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1、1UnitUnit 1010 GetGet ReadyReady forfor thethe FutureFuture LessonLesson 6060 GetGet a a GoodGood EducationEducation同步练习同步练习1.Canada(形容词) 2.feel(过去式) 3.shake(过去式)4.hold(过去式) 5.hero(复数) 6.almost(同义词) 7.advice(同义词) 8.definite (副词)1.My brother decided a new bicycle for my birthday.A. to buy B. boughtC.

2、 buying D. buys2.Teachers often ask their kids their Internet friends because the kids may be in danger.A.to meet B. not to meetC. meeting D.to not meet3.Why dont you ask your parents advice? 单选题单选题 按要求写单词按要求写单词2A. to B. withC. for D. on4.Excuse me. Could you tell me get to the restaurant?Sorry,I am

3、 new here.A. how can I B. how I couldC. how to D. what I can5. energy, turn off the light after you go home.A. Save B. SavingC. Saved D. To save1. inviting, to, thank, come, for, me (.)2. for, talk, they, half an hour, have (.)3. you, help, why not, for, teacher, ask (?)参考答案参考答案1. Canadian2. felt3.

4、Shook4. held 按要求写单词按要求写单词 连词成句连词成句35. heroes6. nearly7. suggestion8. definitely1. A2. B3. C4. C5. D解析:1. decide to do sth.“决定做某事”。2.根据 the kids may be in danger“孩子可能会处于危险之中”可推知父母不让孩子见网友。ask sb. not to do sth.,意为“不让某人做某事”。3. ask sb. for sth.“请求某人给予某物”。4.宾语从句应用陈述语序,排除 A 项;B 项时态不对;D 项与句意不符。C 项是“特殊疑问词不定式”结构,可以作宾语。5.由turn off the hot water after you take a shower“洗完澡后把热水关掉”可知是为了节约能源,故选D项,动词不定式作目的状语。1. Thanks for inviting me to come. 单选题单选题42. They have talked for half an hour.3. Why not ask your teacher for help?



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