高中英语牛津版选修七Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Word power,Grammar and usage & Task

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《高中英语牛津版选修七Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Word power,Grammar and usage & Task》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语牛津版选修七Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Word power,Grammar and usage & Task(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课 时 跟 踪 检 测Unit 2Section 语言点一语言点二语言点三识 记 掌 握理 解 拓 展应 用 落 实识 记 掌 握理 解 拓 展应 用 落 实识 记 掌 握理 解 拓 展应 用 落 实返回返回返回返回根据所给词给词 性和汉语汉语 意思写出单词单词1 n结结果,后果 2 adj. 合理的,有理由的;公道的;明智的 n. 理由,道理3 vi. & vt. 鼓掌;称赞赞,赞许赞许 n. 鼓掌;喝彩;称赞赞4 n. 排列,布置;安排,约约定,协议协议 v. 安排;整理outcomereasonablereasonapplaudapplausearrangementarrange返回1a

2、pplaud vt. & vi.鼓掌;称赞赞,赞许赞许 教材P25原句 People stayed silent and listened to us, and applauded at the end.人们们静静地听我们们(辩论辩论 )并在最后鼓掌。All the people at the conference rose to applaud the speaker.全体与会者起立为为演讲讲人鼓掌。He started to applaud and the others joined in.他开始鼓掌,其他人也跟着鼓起掌来。返回(1)applaud sb. /sth. for sth. 因

3、而称赞/赞赏某人(2)applause nU 鼓掌;喝彩;称赞a round of applause 一阵掌声I having the courage to refuse.我赞赏赞赏 她敢于拒绝绝。The band got a big round of applause at the end of the concert.音乐乐会结结束时时,乐队赢乐队赢 得了一阵热阵热 烈的掌声。applaud her for返回2arrangement n排列,布置;(常用复数)安排;约约定,协协议议What exactly are the arrangements for the wedding?婚礼到底

4、是如何安排的?(1)make arrangements for 为做准备come to an agreement 达成协议(2)arrange vt. & vi. 安排vt. 筹备;整理arrange (for sb.) to do sth. 安排(某人)做某事arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事返回Ill make arrangements for you to be met at the airport.我会安排人到机场场接你。We finally came to an arrangement over the price.我们们最终终就价格问题问题 达成协议协议 。I

5、ve a window cleaner to come on Thursday.我已经经安排好一个窗户户清洁洁工星期四来。arranged for返回点此进入返回返回1 favour of 支持;赞赞同2wear sb. 使筋疲力尽;使厌烦厌烦3be aware 意识识到4be cautious 对对谨谨慎5benefit 受益于6be happy 对对感到满满意7 measures 采取措施8look for 当心;留心寻觅寻觅inoutofaboutfromwithtakeout返回1wear sb. out使筋疲力尽;使厌烦厌烦教材P25原句 Today I feel worn out.

6、 今天我感到很疲惫惫。形象记忆返回Youll wear yourself out if you carry on working so hard.你要是继续这样继续这样 拼命工作,身体会吃不消的。The kids are always making noise and they have totally worn me out.孩子们总们总 是吵闹闹,简简直把我烦烦透了。wear (sth.) out 穿破;用坏worn out (指人)疲惫不堪的,(指物)破烂不堪的返回He wore out two pairs of shoes this summer.今年夏天他穿坏了两双鞋。Can we

7、sit down? Im .我们们能坐下吗吗?我都累坏了。worn out返回2. be aware of知道;意识识到教材P25原句 In fact, he doesnt really think medicine is bad, but he believes we should be aware of the problems it can cause.事实实上,他并不是真的认为药认为药 不好,而是他认为认为 我们应们应意识识到药药所带带来的问题问题 。Smokers are perfectly aware of the dangers of smoking, but most of t

8、hem simply cant get rid of it.吸烟者完全知道吸烟的危害,但大多数只是无法戒掉它。返回be aware that . 明白;意识到make sb. aware of . 让某人知道as for as Im aware 据我所知Are you aware that there is something wrong with the computer?你知道这这台电脑电脑 出故障了吗吗?If you have any problems, you should make management them.如果你有什么问题问题 ,应该让应该让 管理人员员知道。aware of

9、返回点津(1)aware常用作表语语或补补足语语通常不作定语语。(2)aware 的修饰语饰语 通常用well或quite,表示“很,非常”,而不用very。返回Its important that students develop an awareness of how the Internet can be used.重要的是学生逐渐渐懂得如何使用互联联网。返回3look out for留心寻觅寻觅 ;当心教材P27原句 Teachers have been trained to look out for students who may be having eyesight proble

10、ms, and they are using this training in the classroom.老师们师们 受过过培训训以找出可能有视视力问题问题 的学生,他们们把这这种训练训练 运用到教室里。Ill look out for you at the conference and have a discussion about the plan.我会在开会时时来找你讨论这讨论这 个计计划。Do spelling mistakes in your homework.一定要当心你作业业中的拼写错误错误 。look out for返回look forward to 期待,盼望look ov

11、er 浏览look through 翻阅,翻找look into 调查My mother says shes looking forward to meeting you.我母亲说亲说 她正期待着与你见见面。Police are the disappearance of two children.警察正在调查调查 两个孩子失踪的事。looking into返回点此进入返回返回1句型展示 On_arriving_at the hospital reception, we saw there were a lot of people there.一到达医院的挂号处处,我们发现们发现 那儿有好多人。

12、典例背诵诵On/Upon his return from Beijing, he began his research work.他一从北京回来,就立即开始了他的研究工作。返回2句型展示 Will you need to change the information or will you use it as_it_is? 你需要改变变信息还还是按原样样使用?典例背诵诵We were hoping to have a holiday next week as it is, we may not be able to go away.我们们原本盼望着下星期去度假的看样样子我们们可能走不了。返回3

13、句型展示 We teach students to hold a book at least 30 cm away from their eyes while_reading.我们们教学生在读书读书 的时时候,书书至少要距离眼睛30厘米。典例背诵诵When waiting in line, I heard a man singing an English song.当我排队队等候时时,听到一个人在唱英文歌。返回4句型展示 We have adjusted all the lights in the classrooms so_that each room is well lit.我们调们调 整

14、了教室里所有的灯,每个教室的光线线都很好。典例背诵诵Man has killed too many animals, so that there are fewer and fewer kinds of animals left.人类猎杀类猎杀 了过过多的动动物,结结果动动物的种类类越来越少。返回1Will you need to change the information or will you use it as_it_is? 你需要改变变信息还还是按原样样使用?as it is的含义义及用法:(1)照现现状,看样样子I cant help Ive got too much to do as i


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