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1、Prosperous Prosperous commercial centercommercial center TIANJIN TIANJIN ancient culture ancient culture streetstreet制作人:邵芳芳 杨丹 李妍 徐妍 徐彤 郭丽雅If this is your first visit to TIANJINIf this is your first visit to TIANJIN ,and you want to take a and you want to take a historicalhistorical and and cultura

2、l view of the citycultural view of the city,then your then your best best choicechoice will be to visit the will be to visit the ancientancient culture streetculture street。Historical 历史的;choice 选择;ancient 古老的Opened on new years day in 1986, the street is 580 meters long,with its architecture imitat

3、ing the folk style ofof the Qing dynasty.Located on the west bank of of HaiheHaihe river in river in nankainankai district district,it is a it is a commercialcommercial pedestrian street which is worth pedestrian street which is worth visiting .Furthermore, this street is visiting .Furthermore, this

4、 street is known as the Cradle of the Tianjin, known as the Cradle of the Tianjin, and is the first cultural, and is the first cultural, religiousreligious and business centre of the and business centre of the city.Incity.In its its centre is the famous centre is the famous Tianhou(HeavenlyTianhou(H

5、eavenly Queen) Queen) TempleTemple, , more popularly known as more popularly known as MazuMazu. .Imitating模仿;dynasty朝代;commercial商业的;religious宗教的;tempile庙宇Walking through the big memorial arch of Jinmen Guli(the Cralde of Tianjin),you will see bulidings imitating Qing Dynasty architecture.Decorating

6、 them are almost 100 steles and couplets composed by dozens of calligraphers, and altogether they look like an exhibition of calligraphy.Antiques,ancient books,traditional handicrafts and folk products are sold here.Additionally,the traditional folk-art Yangliuqing New Year paintings,Niren Zhangs Co

7、lour-Clay Figurines,Wei kites and Liu Carvings all have their shops there.Memorial纪念性的;cradle发祥地;decorating装饰;steles匾额;couplets对联;calligraphers书法家;antiques古玩;handicrafts手工艺品;colour-clay figurines泥人彩塑;carvings篆刻There are also local snacks,such as Chatang Soup,Guobacai,Earhole Fried Cake,etc.Among the

8、m,Chatang soup is particularly unique as it is poured from a kettle with a dragon-shaped mouth.Fried油炸的;unique特有的Above all, the Ancient Culture Street is rich in culture and folk customs,with warm friendly service.Tourists from all over the world are welcome to visit and shop there.泥人张彩塑天津泥人张彩塑是一种深得

9、百姓 厚爱的民间美术品,流传、发展 至今已有180年的历史。期间,经 过创始、乃至世界认可。令人万 分喜爱。 “泥人张”的彩塑,把传统的捏 泥人提高到圆塑艺术的水平,又 装饰以色彩、道具、形成了独特 的风格。它是继元代刘元之后, 我国又一个泥塑艺术的高峰,其 作品艺术精美,影响远及世界各 地,在我国民间美术史上占有重 要的地位!天津魏风筝“风筝魏”的创始人魏元泰生于清朝同治十一年 。他16岁进扎彩铺学徒,额外做小风筝卖。出 师后,自己开办“长清斋”扎彩铺,以研制风筝 为主。他的风筝特点,一是造型逼真。绸料折 叠风筝“蝴蝶”,栩栩如生,是其得意之作。二 是色彩明快艳丽。他吸收我国古建筑彩绘的退

10、晕法和冷暖色对比法,多用粉红、月黄、浅灰 、淡绿等色,重彩用在中心和重要部位,使风 筝适合高空放飞,与蓝天和谐成趣。三是做工 精细,风筝轻巧灵便。数丈长的风筝可折叠装 进一尺大小的盒子;袖珍式的风筝可装入信封 。四是飞行平稳,并发明、发展了许多特技, 如能自动上下飞舞的“弦上飞”,频频眨眼的“活 眼儿”,在空中撒下纸片的“送饭儿”,有节奏地 发出悠扬乐声的“谱子”等,深为人们喜爱。五 是品种多样,一生研制了平拍类、立体类、软 翅风筝、拆叠风筝共达200多种。 “风筝魏”的作品誉满海内外,曾于1912年获国 家直隶出品展览会金牌,又于1914年在美国旧 金山获巴拿马国际博览会金牌;“风筝魏”从此

11、 驰名中外。天津锅巴菜天津锅巴菜是天津具有独特风味的小吃 ,以大福来字号制作的最有名气。天津 锅巴菜柔软滑润,清素芳香,既可当菜 ,又可作早点或正餐,同芝麻烧饼一起 食用味美适口。天津茶汤 茶汤制作类似冲泡西湖藕粉,所谓茶汤,并 不用茶叶。这一天我们特地去天津古文街。 在古文街上,我们看到一个特大古式雕龙铜 茶壶搁在一个架子上,茶壶中间像老式火锅 并放燃料加热以保持水温。右边是个双层玻 璃柜。下层四格分别放着红糖、白糖、浅褐色 的高粱细面,淡黄色的糜子粉(北方的一种 杂粮),上层八格分别放着芝麻、瓜子仁、 花生仁以及樱桃、葡萄、山楂、桃、杏等各 式果脯。老板娘先从长的茶壶嘴里倒出少许 开水到茶

12、碗里,用一根浸在凉开水里的竹片 迅速搅动使水冷却,然后加入适量糜子粉和 白糖,一边搅拌,一边从铜壶里冲入滚水搅 成糊状,最后散入芝麻粉、瓜子仁、花生仁 和各式果脯,用水匙搅拌均匀,一碗色泽诱 人、香味扑鼻的茶汤就端在了我们面前。尝 一下,甜香软糯,齿颊 留香杨柳青年画杨柳青年画既有版画的刀法韵味, 又有绘画的笔触色调,构成与一般 绘画和其他年画不同的艺术特色。 杨柳青年画的题材多样,内容丰富 ,尤以反映现实生活,时事风俗、 历史故事等题材为特长,为广大群 众喜闻乐见。连年有余、荷 亭消夏等一些传统佳作,不仅在 民间广为流传,而且为中外艺术家 、收藏家视为珍品。周汝昌先生曾 为杨柳青年画写诗,作过形象生动 的描述“杨柳青青似画中,家家绣 女竟衣红。丹青百幅千般景,都在 新年壁上逢”。杨柳青年画作为民 族民间艺术,已走向世界,曾在日 本、法国、英国、意大利、泰国、 新加坡等国展出。The end


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