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1、高中英语词汇教学漫谈杭州市余杭第二高级中学 周建林 2011. 2. 27 杭州讲座提纲l一、英语词汇教学研究简介l二、中学英语词汇教学要求l三、中学英语词汇教学现状l四、英语词汇教学方法探讨l五、教程、读物、词典l六、几点总结第一部分 英语词汇教学研究简介l词汇的重要性l词汇习得与阅读l词汇知识l“词块”的概念l一些语料库统计数据词汇对意义表达的重要性lWilkins (1972): Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.lWiddowson (1978)

2、: native speakers can better understand ungrammatical utterances with accurate vocabulary than those with accurate grammar and inaccurate vocabulary.词汇知识促进阅读理解lAn improvement in reading comprehension can be attributed to an increase in vocabulary knowledge. (Beck, Perfetti, and McKeown, 1982; Kameen

3、ui, Carnine, and Freschi, 1982; Stahl, 1983)lIncreased proficiency in high- frequency vocabulary also led to an increase in reading proficiency. (Coady, Magoto, Hubbard, Graney and Mokhtari, 1993)阅读是习得词汇的主要途径lKrashen (1989;1991;1993a; 1993b): reading is the most efficient means by which to acquire n

4、ew vocabulary.lKrashen (1993b): Free voluntary reading is the optimal form of comprehensible input; reading provides “messages we understand presented in a low-anxiety situation”.Word knowledge 词汇知识lOrthographical form 拼写形式lPhonological form 语音形式lMeaning 词义lGrammatical behavior 语法特征lAssociations 联想l

5、Collocations 词语搭配lFrequency 词频lRegister 语域Lexical chunks 词块lVocabulary items are often not single orthographical units, but rather multi-word units.lThe mind uses “chunks” of prefabricated language because these are easier to process and use than an equivalent number of individual words that have to

6、 be strung together via syntactical rules. (Lewis, 1993)词块的重要性lpragmatic competence is determined by a learners ability to access and adapt prefabricated “chunks” of language. (Mattinger hurt her feelings)语法属性错误搭配、习惯表达方式错误Soon after the appearance of Diners Club, banks decided to get involved in the

7、 credit card business. In 1956, Bank of America offered a new kind of credit card. With this card, you could either pay your bill in full at the end of the month or make smaller monthly payments. If you didnt pay in full, however, you had to pay interest on your debt.Credit cards started as a conven

8、ience for customers. Businesses used them to hold on to their most valued customers学生阅读中词汇困难(实例 1)学生英语词汇错误及困难分类(1 )l拼写错误:destory; beleive; acheive; recieve; foreward; benifit; goverment; progamesl读音错误:organize; recognize; calculator; tire; fire; smilel近似混淆:custom/customer; wonder/wander; effect/affe

9、ct; prevent/protect; invite/inventl辨析困难:clever/wise; damage/injure; travel/tour/trip/journey; cross/across; every/each; against/oppose; instead/replace; success/succeed/successful; cost/worth学生英语词汇错误及困难分类(2 )l未发现联系导致记忆负担加重: image/imagine; mind/remind; remember/memory; receipt/receive; solve/solution

10、; contain/content; participate/take part in; speech/speak; feed/food; bleed/blood; hot/heat; gift/give; century/centimeter/ percentl不懂拼读规或构词法死记硬背:reproduction; independence; international; occasionally; performance; concentration; mathematics; congratulation; civilization; communication; responsibil

11、ity; representative; significance; unfortunately; technologically; economically; sympathetic; phenomenon学生英语词汇错误及困难分类(3 )l词义误解:lShe went home after class because she felt uncomfortable. lThe five-year-old boy is very wise. lDo you know Obama? lWhat can we know from the last paragraph? lI was late be

12、cause I had to send my mother to hospital. lI went to Janes party and sent her a CD. lI slept very late last night. lWould you help me look after my dog while Im away? lThey asked me to introduce my method of learning English.学生英语词汇错误及困难分类(4 )l词类属性错误:lWenchuan happened a big earthquake on May 12, 20

13、08. lA big earthquake was happened in Wenchuan on May 12, 2008. lThe design was proved to be a success. lHe has bought some furnitures for his new apartment.l Im going to ask her to marry with me on St Valentines Day.l搭配错误:to this direction; by/ through this way; be familiar to/with?; agree to/with/

14、?; because of this reason; a great number of money 学生英语词汇错误及困难分类(5 )l句型(结构)错误:lI hope you to come again.lWelcome to visit our school!lI look forward to see you soon.lI wish you succeed/successful. lOur teacher suggested us to read stories. lYou are necessary to increase your English vocabulary. lThe

15、 heavy snow made people impossible to drive. 中学生英语词汇学习的误区l只关注拼写和汉语释义,忽视英语解释、形态 变化、语法属性、特定内涵、适用句型(结构 )l只学单词本身,不记搭配(词块)和相关词汇 (同义词、反义词等)l脱离语境“背单词”,不熟读课文,不抄例句l满足于reception(我懂了),忽视production (我会用了吗?)l过度依赖教辅书,懒得动手查词典l只是死记硬背,不动脑筋,不找规律l重视记忆,忽视运用(造句、表达思想)对高中生英语词汇学习的建议l跟老师或录音正确朗读单词、短语l听老师讲解具体单词的知识和记忆方法(拼读规则、

16、构词法、词族、搭配、同义词、反义词、联想、记忆 术、适用句型、特殊用法等)l动手抄写单词(包括变化形态)l自己查词典,摘抄英语释义、句型、例句,并模仿造 句(不要用词汇手册)l在口语练习和书面表达中尽量多用刚学的词汇l认真对待自己作业中的词汇错误l熟读课文,强化词汇记忆l课外大量泛读泛听,增加词汇接触机会Explicit vocabulary teachingDeep processing教师在英语词汇教学中存在的 问题、原因分析及建议l过度关注单词的拼写和汉语释义,忽视其他要 素l脱离语境教词汇(领读,空讲用法)l没有创设足够多的词汇运用机会l对学生书面作业中的词汇错误没有应对措施l好的词汇专项练习不多l缺少词汇学习策略、方法、技巧的指导l只授之以“鱼”,没有向学生揭示词汇内在规 律l词汇教学方法随机性(incidental)较大 ,计 划性(intentional)不够第四部分 英语词汇教学方法讨论l



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