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1、1UnitUnit 7 7 单元测试题单元测试题(满分(满分 100100 分)分) 姓名姓名 得分得分 题题 号号得分得分单项选择题单项选择题( (本大题共本大题共 1515 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 1515 分分) )题题 号号1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 9101011111212131314141515答答 案案1. Henrys new house is about 300 square meters _ size. Its so large! AinBonCatDwith2. Which country has the _ popula

2、tion in the world? China.Its a little _ than that of India. Amost;mostBbiggest;biggerCmore;mostDbigger;biggest3. China is over 5,000 years old.Its one of _ countries in the world.Yes.It has much _ history than the USA. Aold;longBolder;longerColder;the longestDthe oldest;longer4. After lunch Sam _ me

3、 to a game of tennis. AfinishedBchallengedCbeatDwon5. After such a long time,he succeeded _his sister finally.AfindsBfindCin findingDto find6. Did you meet any problem during the climbing? Yes.As you know,its hard to _air as you get near the top.Atake inBtake awayCfall overDpick up7. Peter is _ boy

4、in our class and he often helps us carry heavy things. AstrongBstrongerCstrongestDthe strongest8. Daniel is _ his twin brother.They are both 1.75 meters tall. Ataller thanBshorter thanCas tall asDso tall as9. Do you know that China is one of _ countries in the world? Yes,I do.Its much _ than the US.

5、Aoldest;olderBthe oldest;olderCthe oldest;elderDthe older;elder10. The sick man tried standing _ his two legs but failed. AonBinCwithDby11. The earth is _ the moon. Aas 49 times big asB49 times as bigger asC49 times as big asDas big as 49 times12. If we want to be thinner and healthier,we should eat

6、 _ food and take _ exercise. Aless;moreBmore;lessCmore;fewerDfewer;more13. Sam is doing some _ about the ancient Silk Road. AexerciseBoperationsCresearchDexperiments14. Her uncle came back to Canada to visit her grandparents from America _Aeach two yearsBevery two yearsCeach two yearDevery two year1

7、5. What happened to your little brother? He ran too fast and _. Apicked upBfell overCtook inDdepended on完形填空完形填空(10(10 分分) )Probably you have seen photos of the Grand Canyon.But you must go there 1 to feel its size and beauty. The Grand Canyon is one of the greatest 2 wonders of the world. The Color

8、ado River made the Grand Canyon over millions of years. Slowly,the river cut down 3 hard rocks.At the same time,the land was 4 Today the canyon is very 5 Its also very 6 ,about 20 kilometers. And 7 its height,there are different kinds of plants and animals on both sides of the canyon. The canyon loo

9、ks different at different times of the day,and 8 different seasons and weather. At sunrise,the red,gold,brown and orange colors of the rocks are 9 clear and bright. Whether you see the Grand Canyon from the top or the bottom,it will be a(n) 10 that you will never forget.( )1.AyouByourCyoursDyourself

10、( )2.AnaturalBmodernCancientDnational( )3.AalongBthroughCacrossDpast( )4.AriseBrisingCroseDrisen( )5.AmoreBdangerousCdeepDlow( )6.AlongBdeepChighDwide( )7.Aas a resultBbecause ofCthanks toDthanks for( )8.AinBonCatDfor( )9.AespeciallyBfriendlyChardlyDdifferently( )10.AinterviewBtripCvisitDexperience阅

11、读理解阅读理解(30(30 分分) ) A ADo you know what the worlds highest waterfall is? You may say that they are Niagara Falls.Niagara Falls are really beautiful,but in terms of the height,the most fantastic one in the world are Angel Falls.They are deep in the jungles(丛林) of Venezuela. Few people have ever seen

12、Angel Falls.Its very hard to get there.If you go there on foot,you have to travel for weeks through thick jungles.If you go by plane from Caracas,a city on the southern coast,it will take about four hours.One of the most interesting facts about Angel Falls is how they were found.They 2were named aft

13、er an American pilot.His name was Jimmy Angel.In 1937,his plane crashed(坠毁) near the top of the falls.Thats how he found them. Angel Falls drop nearly a kilometer from a tabletop mountain.The water seems to be dropping straight out of the clouds.The height of the falls is very great.By the time the

14、water reaches the ground it has already turned into fog(雾) ( )1. Niagara Falls are very _ according to the passage.AsmallBbigCdangerousDbeautiful( )2. Few people have ever seen Angel Falls because _.Athe tickets are very expensiveBit isnt easy to get thereCthere arent enough hotels to live inDvisitors can only get there on foot( )3. If you want to visit Angel Falls,youll spend _ getting there by air from Caracas.Afour hoursBforty hoursCseveral daysDseveral weeks( )4. Who found Angel Falls?AA pilot from Caracas.BA man in Venezuela.CAn American pilot.DAn American visitor.( )5. What is the bes


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