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1、Chapter Nine Measurement And Scaling: Non-comparative Scaling Techniques 第九章 测量与量表:非比较量表技术赵冬阳 讲师经济与管理学院西南财经大学 市场营销博士生e-mail: sunny_Chapter Objectives 学习目标1.描述非比较量表技术,区分连续链表技术和分项评分量表,并 解释Likert量表、语义差别量表和斯坦普尔量表2.讨论在构造分项评分量表时所涉及的有关量表类别数目、平衡 量表与非平衡量表、奇偶数类别、强制与非强制性选择、语言 描述程度及量表的物理形式等决策问题3.讨论评价量表时所用的标准,并解

2、释如何评估信度、效度和可 推论性4.讨论在国际背景下执行非比较量表时所要考虑的问题5.理解在构造非比较量表时所涉及的伦理道德问题6.讨论因特网和计算执行连续评分量表和分项评分量表时的应用2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University2Chapter Outline 学习内容l概要l非比较量表技术 l连续评分量表 l分项评分量表lLikert 量表l语义差异量表 l斯坦普尔量表2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University3Chapter Outline 学习内容l非比较分项评分决策 l量表类别的数目l平衡量表与非平衡量

3、表l类别的奇偶数l强制性评分量表与非强制性评分量l语言描述的性质和程度l物理形式或结构l多项量表2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University4Chapter Outline 学习内容l量表的评价 l测量的准确性l信度l效度l信度和效度的关系l推论性l量表技术选择 l数学推导的量表 8.9 SPSS窗口l小结2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University5Reliable? Valid? Generalizable? Noncomparative Scaling Techniques 非比较量表技术使用非比较量表的调查

4、对象采用任何他们认为合适的评分标准 ,不对被评价的物体与另一物体或一些指定的标准进行比较。调查对象一次只评估一个对象,因此非比较量表经常被单胞量 表。非比较量表由连续评分量表和分项评分量表组成2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University6Continuous Rating Scale 连续评分量表Respondents rate the objects by placing a mark at the appropriate position on a line that runs from one extreme of the criterion va

5、riable to the other.连续评分量表也称为图示评分量表。调查对象通过在一条直线上的适当位置做出标记为物体评分。The form of the continuous scale may vary considerably. 连续量表的形式可能变化相当大。 How would you rate Sears as a department store? 就百货商店而言,你将如何斯尔斯评分?Version 1 形式1Probably the worst - - - - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Probably

6、 the best可能最差 - - - - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 可能最好Version 2 形式2 Probably the worst - - - - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Probably the best0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Version 3 形式3Very bad Neither good nor bad Very goodProbably the wo

7、rst - - - - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Probably the best0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1002011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University7Perception Analyzer 感知分析仪A relatively new research tool, the perception analyzer, provides continuous measurement of “gut reaction.” A gr

8、oup of up to 400 respondents is presented with TV or radio spots or advertising copy. The measuring device consists of a dial that contains a 100-point range. Each participant is given a dial and instructed to continuously record his or her reaction to the material being tested. As the respondents t

9、urn the dials, the information is fed to a computer, which tabulates second-by-second response profiles. As the results are recorded by the computer, they are superimposed on a video screen, enabling the researcher to view the respondents scores immediately. The responses are also stored in a perman

10、ent data file for use in further analysis. The response scores can be broken down by categories, such as age, income, sex, or product usage.2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University8Itemized Rating Scales 分项评分量表lThe respondents are provided with a scale that has a number or brief description associ

11、ated with each category. lThe categories are ordered in terms of scale position, and the respondents are required to select the specified category that best describes the object being rated. lThe commonly used itemized rating scales are the Likert, semantic differential, and Stapel scales.l提供给调查对象的分

12、项评 分量表上面每个类别都有 一个数字或与每一个类别 相关的简要描述。 l类别按照量表的位置来排 序,调查对象需要选出最 能描述被评物体的特定类 别。 l通常使用的分项评分量表 为Likert量表、语义差异 量表和斯坦普尔量表。2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University9Likert Scale 利克特量表The Likert scale requires the respondents to indicate a degree of agreement or disagreement with each of a series of statemen

13、ts about the stimulus objects. The analysis can be conducted on an item-by-item basis (profile analysis), or a total (summated) score can be calculated. When arriving at a total score, the categories assigned to the negative statements by the respondents should be scored by reversing the scale.利克特量表

14、需要调查对象对 关于刺激物体的一系列陈述 中的每一个,指出同意或不 同意的程度。分析可以逐项进行(轮廓分 析),也可以对项目加总和 计算每位调查对象的总评分 (求和)。需要对那些消极陈述的原始 得分进行倒置转换2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University10百货商店项目:Likert 量表Strongly Disagree 强烈反对Disagre e 反对Neither Agree nor disagree 及不同意 也不反对agree 同意Strongly agree 强烈赞成1.Sears sells high-quality merchandise

15、. 西尔斯销售高质量的商品 12X3452.Sears has poor in-store service. 西尔斯店内服务很差12X3453.I like to shop at Sears.我喜欢在西尔斯购物123X45 它易于执行。 调查对象很容易理解如何使用量表,因而它适合邮件访谈、电话访谈或人员访 谈。Likert 量表有几个优点: 比其他分项评分量表花费时间长。主要缺点:2011/2/17ZHAODongyang Panzhihua University11Semantic Differential Scale 语义差异量表lThe semantic differential is a seven- point rating scale with end points associated with bipolar labels that have semantic meaning. lSEARS IS: lPowerful -:-:-:-:-X-:-:-:Weak lUnreliable-:-:-:-:-:-X-:-:Reliable lModern -:-:-:-:-:-:-X-: Old-fashioned lThe negative


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