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1、最实惠的五大海外最实惠的五大海外 旅游目的地旅游目的地 We tend to think that we need to save up thousands of dollars in order to justify taking those vacation days and heading out of town. But we might not need quite as much as we think. 我们总是认为,为了实现享受假期和走出 城市的愿望,我们需要存下数千美元。但是, 我们可能不需要这么多钱就能实现这个梦想。 Even with a tight budget, yo

2、u can still score amazing travel memories at a great priceyou simply have to choose the right place. 即使手头拮据,你依然可以在合理的价位收获 曼妙的旅行记忆你只要选对旅游目的地就行。 We combed the globe for memorable escapes that wont require you to take out a second mortgage. They run about 20% to 70% cheaper than marquee destinations, w

3、ith just as much to see, do and enjoy. 我们在全球各地找出了最令人难忘的旅游目的 地,不需要你办理第二次抵押贷款就能前往。这些 景点的费用比顶级旅游目的地便宜大约20%到70% ,但同样能让你欣赏美景、四处闲逛并享受假期。 1. Lisbon, Portugal 1. 葡萄牙里斯本 With the faades of many of its buildings decorated with azulejostiles painted in flowery, intricate blue designsLisbon rivals the beauty of

4、 many other European capitals, and youll pay about 20% less for lodging. 里斯本许多建筑的外墙上都装饰着精美的 瓷砖壁画,瓷砖上描绘着复杂的蓝色花卉纹 饰。里斯本的美景与许多其他欧洲国家的首都 不相上下,但住宿费用大约低出20%。 The local economy is still reeling from the countrys financial crisis, which means that hotels are offering deep discounts on rooms to lure foreign

5、tourist dollars. Despite the austerity, the city feels sumptuous, with its well-restored colonial-era castle, Castelo de So Jorge; colonnaded plazas and countless art galleries and museums. 当地经济依然受到葡萄牙金融危机的不利 影响,这意味着酒店客房正在提供大幅折扣, 以吸引外国游客的入住。尽管经济萧条,但是 这座城市依然富有繁华的气息,这里有保存完 好的殖民时期城堡圣乔治城堡(Castelo de So

6、Jorge)、石柱林立的广场和不计其数的画 廊与博物馆。 Best Bargain: Lisbon has a major sweet tooth and is well known for its pastries. The typical price of its signature custard tarts will only set you back 0.75 euro (about $1.10). Youll pay a little extra for the version of the dessert called pasteis de Belm at the citys f

7、amous Antiga Confeitaria de Belm. 最佳省钱妙招:里斯本拥有品种繁多的甜 食,以精美糕点闻名于世。蛋挞是里斯本最知 名的甜点,通常售价只有0.75欧元(约合1.10美 元)。你只要多花一点钱,就能在这座城市著名 的贝伦糖果糕点店(Antiga Confeitaria de Belm)品尝到名为“贝伦蛋挞”的甜点。深圳留学机构http:/ 2. Qubec City 2. 魁北克市 This Canadian city offers stellar French cuisine and architecture for much less than Paris.

8、The U.S. dollar is roughly equal to the Canadian dollar, so prices for our neighbor to the north are alluring when compared to the eurothe exchange rate of which puts a 30% premium on everything in France. 这座加拿大城市拥有一流的法国美食和建 筑,消费水平远远低于巴黎。美元和加拿大元 的汇率基本持平,因此在美国的北方邻国加拿 大,商品价格非常诱人,尤其是与欧元相比 根据欧元汇率计算,法国的所

9、有商品都要贵出 30%。 Inside Qubec Citys centuries-old walls, you can check out glass-blowing factories, shops like La Petite Cabane Sucre de Qubec that sell maple syrup and the annual winter festival of Carnival, when towering ice sculptures and horse-drawn sleighs take over the city. 在魁北克市拥有数百年历史的建筑里,你 可以找

10、到玻璃吹制工厂和出售枫糖的商店,比 如魁北克枫糖屋(La Petite Cabane Sucre de Qubec);还能参加每年冬季举行的狂欢节,届 时这座城市会有高大的冰雕和马拉雪橇活动。 Best Bargain: Get a birds-eye view of the city by riding the finicular for just $2. The steep railroad line is open year-round, and shuttles visitors between the cliff-top portion of the city and its por

11、t town, known for having some of the oldest streets in North America. 最佳省钱妙招:要想纵览这座城市的美景 ,你可以乘坐索道缆车,只要花2美元。这条陡 峭的缆车线路全年开放,把旅客从山顶的城市 送到港口城区,这里有几条北美地区最古老的 街道。 3. Roatn, Honduras 3. 洪都拉斯罗阿坦岛 The word is getting out about the first- class diving, ecotourism and zip-lining adventures available for discou

12、nt prices in Roatn, a Bay Island off the coast of Honduras. 这个名字让我们想到一流的潜水设施、生 态旅游和高空滑索,在洪都拉斯海湾群岛的罗 阿坦岛上,你能够以优惠的价格享受这些旅游 项目。 In November 2012, American Airlines began direct flights from Miami, and many other carriers have been increasing flights to its pink-and-white sand beaches via connections in

13、 the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa. Once in Roatn, expect to pay approximately half the price of lodging on a higher-profile Caribbean island. 在2012年12月,美国航空公司(American Airlines)开通了迈阿密直飞罗阿坦岛的航班, 其他多家航空公司也增加了飞往这座拥有粉白 色沙滩的小岛的航班,这些航班通过洪都拉斯 首都特古西加尔巴中转。罗阿坦岛的住宿价格 预计比知名度较高的加勒比小岛低一半左右。 Best Bargain: A scu

14、ba dive in the local bay watersthrough a tropical hallucination of colorful fish in the worlds second-largest barrier reeftypically costs a mere $40, roughly half the cost of an underwater plunge in the U.S. Virgin Islands. 最佳省钱妙招:在当地海湾水域潜水穿 越世界上第二大堡礁,观赏五颜六色的热带鱼 类通常只要支付40美元,大约是你在美属维 尔京群岛进行水下探索花费的一半。

15、 4. Albuquerque, New Mexico 4.新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基 Hiking high in the hills is a cost-effective (and heart-healthy) getaway, but many of Americas most famous parks are located in hard-to-reach spots. The solution: Head to Albuquerque, a town in central New Mexico whose well-connected airport is a mere half- hour away from scenic parkland. 在山区徒步旅行是最省钱(和最有利心脏健 康)的旅行方式,不过许多美国知名的公园都坐 落在难以到达的景区。我们的解决方案是:前 往新墨西哥州中部的阿尔伯克基,这座小城拥 有四通八达的机场,距离风景优美的公园只有 半小时车程。 Trails cross vistas of red rock and aspen forest, Native American pueblo homes and fascinating desert plant life. Get the lay of the land by ridi


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