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1、读写任务作文评讲How can we summarize the given material?Here are three steps to follow!The first step. Figure out what type of writing the passage is.The second step.Find out the key points of the passage.HowThree most common types of writing:The narrative writing(记叙文) Ex. English Weekly The 13th issue C2(挫

2、折中笑迎生活)The argumentative writing(议论文) Ex. English Weekly The 16th issue C2(耐心的重要性)The expository writing(说明文) Ex. English Weekly The 5th issue C2(中学生劳动现象)紧扣主线,找要点论点,论据在每段中找中心句The first step. Figure out what type of writing the passage is.The second step.Find out the key points of the passage.The thi

3、rd step.Present the key information properly.注意: 时态(记叙文通常用一般过去时) 人称(第三人称) 字数(30字左右), 句型(1-3句,2句最合适) 不能整句照抄Summary 开头(参考五三333页和雅美英语107页)The story /passage is about The author tells us/shares with us The passage /author highlights the importance of The passage /author discusses/displays the effect /im

4、pact/influence ofThe passage /author compares The passage /author argues for/ against The passage /author tells us about/that According to the passage/ author, As can be seen from the passage, It can be easily concluded from the passage that. By presenting the example of , the author tries to tell/

5、show us Example:The passage shows the view that work is helpful to health for the reason that keeping busy lets people get away from loneliness, and get a sense of fulfillment and achievement. The author holds the view that work can make people healthier because it helps people to get away from lone

6、liness and gain a sense of fulfillment and achievement. The author highlights the effect of work on peoples health, because it can rid one of loneliness, and make one feel fruitful and proud of himself, which always contributes to a good body. 正文: 注意: 1.认真理解写作要求 2. 分段来写 3. 要点要齐全4. 要有自己的观点,即就此话题,要有话可

7、说 5. 语言要准确,句型不能单一,或过于简单, 运用丰富的词汇和非谓语结构以下按段落赏析好句好观点 第二段:你赞同“努力学习也可以快乐生活”这一观点吗? 简要阐述理由!(要表明自己的态度,还要讲讲理由) I absolutely agree (with the view) that we can study hard and lead a happy life at the same time. It is always my belief that one can study hard I fully support the statement that we can study hard

8、 and in the meanwhile live happily. From my perspective, studying hard is not contradictory with living happily. I support the opinion that we can work hard as well as live happily. As far as I am concerned, there are no conflicts between working hard and enjoying a happy life.第二段:你赞同“努力学习也可以快乐生活”这一

9、观点吗? 简要阐述理由! (要表明自己的态度,还要讲讲理由) It is generally believed that we can sleep better after working hard. There is no denying the fact that Although study means that we have to spend most of our time learning something we dont know, it will make us feel happy when we apply our new knowledge to life. Stud

10、ying hard means treasuring our youth and not wasting time, which can keep a person in high spirits and lead to a busy but happy life. Even though studying is a bit boring, we can still make progress in learning, which can considerably provide 第二段:你赞同“努力学习也可以快乐生活”这一观点吗? 简要阐述理由! (要表明自己的态度,还要讲讲理由)us wi

11、th confidence. As our confidence begins to accumulate , we will feel a sense of achievement and tend to be more confident, which in turn will lead to a happier life. The reasons for that can be listed as follows: working hard means a positive attitude to life. Whats more, only by working hard can we

12、 achieve success and understand the real meaning of happy life.第三段:举例说明你的同学是如何努力学习并保持健康乐 观的心态的?(要有例子) Most of my friends never fail to study hard and at the same time, enjoy their life. Whenever they are worn- out after hard work, they may go to the playground for some exercise. After the exercise,

13、they return to the good mood and keep working on. My classmate, Jack, studies very hard and he also has a happy life. Jack loves literature very much and he is interested in what he is learning, so he can devote himself to studying it. There is no doubt that he is very happy with it. Jack has found

14、his interest so he can not only study hard but also keep a positive attitude.第三段:举例说明你的同学是如何努力学习并保持健康乐 观的心态的? (要有例子)There are many examples in my life, who study hard and keep a healthy and positive attitude. They make themselves like learning what they learn, so that they never complain. When they

15、feel tired of studying, they will do some exercise, like playing basketball, or jogging. Furthermore, they all like to communicate with classmates.第四段:简述如何才能做到努力学习并快乐生活?There is no doubt that we have a lot of homework to do in our school life, which sometimes is really dull and stressful, but if we

16、can find out the advantages of study, keep calm and patient when we are tired out because of study, we can lead a happy life meanwhile. In my opinion, it is important to play happily when you are playing and to study attentively when you are studying. To enjoy a happy life and work hard at the same time, first, we should hold a positive attitude to our life. Then set a goal for



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