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1、高二英语单元知识点总复习教案高二英语单元知识点总复习教案第 页 共 57 页 1高二英语高二英语 Unit1 Making a difference 知识点总复习教案知识点总复习教案Section I 课前准备、听力、口语1. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine per- cent perspiration. 天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的汗水。(p.1 Warming Up 右图上)(1) genius 天才,天资 U;有天才的人C 如: Genius is needed to solve the problem. 解决这

2、个问题需要天才。 Wuthering Heights is one of the most extraordinary books that human genius has ever produced.呼啸山庄是人的天赋所创造出的是非凡的作品之一。 Shakespeare was a genius. 莎士比亚是个天才。【短语】have a genius for. 在方面有天赋。如: She has a genius for mathematics. 她有数学天赋。 Your mother has a genius for managing such things. 你母亲在管理这些事情上很有

3、天赋。(2) percent = per cent 百分之 如: Ten percent of the pupils are absent today. 今天有 10%的学生缺席。 Fifty percent of the work has been finished. 50%的工作已经完成。 I think its ninety percent probable. 我想有 90%的可能。【注意】用 percent 构成的短语作主语时,谓语动词应根据 of 后的名词确定。【拓展】per 意为“每”。如: per day 每天 / per week 每周 / per pound 每镑 / per

4、 person 每人2. It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious. 分析明显存在的事物要非凡的头脑。(1) mind 表示“脑子,心(思);有某类头脑的人”时是可数名词。如: He doesnt have a particularly complex mind. 他的头脑并不特别复杂。 He is the greatest mind of our time. 他是我们这个时代最有头脑的人。 Great minds generally look at life in a way peculiar

5、to themselves. 智者通常以他们独特的方式看待生活。(2) undertake 着手做,从事,承担(undertook, under- taken) We can undertake the work for the time being. 暂时我们可以着手做这项工作。 She herself undertook the preparation of the room. 她亲自布置房间。 He undertook the leadership of the team. 他担负起领导全队的责任。【拓展】undertake 后接动词时需用 to do 形式。如: Next he und

6、ertook to pay off Godwins debts. 接下来他着手偿清戈德温的债务。 He undertook to finish the job by Friday. 他答应在周五前完成这份工作。【提示】undertake 也可接宾语从句,意为“保证”。如: Ill undertake that all the cattle shall grow well. 我保证所有的牲畜都能长得好。(3) It takes (sb.) sth. to do 为固定句式,take 意为“花费、需要”。如: That night it took him a long while to sleep

7、. 那天晚上他很久没睡着。 It takes two to make a quarrel. (Prov.) 一个巴掌拍不响。(谚) It took unusual courage and determination to break away from his family. 与他的家庭决裂需要非凡的勇气与决心。【注意】take 前也可用具体名词作主语。如: Writing books must take a great deal of time. 写书要花很多时间。 That takes some believing. 那事令人难以置信。3. You cannot teach a man a

8、nything; you can only help him find it within himself. Nothing in life is to be fearedonly understood. 你不可能把一切都教给一个人,你只能帮助他在自己认知的范围内去发现和了解事物。世上没有可怕的事情,只有需要了解的事情。(p.1 Warming Up 右图下)(1)句中的 to be feared 是不定式作表语,此处采用了 be to do 的结构,表示“应该、必须”之意。如: No one is to leave this building. 谁也不得离开这幢楼房。 The form is

9、 to be filled in and returned within three weeks. 请于三周内将表填好并返回。【拓展】be to do 也可表达计划或安排。如: Their daughter is to be married soon. 他们的女儿很快就要结婚了。 Who is to question him? 该由谁来问他?【提示】be to do 有时可表示“可能性”。如: Not a sound was to be heard. 一点儿声音也听不到。 We looked and looked, but the ring was nowhere to be found. 我

10、们找了又找,可这枚戒指在哪儿也找不到。(2)only understood 是省略形式,补充完整则为“Therere only things to be understood“。4. The great mind was on fire for. 这位智者因而充满热情。(p.2 Listening Great mind No 2 Ex.1)on fire 本义为“着火”,用于比喻意义为“非常激动,充满热情”。 The house was on fire. 房子着火了。 When I saw he was on fire I knocked him down and rolled him. 看到

11、他身上着火时,我把他推倒在地,让他在地上打滚。 These students are on fire for what they are learning in the computer class. 这些学生对计算机课上学的东西充满热情。【拓展】有关 fire 的短语: catch fire 着火(表动作) / make fire 生火 / light a fire 点一把火 / open fire 开火 / play with fire 玩火 / set.on fire = set fire to.放火烧/ under fire 受到攻击 /go through fire and wate

12、r 赴汤蹈火5. The scientists name is similar to the English word for. 这位科学家的名字和英语单词相似。(p.2 Listening Great mind No 2 Ex.2)for 在本句中表示“(某词)”。如: Whats the English word for this object? 这个物体的英语单词是什么? Whats the word for “to travel“ in French? “to travel” 在法语中怎么说?【拓展】for 还可表示目的、原因、交换关系、对于、赞成、主张等方面的意义。如: He wou

13、ld do anything for her. 他愿意为她做任何事。 She went to France for holiday. 她去法国度假了。 France is famous for its wines. 法国因其葡萄酒而闻名。 Forgive me for keeping you waiting. 很抱歉让你等着。 I have no ear for music. 我听不懂音乐。(或:对音乐我一窍不通。) Its quite warm for February. 对于二月份来说,天气够暖和的。 Are you for the government or against it? 你是

14、支持还是反对政府? I followed him for some distance. 我跟着他走了一段路。6. Decide who will represent each branch, then prepare your role card and let the debate begin! 确定每个学科由谁代表,然后准备角色卡片,开始辩论! (p.2 Speaking 第 3 行)1) branch 此处意为“(学科)分科、分支”。如: English is a branch of the Germanic family of languages. 英语是日耳曼语系的一个分支。 Mat

15、hematics is a branch of science. 数学是一门科学。【拓展】branch 也可意为“树枝;分支机构;分会;支流;支线”等。如: He climbed up the tree and hid among the branches. 他爬上树去,藏在树枝里。 They set up fifty branches throughout the country. 他们在全国各地建立了 50 个分店(或分会)。 The river has a lot of branches. 这条河有许多支流。【提示】branch 也可用作定语: branch stores 分店; bra

16、nch office 分局; branch railway 铁路支线高二英语单元知识点总复习教案高二英语单元知识点总复习教案第 页 共 57 页 22) debate 作动词用,意为“辩论,争论,参加辩论”,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。如: The question of whether war can be abolished has often been debated. 战争能否废除是人们常常争论的一个问题。 They were debating about a foolish question. 他们在争论一个愚蠢的问题。【注意】debate 可用于 debate about sth. With sb. 的结构。【拓展】debate 也可用作名词。如: After


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