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1、雅思主流写作题型之观点判断型 表现形式Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Discuss both opinions/statements (and give your own one). To what extent do you agree (or disagree)?How far do you agree (or disagree)?Whats your opinion towards the statement?题目示例2009年2月7日Rich countries often give financial aid to poor

2、 countries, but it does not solve the poverty, so rich countries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than the financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2009年3月7日Some people think music plays an important role in society. Others think it is it is simply a form of

3、 entertainment.Discuss both sides of this argument and give your own opinion.观点判断型话题细分观点判断题又通常分为两类。一种是观点陈述分正反两派。如:2009年4月25日Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important for a childs education than going to school. But others believe that schools and teachers are essential for

4、 children to learn effectively.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.另一种是题目中只提一种观点立场,但通常里面含两个对立要素。如:2009年3月21日Some people think it is more important to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment for people who are already il

5、l. To what extent do you agree or disagree?解题步骤一:审题善于把握题目中的关键字词:题干中的主语或者宾语, 即把握 “谁”, “哪个”问题定性, 即把握 “更重要”, “应该”:如More important/essential;Necessary/unnecessaryRather /other than解题步骤二:确定基调Discuss both views 型的题目:只适合对称式 的写法, 即两边的观点你都需论证.(即使你 完全只同意当中的一派)Do you agree型的题目: 可写成一边倒, 即对 题目观点完全的赞同或否定,并就此展开论 述

6、; 也可以写成对称型, 即对题目观点部分 同意.解题步骤三: Discuss both views型的题目段落安排注意: 一般只能写成对称型.第一段:复述观点,表明自己大概立场第二段/第三段:正/反的主要观点各写一段(可 举1-3,视难易程度决定,但长度要合适,轻重程 度排序得当)。两种观点的顺序可自由调换。不 过建议养成自己的习惯以免临时决定浪费时间。同之前利弊型一样,如果某一个观点论得比较透的 话, 同意/反对可以只着重讲一个,其他带过.说明:根据自己的立场决定写作时掌握何派观点 的篇幅,以及语气强弱。第四段:结论,强调自己的观点偏好。解题示范1:对称式论文 首段模板开头段:介绍两派观点,

7、可表明偏向, 也可 “引而不发”Some people hold the belief that 观点A, while others disagree. They contend that 观 点B. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the former/latter opinion 或者both sides of the argument have some strong points and sound reasons.对称式论文 论述段套句第二段:On the one hand, A观点成立 for the following rea

8、sons: (firstly/in the first place/to begin with; furthermore, moreover, whats more, secondly等列举过 渡词在二三段的应用) 第三段:On the other hand, B观点成立 because: 1,2.对称式论文 总结段模板From what has been discussed, it can be seen that there is certain degree of truth in both of the arguments. Personally speaking, I tend to

9、 side with the former/latter opinion/idea that 观点A/观点B相对更有道 理。范文赏析Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 题目分析:

10、 观点分析型(但不适合一边倒,适合对称 型, 因为两派的观点都有道理.关键词: (引)increasing business and cultural contact; (论) positive development/lose national identities.The world today is characterized by the free flow of information and commodity. The frequent interaction and growing interdependence among countries have ended the d

11、ays of regional isolation and absolute national sovereignty(背景介绍,完全不用模 板, 接着引出所讨论问题), but they have also sparked off sharp controversies over the positive and negative impacts that a global culture can bring into our life. (名词性从句及定语从句计数: 1)Some people say that (宾语从句) the widening international excha

12、nges, both in the field of business and culture, have exerted positive influences on a nation as well as its people. (改写题目正方 观点原句). To begin with, they promote business cooperation among nations.(经济原则) For example, large multinational companies spread the latest technologies and experience around th

13、e world, and international trade has helped so many less developed economies grow (经济/技术原则, 例证法). Also, they enrich peoples lives because people of one nation are given opportunities through international tourism, exhibitions and fairs, TV programs and films, etc, to enjoy the achievements of other

14、cultures across the globe. (名词性从句及定语从句计数:1)However, other people argue that (宾语从句) these conditions also create the possible danger of undermining a countrys national identity (改写题目反方观点原句). In the first place, traditional cultures might fall victim to a global media and entertainment force. This is

15、most evident in some parts of the world (定语从句) where “Americanization” is threatening the preservation of their indigenous culture. In China for instance, few youngsters like or understand “Peking Opera”, the quintessence of Chinese culture; they go for Hollywood movies and rock music instead. Moreo

16、ver, in the process of globalization, the world is getting less linguistically diverse, as a growing number of people give up their native language for the dominant language in the world - English.(文化原则/引证法) ( 名词性从句及定语计数:2)From my point of view, both arguments are the true reflections of the possible consequences of an increasing economic and cultural interaction among na



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