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1、1UnitUnit 2222 EnvironmentalEnvironmental ProtectionProtection单元检测 B完形填空精准练失分题型强化练完形填空精准练(2018辽宁省六校协作体联考)“God, give us thankful hearts for these and for all our many blessings.”That was the _1_ my father, an East Texas farmer, said over every meal.Pa passed away long ago, but I try to _2_ his exampl

2、e every day.The year we spent Thanksgiving at our home on Lake Tawakoni was such a _3_.I was preparing a dinner party for the day.I opened the oven, put in our huge _4_ and tried to turn on the old oven.It took just a few minutes for me to _5_ that the heating had failed.I only had a few hours _6_ f

3、amily members and special friends were going to arrive with side dishes, so I called my neighbor Lois and explained my problem.Lois just _7_ and said:“Honey, you bring that turkey to my house.Well have it cooked in no time.”With a sigh of _8_, I put the roasting pan into the car and _9_ across the r

4、oad.Lois babysat the big bird while I returned to the lake house and _10_ a festive table.While the turkey was cooked in her oven, I gave special _11_ to the kind neighbor.My family and friends arrived.We _12_ before our meal, stood in a _13_ and prayed.Some people mentioned things for which they we

5、re _14_ thankful and others stood in _15_ silence.The tissue box made its way around the circle as some of us began to _16_ a sign of joy rather than sorrow.When the last of the food was _17_ off the table, I took a deep breath.A Thanksgiving prayer is easy for me when things are going well, but som

6、etimes it _18_ extra courage to give thanks when I am sad or when something unforeseen _19_ my plans even a broken oven.Then I stopped to _20_ Pa and the many times I heard him say, “God, give us thankful hearts for these and for all our many blessings.”I want that to be my prayer, too.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文

7、。通过“我”的父亲每天在饭前向上帝祈祷这件事, “我”明白了父亲祈祷的真意:事情顺利时,表达感谢是很容易的;但是当悲伤或计划被破坏时,表达感谢需要勇气。21A.complaint BwishCprayer Ddream解析:选 C 根据上文中的“God, give us thankful hearts for these and for all our many blessings”可知,这是父亲向上帝祷告的话。C 项意为“祷告” ,符合语境,故 C 项正确。A 项意为“抱怨” ;B 项意为“心愿” ;D 项意为“梦想” ,都与语境不符。2A.follow BcopyCset Dcontain

8、解析:选 A 根据该句中的“his example every day” ,并结合第一段中父亲向上帝祷告的描述可知, “我”也以他为榜样每天祷告。A 项意为“跟随,以为榜样” ,符合语境,故 A 项正确。B 项意为“复制” ;C 项意为“设置” ;D 项意为“包含” ,都与语境不符。3A.dinner BpartyCprocess Dtime解析:选 D 根据下文内容可知,这里指“今年过的感恩节就是这样的(祷告)时间(time)” ,故 D 项正确。A 项意为“晚餐” ;B 项意为“聚会” ;C 项意为“过程” ,都与语境不符。4A.meal BturkeyCroast Dbeef解析:选 B

9、 根据空前的“Thanksgiving”和下文第三段中的“turkey”并结合常识可知,在感恩节那天, “我”将火鸡放进烤箱。B 项意为“火鸡” ,符合语境,故 B 项正确。A 项意为“饭” ;C 项意为“烤肉” ;D 项意为“牛肉” ,都与语境不符。5A.realize BpredictCadmit Dassume解析:选 A 根据语境可知, “我”在几分钟之内意识到烤箱的加热系统坏了。A 项意为“意识到” ,符合语境,故 A 项正确。B 项意为“预测” ;C 项意为“承认” ;D 项意为“假设” ,都与语境不符。6A.until BbeforeCsince Dafter解析:选 B 根据语

10、境可知,在家人和特别要好的朋友到来之前, “我”只有几个小时的时间。B 项意为“在之前” ,符合语境,故 B 项正确。7A.laughed ByelledCscreamed Dnodded解析:选 A 根据 Lois 所说的话可知,Lois 认为她可以立刻烤好;据此可以判断,她是笑着对“我”说的。A 项意为“笑” ,符合语境,故 A 项正确。B 项意为“叫喊” ;C 项意3为“尖叫” ;D 项意为“点头” ,都与语境不符。8A.belief BsurpriseCrelief Ddoubt解析:选 C 根据上文 Lois 所说的“Well have it cooked in no time”可知

11、, “我”感到宽慰,松了一口气。C 项意为“宽慰” ,符合语境,故 C 项正确。A 项意为“信念” ;B项意为“惊奇” ;D 项意为“怀疑” ,都与语境不符。9A.walked BmovedCtoured Ddrove解析:选 D 根据语境可知, “我”将烤盘放进汽车,驾车(drove)穿过公路,故 D 项正确。A 项意为“行走” ;B 项意为“移动” ;C 项意为“旅游” ,都与语境不符。10A.painted BboughtCprepared Dborrowed解析:选 C 根据语境可知,在 Lois 烤火鸡时, “我”返回去准备节日的饭桌。C 项意为“准备” ,符合语境,故 C 项正确。

12、A 项意为“绘画” ;B 项意为“购买” ;D 项意为“借用” ,都与语境不符。11A.tasks BdishesCprizes Dthanks解析:选 D 根据语境可知,邻居帮“我”烤了火鸡, “我”向她表示感谢(thanks),故 D 项正确。A 项意为“任务” ;B 项意为“菜肴” ;C 项意为“奖赏,奖金” ,都与语境不符。12A.paused BdiscussedChesitated Dquarreled解析:选 A 根据该句中的“stood in a _ and prayed”可知,我们在饭前停了一会儿,围成一圈开始祷告。A 项意为“暂停” ,符合语境,故 A 项正确。B 项意为“

13、讨论” ;C 项意为“犹豫” ;D 项意为“争吵” ,都与语境不符。13A.line BcircleCrow Droom解析:选 B 根据该段最后一句中的“circle”可知,我们在饭前停了一会儿,围成一圈开始祷告。14A.hardly BseriouslyCparticularly Dcasually解析:选 C 根据语境可知,有些人提到了他们要特别感谢的事情。C 项意为“尤其,特别” ,符合语境,故 C 项正确。A 项意为“几乎不” ;B 项意为“严重地” ;D 项意为“随意地” ,都与语境不符。415A.joyful BcarefulCrespectful Dsorrowful解析:选

14、C 根据语境并结合常识可知,有些人提到了他们要特别感谢的事情,其他人则尊敬地保持沉默。C 项意为“尊敬的” ,符合语境,故 C 项正确。A 项意为“欢乐的” ;B 项意为“细心的” ;D 项意为“悲伤的” ,都与语境不符。16A.cry BsmileCcheer Dsing解析:选 A 根据语境可知,有些人开始哭泣,这是一种快乐的标志,而不是悲伤的标志。A 项意为“哭泣” ,符合语境,故 A 项正确。B 项意为“微笑” ;C 项意为“欢呼” ;D项意为“歌唱” ,都与语境不符。17A.knocked BdroppedCkicked Dswept解析:选 D 根据语境可知,此处表示“当桌子上最后

15、的食物被扫除一空时” ,sweep off 为固定搭配,意为“扫去” ,符合语境,故 D 项正确。A 项意为“撞,击” ;B 项意为“落下” ;C 项意为“踢” ,都与语境不符。18A.needs BtakesCwants Dloses解析:选 B 根据语境可知,有时表达感谢需要勇气,尤其是在悲伤时。由空前的 it及空后的“to give”可知选 takes,构成 it takes .to do。19A.monitors BruinsCadjusts to Dkeeps to解析:选 B 根据语境可知,在悲伤或是未曾料想到的事情破坏了计划时,表达感谢需要勇气。B 项意为“毁坏” ,符合语境,故

16、 B 项正确。A 项意为“监视” ;C 项意为“调整,调节” ;D 项意为“保持” ,都与语境不符。20A.call up Bturn toCbring back Dreflect on解析:选 D 根据语境可知, “我”回忆起了父亲和他的祷告。D 项意为“认真思考,沉思” ,符合语境,故 D 项正确。A 项意为“给打电话” ;B 项意为“求助于” ;C 项意为“带回来” ,都与语境不符。失分题型强化练.语法填空Mr.and Mrs. Zuckerberg announced to donate money again! The couple donated a total of 3 billion dollars to their program _1_ (call)


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