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1、 相关短语1. originate as. 以出现/起源 2. a means of survival 一种生存手段 3. develop into 发展成为 4. be allowed to 被允许 5. grow steadily 稳定增长6. twice in history 历史上两次 7. participate in 参加;参与 8. is considered to be(as)被认为是 9. what is more 此外 10. offer sb. help 给某人提供帮助 11. be similar to 与相似12. choose two subjects out of

2、. 从中选 择两个科目 13. earn its status as a sport 作为一项运动 取得它的地位 14. related reading materials 相关的阅读材料 15. broaden ones horizons 开阔视野 16. provide sb. with a platform 给某人提供 一个平台相关句式1. Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century.射击, 原先是一种生存手段, 只是到了 十九世纪晚期才

3、发展成一种运动项目。2. Women were first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting only in 1968.到了1968年才 允许女子参加奥运射击项目。3. The iPhone 4, a touch-screen smart phone, is the fifth generation of the iPhone. 苹果4, 即触屏智能手机, 是苹果的第五代产 品。4. What is most amazing is that you can order it to do things like sending messages

4、 with your voice.最令人称奇的是, 你可以利 用声音命令它发出信息。5. Students are encouraged to do a lot of related reading, which provides us with a platform for development.鼓励学生阅读 相关的读物, 提供他们一个发展的平台。6. Every student can choose two subjects out of 20 according to their own interests. 根据自己的兴趣, 每个学生可以从20名课 程中选两门。1. 项目描写一般是对

5、某个事物、某项活动、 某种风俗习惯等的描写, 考生平时应多阅读 英语报刊杂志, 了解最新的技术发展, 掌握一 些相关的地道英语, 如“畅销书”可以翻译为 best sellers,“卖断货”可以翻译为 “sell out of stock”。2. 考生在项目描写的作文中需要特别注意 词性, 比如说“这个产品是高质量的”, 考生 容易错翻译为 “This product is high quality”, 这就是考生直接按照字面翻译, 没 有注意到quality是个名词而不是形容词, 所 以考生应该翻译为 “This product is of high quality”。你很荣幸地成为2008

6、北京奥运会的一名志愿者, 负责编 写奥运比赛项目的英语介绍。 写作内容 请根据以下中文提纲,编写射击项目的英语介绍: 背景:射击击最初只是生存工具, 19世纪纪末 才发发展成为为一项项体育运动动 1896:第一次成为为奥运项项目 1904:中断 1928:中断 1932:重回奥运会 1968:第一次允许妇许妇 女参加奥运射击击比 赛赛 现现状:稳稳步发发展,1896奥运会只有三项项 射 击项击项 目, 现现今有17项项例题导写 1. 首先, 认真审题, 归纳信息。对于事物的描写和说 明, 考生可以根据事物的性质、特点划分信息。本 题目里对奥运射击的项目的陈述, 是按照时间顺序 排列, 因此在信

7、息点的划分这步相对容易。射击的 背景和现状分别是第一句和第五句, 射击的发展中 1896-1932年的变化可以用两句话表述, 1968年妇女 第一次获得参加奥运会的权利可以放在第四句描述 。 2. 接着, 词汇整理,草拟提纲。项目描写的文章考生 要注意使用正确、地道的语言把句子组织在一起。词汇整理 翻译或完成下列单词或短语。 句1: (1) 射击 _(2) 生存工具 _(3)直到才 _means of survival/means of making a livingshootingnot.until.句2句3: (4) (运动)项目 _(5) 中断 _(6) 重回奥运会 _ The spor

8、t returned to the Olympics / The Olympics were restarted.sports eventbe suspended/be paused句4: (7)允许妇女参加奥运射击比赛 _ _ _ _句5 (8)稳步发展 _allow/permit women to take part in/join in/compete in / participate in the Olympics 或women are admitted as competitors in the Olympicsdevelop steadily3. 难句翻译 翻译下列每组句子并合并成

9、一句 。 句1:(1)射击最初只是生存工具。(1)Shooting originated as a means of survival.(2)19世纪末才发展成为一项体育运动。 (2)Shooting developed into a sport only in the late 19th century.合并:Version 1: Shooting was originated as a means of survival and developed into a sport in the late 19th century.(并列句) / Shooting, (which was)orig

10、inated as a means of survival, didnt develop into a sport only until the late 19th century. /It was not until the late 19th century that shooting, (which was originated as a means of survival), developed into a sport.(定语从句, not.until 的句型)句2句3: (1) 1896:第一次成为奥运项目 (1) Shooting became an Olympic event

11、officially in 1896. (2) 1904:中断; (3)1928:中断 (2-3) Shooting was suspended in 1904 and 1928. (4) 1932:重回奥运会 (4) It returned to the Games in 1932.合并:Shooting became an Olympic event officially in 1896, but it was suspended in 1904 and 1928. It didnt return to the Games until 1932. /Shooting became an O

12、lympic event officially in 1896. Then, it was suspended in 1904 and 1928 but finally returned to the Games in 1932.参考范文Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. The sport first appeared in 1896, but none were contested during the 1904 and 1928

13、 Games. The sport returned to the Olympics in 1932. Women were first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting in 1968. The sport has grown steadily from just three shooting events at the 1896 Olympic Games to 17 today.4. 连句成文。考生在写作过程中不要被中文提示限制了 思路。如第一个信息点的“生存工具”, 考生容易翻译为 “the tool of survival”, 但在

14、这里用tool是不贴切的, 射击 不是实物, 应该是指“生存的方式”, 所以考生应该用 “the means of survival/the means of making a living”更 贴切。又如最后的一个信息点“稳步发展, 1896奥运会只 有三项射击项目, 现今有17项。”看上去似乎有三个分句 , 但其实通过逻辑分析,这个句子用一个简单句就可以 表示出来(“奥运会从只用三项射击项目稳步发展到现今 的17项”), 也就是学生只需要使用 develop steadily from.to.这个词组就可以把这个句子表述清楚了。能力提高 1. 短语翻译 (1)我很荣幸 _(2)有超过十年的历史 _(3)高的品质 _of high qualityI am honored to dohas a history of over 10 years(4) 不但而且 _(5) 国内外 _(6) 良好的售后服务_(7) 团圆、运气、财富的象征 _a symbol of reunion, luck and fortuneNot only.but alsoat home and abroadgood after-sale service(8) 表达祝福 _(9) 家庭聚会 _(10) 完善的功能 _complete functionsexpress best wisheshave



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