。释:deprived=underprivileged,意为所受教 育和社会权益较他人少的,未享受到正当权益 的,用以说明英语的重要性,is dep

7、rived不是 被动语态,是系表结构。例3 He stole her a watch.译文1:他偷了她一块表。译文2:他为她偷了一块表。释:直接宾语和间接宾语的问题。=He stole a watch for her. 偷某人某物 steal ones sth/ steal sth from sb.例9 It is time he began to work.It is (high)time sb./sth+过去时 (虚拟语气)= It is time for sb./sth. to do是该做某事的时候了3.逻辑型错误此类错误指译文所传递的信息不符合常 识,或者前后矛盾,也可称之为常识性错

8、误。例1 No one is so foolish as to believe that anything happens by chance.译文1:谁也不会愚笨到相信世间有什么偶然发 生的事。译文2:谁也不会愚笨到竟然相信世间任何事情 都是偶然发生的。释:世间没有偶然发生的事情么?例2 “I have served in nine presidential appointed offices, but nothing has as tough and complex as this,” 译文1:我曾经担任过九个总统任命的职务, 没有哪一次像这样棘手和复杂。译文2:总统任命的职务我担任过九个

9、,没有 哪一次这样棘手和复杂。释:如果“九个”在“总统”之前,感觉前者是修 饰后者的。一位总统至少任职4年,总共36年 ,这不符合逻辑。4.由于缺乏背景知识造成的错误例1 the union Jack英国国旗例2 black sheep 黑羊?害群之马例3 writing on the wall不祥之兆 The expression originates from the Book of Daniel (Old Testament). The story took place during a feast in which the King of Babylon and his guests

10、witnessed a hand appear and write a warning on a wall. The prophet先知 Daniel interpreted it as a bad omen and later that evening the King was killed and the Persians sacked the capital city.例4 When you are down, you are not necessarily out.当你倒的时候,你不一定在外面。遇到挫折,并不一定丧失成功的机会。本句借用了拳击中的规则来表达意思,众所周知 ,在拳击赛上被

11、击倒后在数十下之内站起来还可 继续比赛,并有机会取胜。例5 He tugged heavy hand baggage down endless airport corridors.他拖住沉重的随身行李,走过无止境的机场走廊.他拖住沉重的随身行李,走过环行的机场走廊。一般的国际机场,从候机室通向各跑道的走廊呈 环状,两头相连,所以是“endless”,因此此句 中应该译为“环状的”PRACTICE1.She is now in a delicate condition. 她现在是在怀孕中。2. Everybody bridled at his remarks.bridle at:昂首表示轻蔑;

12、动怒大家听了他说的话都很愤怒。He learned to bridle his temper. Vt.他学会了控制脾气。 3. It is said that his days are numbered. 据说他快死了。4. I know he meant business. 我知道他不是开玩笑的。Exercise P. 1315. leap year 闰年 a leap-year proposal 不平常的求婚-女方提出的求婚6. fall flat on sb.对某人不起作用9. be free with sth. 大方的,不吝啬的 be free of/from 没有,免于16. beh

13、ind time =late 落伍?behind the times 落伍18. nothing to be desired 不能指望更好了如今,越来越多的大学生抱怨很难找到好工 作。造成这一现象的原因如下:首先,大学 生把在校的大多数 时间都用在了专业学科学 习上,只有当他们开始找工作的时候,才意 识到自己缺乏必要的职业培训。其次,大 学 生之间的竞争也越来越激烈,这导致任何一 名大学生找到工作的机会都变小了。因此, 强烈建议大学生在 课余时间做一些兼职工作 ,以积累相关的工作经验。如今,越来越多的大学生抱怨很难找到好 工作。 抱怨某事complain about doing sth.很难做

14、某事find it difficult to do sth.have great difficulties in doing sth.如今,越来越多的大学生抱怨很难找到好 工作。 Nowadays, more and more university students complain about having great difficulties in finding a good job.造成这一现象的原因如下: The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:There are many reasons explaining/accountin

15、g for this phenomenon.This phenomenon can be attributed to the following reasons.The following aspects lead to/contribute to/account for/result in this phenomenon.This phenomenon results from the following factors.首先,大学生把在校的大多数 时间都用在了 专业学科学习上,只有当他们开始找工作的时 候,才意识到自己缺乏必要的职业培训。专业学科 academic subjects“只有当 才 强调句 it is only whenthat职业培训 job/professional training首先,大学生把在校的大多数 时间都用在 了专业学科学习上,只有当他们开始找工作 的时候,才意识到自己缺乏必要的职业培训 。First, college students spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and it is only when they start looking for a job that they realize they lack necessary jo



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