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1、如何写描述物品制作流程的短文在英语说明文中,有一类是用于描述一件物品制作流 程的,它包括准备工作、制作过程与各环节的详细说 明及注意事项。此类说明文的写作目的是培养学生缜 密计划、合理安排并有效设计各个环节的能力。在写 作训练时,要做到语言准确、简洁、有条理、符合逻 辑、表意清晰,让读者一目了然。在写作中要注意以 下事项:第一,对于所要叙述的物品有较深刻的认识 和了解,头脑中要像幻灯片一样把材料和制作流程进 行一次形象的再现。第二,列出材料表,并注明各种 材料的量。第三,列出写作中需要用到的关键词汇和 句型。在列举句型时尽量考虑到复合句与简单句、长 句与短句的有机结合,使文章富于变化、生动。第

2、四 ,列出描述主要环节的句子并选择好连词。第五,打 草稿并反复修改、润色。描述物品制作流程的常用句型 We need a glass of .and a spoon of . 我们需要一杯.和一茶匙. First.Next.Then.Finally. 首先.接着.然后.最后. The.is ready and we can enjoy it now. .做好了,现在我们可以享用了。典例精析根据下面表格的提示,写一篇短文介绍水果沙 拉的制作过程。要求(1)需用到上表中所提及的所有原料; (20条理清晰,语言准确简洁;70词左右。Ingredientsbananaapplepearwatermel

3、onCinnamon (肉桂)yogurtAmountonetwothreeA halfTwo teaspoonsOne cupHow to make fruit salad Do you like fruit salad?Its very delicious and healthy. I like it very much and I eat lots of fruit salad every day . Do youi know how to make delicious fruit salad? Let me tell you. First,check all the ingredien

4、ts . You need one banana, two apples,three pears, a half watermelon, one cup of yogurt and two spoons of cinnamon.Next peel up the banana,apples, pearsand watermelon and put them in a bowl.Then put in two spoons of cinnamon and a cup of yogurt.Finally mix it all up. The fruit salad is ready and you

5、can enjoy it now.制作蛋糕的作文 你喜欢吃蛋糕吗?有没有自己动手做过呢?描述 一下它的制作过程吧! 过程描述(1)打三个鸡蛋到一个玻璃碗中;(2 )加入几块黄油; (3)加入500克面粉(flour) (4)加入一些糖和3 瓶牛奶;(5)搅拌均匀;(6)放入微波炉中 (microwave oven)加热5分钟。 要求语言通顺,条理清晰,无语法及拼写错误; (2)70词左右,文章开头已经给出,不计入总词 数。 First ,get all the ingrients ready for it. _ _ _First ,get all the ingrients ready for

6、 it.We need three eggs, several pieces of butter, half a kilo of flour, some sugar and three bottles of milk. We also need a spoon, a glass bowl and a microwave oven. Next, break the eggs into the glass bowl, put several pieces of butter and the flour into the bowl and add some sugar and milk to the

7、 ingredients. The mix them up. Finally,put the bowl into the microwave oven annd turn it on for 5minutes. The cake is ready and we can enjoy it now. 制作三明治的作文下面是某同学从餐厅厨师那里得到的制作牛肉三明治 的配料,请你根据它设计一份制作牛肉三明治的食谱 。词数60左右开头已给出,不计入总词数。 配料:两片面包,一匙黄油(mayonnaise),一个西红 柿(切开),生菜(lettuce),三片牛肉,两匙调料 (relish)。 文中必须使用到下列单词:first,next,then,finally Heres a recipe for a great beef sandwich! First put the mayonnaise on a piece of bread. _ _ _



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