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1、Unit One* *1 1Contents nIntroductionnText (A) analysisnSome comments on writingnText (B) analysisnFurther readingnExercisesDateDate2 2IntroductionnText A is one of the earliest existing documents of Greek philosophy and traditionally the first complete text read in the study of Classical Greek.nText

2、 B argues for a ready apology in life and concludes a person who apologizes has the moral ball in his court. DateDate3 3What is an apology?n1. The literal meaningnA statement expressing that one is sorry for having done something wrong, for causing pain or trouble.DateDate4 43. Apology Is for Everyo

3、ne.Quotations and ProverbsApology is a lovely perfume; it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift. Margaret Lee Runbeck A clear conscience is more valuable than wealth. Filipino ProverbDateDate5 54. The change in the meaning of apologyIn ancient Greek, it was jurisprudential(法 理学的):

4、signifying (meaning) a defense, or a defense speech in which the prosecutions case was answered point by point. DateDate6 6The Apology of SocratesA. 苏格拉底的申辩B. 苏格拉底的道歉DateDate7 7Socrates (469 BC399 BC) Classical Greek Athenian philosopher, an enigmatic(puzzling, mysterious) figure known chiefly throu

5、gh the accounts of later classical writers, especially the writings of his students Plato (柏拉图)and Xenophon(色诺芬).DateDate8 8Text analysisText A Apology of Socrates (excerpt)DateDate9 91. Supporting ideasEternity is then only a single night. What would not a man give if he might converse with the son

6、s of God? Part I. Death is an unspeakable gain.DateDate10102. 苏格拉底的罪名Socrates was sentenced to death for denying the official gods and corrupting the youth.公元 前399年,一个叫莫勒图斯的年轻人在雅典状告 哲学家苏格拉底,说他不信城邦诸神,引进新的 精灵之事,败坏青年。于是,苏格拉底被传讯, 在500人组成的陪审团面前作了著名的申辩。但 申辩并没有挽救苏格拉底的性命。他最后被判处 死刑。苏格拉底之死和耶稣之死,为西方文明打 下了两个基本色

7、调。而苏格拉底之死之所以成为 西方哲学史上的核心事件,首先归功于柏拉图的 苏格拉底的申辩。 DateDate1111In his final speech, Socrates tells the Athenians that they will be shamed in the future for their action and explains why he doesnt fear death. (See Note 1)DateDate12123. Is Socrates afraid of death? Let us reflect and we shall see that ther

8、e is great reason to hope that death is a good, for one of two things-either death is a state of nothingness and utter unconsciousness, or, as men say, there is a change and migration of the soul from this world to another. (translate)DateDate1313n或者我们换个角度考虑这个问题,我们会 看到有很充分的理由让我们相信死亡是很 好的事情,因为死亡无非是两种

9、可能情况 之一:或者他就是空空的一无所有也一无 所知,或者,他就是象人们说的,是灵魂 的一种迁移,从这个世界,到另外一个世 界。 DateDate1414I shall then be able to continue my search into true and false knowledge; as in this world, so also in the next; and I shall find out who is wise, and who pretends to be wise, and who is not. (translate)4. In pursuit of tru

10、thDateDate1515n最重要的是,在那儿我可以继续我对真实 和虚假知识的研究,就象在这个世界上一 样,在那个世界也可以这么去做,我会辨 别谁是真正聪明的,谁只是装作聪明而实 际上是个笨蛋。DateDate1616聪明人的定义?How to define a wise man? How to become a wise man?5. Is Socrates a wise man?DateDate17176. A pilgrim is someone who travels a long way to a holy place as an act of religious love and

11、 respect. (see Note 3)DateDate1818In another world they do not put a man to death for asking questions; assuredly not. Socratic method: 苏格拉底问答法在教学或讨论中通过问答引出疑问者预 期结论的方法。Part II. DateDate1919n“苏格拉底方法”自始至终是以师生问答的形 式进行的,所以又叫“问答法”。苏格拉底在 教学生获得某种概念时,不是把这种概念 直接告诉学生,而是先向学生提出问题, 让学生回答,如果学生回答错了,他也不 直接纠正,而是提出另外

12、的问题引导学生 思考,从而一步一步得出正确的结论。DateDate20201. The Trojan War was waged against the city of Troy by the Achaeans (Greeks) after Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband Menelaus, the king of Sparta. The war was narrated in many works of Greek literature, including the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer. DateD

13、ate21212. If they seem to care about riches, or anything, more than about virtue 重要论述 a. 哲学在于认识自我b. 美德即知识c. 探求真理的辩证法DateDate2222n把哲学从研究自然转向研究自我,即后来 人们所常说的,将哲学从天上拉回到人间 。他认为对于自然的真理的追求是无穷无 尽的;感觉世界常变,因而得来的知识也 是不确定的。苏格拉底要追求一种不变的 、确定的、永恒的真理,这就不能求诸自 然外界,而要返求于己,研究自我。从苏 格拉底开始,自我和自然明显地区别开来 ;人不再仅仅是自然的一部分,而是和自

14、然不同的另一种独特的实体。DateDate2323n“美德即知识”是苏格拉底伦理学的最重要的 命题,也可以说是苏格拉底道德教育思想 的核心。在苏格拉底看来,人的行为之善 恶,主要取决于他是否具有有关的知识。 人只有知道什么是善、什么是恶,才能趋 善避恶。从“美德即知识”的观点出发,苏格 拉底提出了“德行可教”的主张。他认为,通 过传授知识、发展智慧,就可以培养有道 德的人。因此,在他看来,知识教育是道 德教育的主要途径。DateDate24243. Both I and my sons will have received justice at your hands. Still I have

15、 a favor to ask of them.(translate)Do justice to someone/something: to treat in a fair or proper wayDateDate2525n对他们我还有一个请求,等我的儿子们长大以后 ,我希望你们,我的朋友们,好好惩罚他们。我 希望你们象我以前烦你们一样烦他们,如果他们 看起来太过于关心财产,或者在意其他的任何东 西多过在意美德,如果他们一无是处还觉得自己 很了不起,责怪他们吧,就象我现在责怪你们, 告诉他们他们不应该在意那些不值得在意的东西 ,也不应该无视他们应该尊崇的东西。如果你们 这么做,那么你们对待我

16、还有我的儿子们都是公 正的。 DateDate2626Language Pointsnjurisprudential: a.法理学的njurisprudence: n.法学,法理学njurisprudent: n. 法理学家; a. 精通法律的nCf. juristic; jurynprosecute: v. 1) 对起诉 2)彻底进行,执行neg. prosecute an investigationn3) 从事, 经营 eg. prosecute a tradenprosecutor :原告, 起诉人npersecute: v.(尤指由于政治,宗教信仰不同) 迫 害,残害DateDate2727nabide: v. (古)逗留, 住; 遵守 abide byneg. abide by disciplinen abide by consequencesDateDate2828A heartfelt apology can not only



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