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1、 Unit 9 Saving the earthBy Ivyriver 2006.9.27What problems is the earth facing?problems the earth is facing:air pollutionwater pollutionnoise pollutionsoil erosionwhite pollutionoverpopulationpoverty war point in questionEg.debate/ avoid / confuse / raise an issueissue=one of a regular series of pub

2、lications (出版物的)期号issue stamps / shares/ the magazineV.= publish2. _(概括的说),the subject is so important.In summarysummarize /summarise V.=sum up He summarised /summed up his speech in a few words. make /write /give a summary of写摘要3. The Greens _ to live a simple life.A. are content B.is contentC.are

3、contented D. is contented content n.predict its content content adj.be content to do sthHe is content to remain where he is now.他安于现状=be willing to dobe content with sth=be satisfied with Dont be content with small success.content sb./oneself with sth V.n一块冰淇淋足以让小孩子满足了。 An icecream is enough to cont

4、ent the child. 4.A.be representative ( of sb./ sth.) adj =be typical of sb/ sth 我是代表其他成员提出要求的. My demand is representative of that (=the demand )of the other members B.a representative of sb /sth n.= typical example of a class or group 典型,有典型的人或事物展览会是现代中国艺术的代表 The exhibition is a representative of t

5、he modern Chinese art . a legal representative 法定代理人 5.Swittzerland has _ the sea _the River Rhine.A.an access to ; by B. access to; via C.an access to ; through D.access to ; acrossgain /get/ have access to A.access to sth= approach to sthn什么是成功之道? What is the access to success?B. access to sb / st

6、h= means of approaching or entering (a place); way in(接近或进入某地方的方法;通路=opportunity or right to use sth or approach sbIts difficult to gain access to him.接近他很难6.on earth /on the earthWhat _ do you mean ?你究竟是什么意思?when ,what ,who,where ,how,whyon earth/ in the worldused for emphasis look / be /feel like

7、nothing on earth = very bad;unwell;peculiar 他穿着奇装怪服难看级了 He looks like nothing on earth in those strange clothes.on earth7. I have never been to this _ island _before.A.alone;lonely B. alone; aloneC.lonely; lonely D.lonely; alone1.,alone: A.with out any companions I dont like going out alone after da

8、rk. B.without the help of other people or thingsI prefer to work on it alone. 2.leave / let sb/sth alone not try to influence or change sb/sth;not touch sb/sth不想左右或改变某人;不触摸 我早告诉过你不要动我的东西Ive told you before -leave my things alone. 3.let aloneI havent decided on the menu yet,let alne bought the food.我

9、还没决定吃什么菜呢,更不必说买好了=without considering 不必考虑8.He came here_to see you, _after he heard that you returned from abroad.A.specially;mainly B.especially; speciallyC.specially; especially D.especially; especially9.If we _ to develop the world successfully,we mustmake that everyone is able to take part in t

10、he newworld we create.A.ought B.are going C.are D.readybe to do sthA.expressing duty ;necessityYou are to report to the police.B.expressing arrangement;purpose;intention They are to be married.C.expressing posibility The book was not to be (could not be) found. D.expressing destinyHe was never to se

11、e his wife again.10.The end of the holiday came _ soon.A.all too B.too much C.too only D.none tooall+ too/ adjs /advs=more than desirable过于 all too often/ soon /quickly他过于兴奋 He was all too excited.11.Among the speakers was Chinas then Premier Zhu Rongji, who stressed the need for quality andfairness

12、 in the world. A.then attrib.The then Prime Minister took her husband with her on all her travels. 当时的首相每次外出都与夫偕行B.stress= put stress or emphasis on sth在会议上,他强调了教育的重要性。 He stressed the importance of education at the meeting. lay/put place stress on sth 重视/强调 一些学生不重视英语学习。nSome Students lay/put little

13、 stress on English study. under great stress在很大的压力下nHe is under great stress because of his new work.12.have / take /bear (a) responsibility for 承担。的责任Its ones responsibility to do sthIts my responsibility to lock the doors.我负责锁门。be resposible for 13. If you dont go to the party,_. A.So do I B.nor d

14、o I C.so will I D.nor will Ias is the willingness to act =so is the willingness to act 14. The key _the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers. A.to solving; making B.to solving ,madeC.to solve;making D. to solve; made the key to sth / doing sth =thing that provides access,control or under

15、standing 关键;要诀the key to the questions 15.He soon found himself _ his new co-workers.A. in harmony with B. along well with C. get along well with D. at harmony with in harmony (with sb/sth) = agreeing / matching协调一致,相配n大海与天空的和谐构成一幅美妙图画。harmony = agreement / pleasing combination of related things一致,匀

16、称,协调The harmony of sea and sky makes abeautiful picture.My cat and my dog live in perfect harmony.n我的猫和狗生活的非常和谐。16. put an end to sth =stop sth from happening abolish sth终止,废止n我们结束争吵吧。 Lets put an end to this quarrel. come to an end The meeting came to an end early. bringto an end He brought his lecture to


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