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1、1UnitUnit 1515 LearningLearning课时练(一) 阅读理解提速练练速度 (限时:35 分钟) .阅读理解 A A (2018杭州高三教学质量检测)“I never knew before,Cecil,that you were so fond of drawing, ”said Aunt Sophia,as she looked over the shoulder of her nephew,who was busy with his pencil.“You really have made great progress.”“I need to do so, ”cri

2、ed Cecil, “if I am to carry off the prize for drawing, as I am determined to do this term.”“I should have thought, ”said the aunt, “that you had little chance against Lee. He is an artists son,and has used the pencil from his cradle(摇 篮) ”“That will double the pleasure of beating him!” cried Cecil.“

3、Im working now at this four hours a day;he never draws more than two.”“You are not neglecting(忽视)your Latin for it, I hope? You have had the Latin prize every term for these three years past, ”said Aunt Sophia. “Yes, ”replied Cecil,with a proud smile, “there is no boy in our class who can match me i

4、n that,though Russell is now working hard. But I am not content with one prize:I cannot rest till I have won the paintbox for drawing,of which Tom Lee makes so sure.It would be glorious to beat the son of an artist on his own ground!”“Take care, ”said his aunt, “that you do not lose the Latin prize

5、in trying for what you are not likely to gain.”On the evening of the day on which the names of the prizewinners were read out,Cecil came home from school longfaced. His looks told his aunt enough to make her spare him the pain of questions;but his little sister Rosey was not so thoughtful.“Cecil, ”s

6、he cried, “tell me,are you to get the two prizes?”“No,not even one. I was so busy trying to beat Lee that I could not hold my ground against Russell.”Cecil threw himself into a sofa in an angry mood. Their aunt silently hoped that the lesson might prove worth the pain which it cost. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,

7、讲述了 Cecil 因为贪心而失掉两个奖项的故事。 Cecil 一心想要获得两个奖项,将大部分时间都用在了得奖希望并不大的绘画上,反而忽 略了自己原本有把握得奖的拉丁语,结果在两个比赛中都以失败告终。 1What made Cecil keep practicing drawing? AHis interest in drawing. BHis desire to win the prize. CLees being the son of an artist. DRussells working hard on Latin. 解析:B 细节理解题。本题问的是,是什么让 Cecil 一直练习画画

8、。由“I need to do so, ”cried Cecil.“if I am to carry off the prize for drawing,as I am determined to do this term.”(第二段)Cecil 大声说道:“这学期我决心获得绘画奖, 想要做到这一点,我就需要这样去做。 ”可知,他想要获奖的欲望让他这样做。故选 B。 2Which of the following words best describes Aunt Sophia? AConsiderate. BStrict.2CDetermined. DOptimistic. 解析:A 推理判

9、断题。本题问的是下列哪个词能最恰当地描述 Sophia 阿姨。根据 “His looks told his aunt enough to make her spare him the pain of questions;but his little sister Rosey was not so thoughtful.(倒数第四段最后 一句)看到 Cecil 的表情,Sophia 阿姨就知道什么都不用问了;但他妹妹 Rosey 可就没那 么体贴了。 ”可推知,Sophia 阿姨很体贴。故选 A。 3Why did Cecil fail to win any prizes? AHe didnt

10、put in enough time. BHe had no talent. CHe was too ambitious. DHe was too tired. 解析:C 推理判断题。本题问的是为什么 Cecil 一个奖都没有获得。通读全文可知, Cecil 一心想要击败 Tom Lee,获得两个奖,所以他下工夫练习画画,而疏于练习自己原本 很擅长的拉丁语,最终两个奖都与其无缘。由此可推断出 Cecil 失败主要是因为野心太大 而高估了自己的能力。故选 C。 B B (2018云南省第二次统一检测) Half of primary schools will adopt the traditio

11、nal Chinese method of maths teaching in a Government drive to stop British youngsters from falling behind their_Asian_counterparts. Youngsters in the UK are way behind those in China, Singapore and Japan in numeracy (计算能力). In the latest PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) tests fo

12、r 15yearolds, Shanghai came top in maths while the UK came 26th. The school will give up “childcentred” styles and instead return to repetition, drills and “chalk and talk” wholeclass learning. Primary school children will be taught “Shanghai maths” as British schools copy Chinese teaching methods t

13、o improve standards. So far 140 teachers have been trained in the approach. Currently, classes are often divided into groups based on ability. Critics blame the British teaching styles that focused on applying maths to reallife situations in an effort to make the subject more interesting. They say t

14、his has led to confusion and stopped children learning the basics. Under the Governments new plans, children as young as five will have drills to practise sums and exercises, and must master each concept before moving to the next. Nick Gibb, the schools minister, said that training will be provided

15、for 8 000 primary schools half the countrys total to switch to the Shanghai “mastery” approach. “We are seeing a renaissance (复兴) in maths teaching in this country, with good ideas from around the world helping to cheer up our classrooms, ” he said. 【语篇解读】 本文是一则新闻报道。英国半数小学课堂将推行中国传统的数学教学 模式来提高孩子们的数学计

16、算能力,以防止英国青少年在数学上落后于亚洲同龄人。 4The underlined words “their Asian counterparts” in Paragraph 1 refer to _. Athe weak pupils in Asia Bthe young students in Asia Cthe primary schools in Asia Dthe maths teachers in Asia 解析:B 指代判断题。根据第一段中的“British youngsters”可知,此处指英国政 府将在半数英国小学课堂推行中国传统的数学教学法,以防止英国少年落后于亚洲同龄人。3由此可推断出,画线部分指的是 Asian youngsters,即亚洲的少年们。 5Which of th


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