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1、Unit 12* *1 1Contents nIntroductionnText (A) analysisnSome comments on writingnText (B) analysisnFurther readingnExercisesDateDate2 2IntroductionnBoth Text A and Text B are excerpts from his book What to Listen for in Music (1939), in which Copland tries to give some suggestions on intelligently lis

2、tening to music and achieving a deeper understanding of the most rewarding of all art forms. DateDate3 3Aaron Copland (亚伦柯普兰) n(1) An American composer of film scores, opera, piano, chamber music, and other forms. Copland is best known for his ballet music (“Appalachian Spring,“ 1944; “Rodeo,“ 1942)

3、 and his orchestral works (“Lincoln Portrait,“ 1942; “Fanfare for the Common Man,“ 1942). n DateDate4 4n(2) Sincerely concerned about relating to a wide public without compromising his music, Copland succeeded brilliantly both with more complex works like the “Piano Variations“ and “Twelve Poems of

4、Emily Dickinson“ (1949-1950) and the subtle simplicity of his highly popular ballet music suites. He was the quintessential American nationalist composer. Blue Gene Tyranny, Rovi DateDate5 5Chamber musicn(1)室内乐(Chamber music),原意是指在 房间内演奏的“家庭式”的音乐,后引伸为在比 较小的场所演奏的音乐。现在指由一件或几件 乐器演奏的小型器乐曲,主要指重奏曲和小型 器乐合奏

5、曲,区别于大型管弦乐。DateDate6 6n(2) 顾名思义,室内乐(Chamber music),是在室 内演奏或演唱的音乐。但是,这“室”原指欧洲贵族 城堡中的音乐室,常是金碧辉煌而且宽敞的大“厅” 。由此而言,只有编制庞大,不得不在大戏院、大 音乐厅或大教堂作公共演出的(例如:华格纳、威 尔第的歌剧),才不能算是室内乐。如此,几乎所 有的巴洛克的器乐曲(甚至早期的歌剧)都可以算作 室内乐。DateDate7 7Text analysisText A From Composer to Interpreter to Listener DateDate8 8Text StructurenPa

6、rt I (para 13) A composer gives us himself. nQuestionsn1. What of himself does a composer express in his music?n2. What results in the formation of a composers style?DateDate9 9nPart II (para 47) The role of the interpreter is to assimilate and recreate the composers “message”. The interpreter must

7、be faithful to every composition.nQuestionsn3. How do you understand the “poor” and “tender mercies” in the sentence “the poor composer”? n4. How can interpreters solve the problem presented by the notes themselves?DateDate1010nPart III (para 810) The listeners responsibility is to try hard to make

8、our understanding of the art more profound. The future of music is in the listeners hands.nQuestionsn5. What kind of listener can be important to music and the makers of music?n6. How should we listen to music for the furtherance of an art?DateDate1111Jean Baptiste Lully (1632-1687): French court an

9、d operatic composer who once controlled court music and whose style of writing was widely imitated throughout Europe. He was known to be shrewd and unscrupulous, a man of insatiable ambition; his rise from violinist in Louis XIVs court band was meteoric and was accomplished by brazen and merciless i

10、ntrigue.Point 1DateDate1212n吕利(Jean-Baptiste Lully,1632 1687年),原名乔万尼巴蒂斯塔吕利( GiovanniBattista Lulli),意大利籍法国 作曲家。1632年11月28日生于佛罗伦萨, 1687年3月22日卒于巴黎。吕利于1661年加 入法国籍,因一个偶然的机会青云直上,从宫 廷芭蕾舞团的演员成长为皇家音乐舞蹈学校的 首任校长。他与大剧作家莫里哀(Molire) 相识,又受到卢梭思想的影响,创作了许多用 法语演唱的歌剧,成为法国歌剧的创始者。代 表作有阿尔西斯特、爱神与酒神的节日 等。DateDate1313Artist

11、ic achievementsn(1) 创造出一种被称为“抒情悲剧”( Tragedie lyrique)的法国歌剧形式。 n(2) 在歌剧中采用了与意大利歌剧序曲相反 的“慢快慢”法国式序曲。 n(3) 在歌剧中大量运用芭蕾,服装华丽。 n(4)歌剧采用法语,以有伴奏的宣叙调代替意 大利式的干念宣叙调,使宣叙调具有歌唱性; 歌剧中大部分用宣叙调,很少用咏叹调。 DateDate1414Richard Wagner (1813-1883): leading German composer of the late 19th century who was not simply a compose

12、r but a musical dramatist whose state works have a far-reaching significance; He lived wildly. In spite of his princely salary, he had to flee from Vienna to avoid imprisonment for debt because he had the inveterate habits of borrowing and living on others. Point 2DateDate1515Point 3Musical notation

13、: consists of symbols which deal mostly with two of the seven parameters-pitch and duration. These are the two most important parameters in music notation and, probably not coincidentally, the first ones to evolve. DateDate1616Point 4n(1) Musical intelligence: the ability to enjoy, perform or compos

14、e a musical piece. Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence includes sensitivity to pitch, timbre rhythm of sounds, as well as responsiveness to the emotional implications of these elements. Numerous computer programs have been written that use a very simple notation for pitch and duration the vertical positio

15、n (up or down) represents the pitch. DateDate1717n(2) The length of the note is symbolized by the length of the line anywhere from a sixteenth of an inch to five or six inches or more. A functional piece of music can be notated using just these two parameters. Most of the other ones, such as loudnes

16、s, instrumentation, or tempo, are usually written in English or Italian somewhere outside of the main musical framework.DateDate1818Point 5nVirgil Thomson (1896-1989) : a many- faceted American composer of great originality and a music critic of singular brilliance. He composed in almost every genre of music. DateDate1919Point 6nAlways remember that when you listen to a compose



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