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1、Writing lessonWriting lesson3.用词基本恰当,句子结构完整,语法正确, 语言通顺,语句连贯,层次清楚,意思正确;4. 会使用适当的过渡词,和一定比例的复合句 提高作文的档次;5.书写规范,字迹工整(字体稍大一些),格 式符合要求。1.能在所学词汇、句型、语法范围内书写正确 的句子,要求不得少于80词(1015句即 可,不画蛇添足。);2.要求能通过记叙某一件事表达真实情感、感 悟人生的哲理;答题要求一档(13-15分)内容切题、层次清 楚、语言流畅、基本无语言错误; 二档(10-12分)内容切题、层次比 较清楚、语言比较流畅、语言表达 错误较少; 三档(6-9分)内

2、容基本切题、层次 不够分明、语言表达较多错误; 四档(1-5分)有一定内容、但语言 表达错误较多。评分标准一、认真审题、细读提示、把握体裁二、明确要点、组织信息、构思文路书面表达“四步法”三、斟酌词句、连句成文、动笔书写四、核对修改、查缺补漏、规范誊写 、卷面整洁How to write a good article? How to write a good article? 记记叙文“三段式”结结构: 第一段(首段):“凤头凤头 ”(文章开头应给头应给 人以美感)第二段(正文):“猪肚” (文章内容要充实实)第三段(尾段):“豹尾” (文章结结尾要圆圆滑有力) 2004 Highs and

3、lows in my life 2005 Love for my parents 2006 Understanding 2007 A Gift 2008 A letter (To be strong) 2009 Sunshine in my life04 09年中考考题回放After Wenchuan Earthquake soldiersthe greatest loveparents loveteachers encouragementfriends helpSensation is everywhere.( 感动无处不在。)In our life , we are often moved

4、 by 提示:生活中,令我们感动的事很多很多 。父母的关心、照顾,老师的鼓励与帮助,朋 友、同学的理解和支持,甚至是陌生人的一次 小小的帮助都会令我们深深地感动,而我 们也会尽自己所能关心、帮助、感动着周围的 人。 请你以 “ I was moved by ” 为题,写一篇不少于80词的短文,记叙生活中 你经历过的一件令你感动的事,说明生活中充 满着爱与感动。I was moved by实战演练(2) Tense(主要时态) The Simple Past Tense(一般过去时态 )wordssentencesarticle (文章)1.审题(1)体裁记叙文2.列要点3.连句成文4.修改誊写

5、paragraph(段)请用“四步法、三段式”完成写作I was moved by 提示:生活中,令我们感动的事很多很多。 父母的关心、照顾,老师的鼓励与帮助,朋友、 同学的理解和支持,甚至是陌生人的一次小小的 帮助都会令我们深深地感动,而我们也会尽 自己所能关心、帮助、感动着周围的人。 请 你以 “ I was moved by ” 为题,写一 篇不少于80词的短文,记叙生活中你经历过的一 件令你感动的事,说明生活中充满着爱与感动 。实战演练Useful expressionsremembercant help cryinghappinesshelpgratefulworry aboutse

6、nsation (感动)fill withmovehappy luckylovecolorfulmake experience feelunderstandbe moved byWonderful sentences Beginning 开头句 1. Moving thing is the sweetest candy . 2. In our life , there must be many people or things make you moved .From the moving thing , I know I m so lucky to live in the moving wo

7、rld .Ending 结尾句Body 中间句 1.重复关键词One possible version :Sensation is the sweetest candy . It makes me feel that my life is colorful and its filled with love and happiness . In our life , there must be many people or things make you moved . I have ever experienced one thing which makes me moved deeply .

8、 Beginning (首段)主题句连接词Last year , my right foot was hurt in a basketball match . And I felt so painful that I couldnt move. A t that moment , my friend , Jack , sent me to the hospital . I felt happy , although my foot was still painful . But because of my illness , I worried about my study very much

9、 . I was too upset to say a word . Seeing this , Jack said, Body (正文)From my friends love , I know I m so lucky to live in the moving world .结尾句,表明态度Ending (尾段)“ Take it easy ! I will carry you to school everyday . ”I was moved deeply , SO I couldnt help crying out . He gave not only a help but also

10、 the greatest love to me . I was so grateful . 热门话题1.Moved / Something in my heart 2. Happiness 3. Love around me 4. Love for the people in trouble / When someone in trouble, what should I do ? 5.The person I want to thank most6. Learn to smile 7. To be strong 8. Confidence and success 9.Do something for our environment 10. Saving water is our duty 11. Study in a happy way 热门话题Homework Finish off the composition carefully .Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。心之所愿,无事不成。Thank you !Goodbye !


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