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1、The analysis of clothing The analysis of clothing industry marketing industry marketing environmentenvironment微观环境微观环境 MicroenvironmentMicroenvironmentv服装总体市场分析服装总体市场分析衣、食、住、行是人类生活的四 大元素。人们把“衣”放在首位,可见 衣服对于我们的重要性。中国人口十四亿,庞大的人口 基数本身就组成了一个庞大的服装 消费市场。同时随着中国国民收入的不断 飞升,在2004年人均GDP超过了 1000美元后,中国市场将进入精品 消费时

2、代,服装消费将不再仅仅为 了满足其最基本的生存需求,将向 更高的心理需求、自我满足需求跃 进,特别是几千万人口跨入中产阶 级后,其对反映自身社会地位和品 位的服饰的需求将越来越迫切,将 成就一批抓住了该阶层需求的服装 品牌。国内服装市场将越做越大,市 场细分将越来越小,但今后国内服 装市场的消费趋势将集中在精品化 和个性化上。vThe overall apparel market analysisvClothing, food and shelter, are the four elements of human life. People put “clothing” into the fir

3、st place; so, we can know the how the clothing important it is.v China has a population of 1400000000. A huge population base itself on the formation of a large apparel consumer market.v At the same time as Chinas national income continues to soar in 2004, per capita GDP exceeded 1,000 U.S. dollars,

4、 the Chinese consumer market will enter the era of boutique clothing consumer will no longer just to meet their most basic needs for survival, will be higher psychological needs to meet the needs of self-leap, especially after a few million people into the middle class, their social status and refle

5、ct their own taste of the increasingly urgent demand for clothing, the achievements of a number of the class needs to seize the clothing brand. vThe domestic apparel market grew and grew, market segmentation will become increasingly smaller, but the future trend of the domestic apparel market will f

6、ocus on consumer- oriented and personalized boutique on.一、供应商市场需求与供给 Suppliers to the market demand and supplyv这个需考虑到全国经济发展不均衡的国情,服装行业的 供求情况地区差异较大。所以需要分地区来分析市场的 供求情况。就中国来讲,大可分为东部,中部和西部。 东部发展势头平稳供不应求情况较多,中部次之,西部 最差。vThe need to take into account the uneven economic development in the countrys nationa

7、l conditions, supply and demand of the apparel industry regional differences. So it is necessary to analyze the sub-regional market supply and demand. On Chinas terms, they can be divided into eastern, central and west. Stable in short supply situation in eastern momentum more central, followed by W

8、estern worst.二、服装行业的主要供应商 Main suppliers 上游面辅料供应:梭织面料企业 针织面料企业印染企业辅料生产企业 Upstream supply of surface materials: woven fabrics businessKnitted fabrics businessPrinting companiesAccessories manufacturers服务性组织:行业协会专业网站服装节以及专业展会 Service organizations: AssociationProfessional websiteFashion Festival as we

9、ll as professional exhibition 关联性企业:缝制设备供应商服装CAD,ERP等数字化技术设备供应商 Associated enterprises: Sewing equipment suppliersApparel CAD, ERP and other digital equipment suppliers三、消费者购买心理分析 Consumers of psychological analysis v现在消费者逐渐转向休闲服饰消费,主要是休闲 服饰带来新的生活方式,即简单又舒服,特别年 轻消费者的影响力会较大。同时随着“新正装”的 兴起,45岁下的中青年消费者逐渐

10、倾向于“新正 装”风格,对休闲服装的要求也不断提升 。 vConsumers are now turning to casual clothing consumption, mainly to bring the new lifestyle of casual clothing that is simple and comfortable; especially the young consumers influence will be more. With the “new dress” the rise of middle -aged consumers under the age of

11、45 and gradually tend to the “new dress” style of casual clothing is rising.四、市场调查 Marketing surveyv据一份对十个一线城市的15- 60岁的消费者抽样调查( 2003年数据)表明:v被调查的消费者如要购买中档 服装,会以香港品牌为首选; 购买高档服装者,以外国名牌 为首选;v 77%受访者表示,每次逛 街消费都会到服装店;v 在白领女性受访者中,83 -85%经常到服装店购物;v 消费者通常在假日购买成 衣的比例:香港73%、广州 61%、上海59%、深圳55%、 成都46%;v 消费者购买成衣的

12、渠道: 连销店(38%)居首位,其余 依次为百货店(35%)及服装 购物商场(16%);v 受访学生之中,逾半喜到 连锁店购买便服;女行政人员 则喜欢在百货店购买衣服;v 受访女白领中逾60%最注重 品质,54%注重颜色与款式, 38注重价格vAccording to one of the ten cities of the sample survey of consumers age 15-60 (2003 data) show that:v Surveyed consumers to buy mid-range, such as clothing, will be the preferre

13、d brand in Hong Kong; who buy high-end fashion to the preferred foreign brands;v 77% of the respondents said that every consumer will be shopping to the clothing store;v In white-collar female respondents,83- 85% often go to clothing store shopping;v Consumers usually buy clothing in the proportion

14、of holiday: Hong Kong 73%, 61% in Guangzhou, Shanghai, 59%, 55% Shenzhen, Chengdu, 46%;vChannels for consumers to buy clothing: chain stores (38%) ranked first, followed by department stores (35%) and clothing shopping malls (16%);vAmong students surveyed, more than half of hi to the store to buy ci

15、vilian clothes; female executives is like buying clothes in department stores; Female white-collar respondents are most concerned about quality more than 60%, 54% focus on the color and style, 38% focus on price宏观环境宏观环境 MacroenvironmentMacroenvironment在全球性经济衰退影响下,2009 年我国实现国内生产总值335353 亿元,按可比价格计算, 比

16、上年增长8.7%,增速比上年回落0.9 个百分点,成功完成“保八”目标,国民经济总体回升向好 。工业生产总值增长加快,全年社会消费品零售总额实际增速快速上升,城镇固定资产投资较上 年明显加快,居民消费价格逐步回升。国家实施了宽松的宏观政策,全年信贷投放,达到9.5 万 亿。Macro economic environment improvement:In the global economic slowdown in China in 2009, GDP reached 33.5353 million yuan, according to the comparable price, a 8.7% growth from last year, more than the previous year, a drop of 0.9% growth successfully completed “protect the eight



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