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1、第二部分第二部分 教材细盘点教材细盘点必修二必修二 Unit 4Unit 4 Wildlife protectionWildlife protection目目 录录常考单词contain; affect; appreciate; succeed(三年1考); employ冷点词汇decrease; protect . from .; in danger (of); in relief; mercy常考短语die out; come into being常考句式There be句型(三年2考)(一)基础单词(根据提示写单词)1By 2030, the number of workforce in

2、 Japan will have by 16%.2The business man is very selfish and shows no to the poor.3Id like to show/express my for everything youve done.decreasedmercyappreciation4The whole family have been for the child since he got lost.5What he said was of great (重要) to your decision.6He found it hard to (控制) hi

3、s anger at the moment.(二)重点单词.根据提示写出下列单词的适当形式7 n保护 vt.保护8 vi.回答;响应;做出反应 n. 回答;反应huntingimportanceprotectioncontainprotectrespondesponse9 adj.远的;远处的 n距离;远方10 n(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物 vt.使减轻;缓解11 adj. 确定的;某一;一定 n肯定;确定12 vt.影响;感动;侵袭 n喜爱;感情 n影响;效果;作用relievedistantreliefdistancecertaincertaintyaffectaffect

4、ioneffect13 vi.成功 vt.接替;继任 n成功 adj.成功的14 vt.雇用;利用(时间、精力等)_ n雇主 n雇员;雇工 n. 雇用;使用;就业 n. 失业;失业率15 n prepareBsucceed in changing; preparationsCsucceed of changing; a preparationDsuccessful in; ready解析:考查succeed及make preparations的固定用法。根据句式结构,第一空需用动词所以排除D项;而succeed与介词in连用,不与不定式或of连用,所以排除A、C两项; make prepara

5、tions for“为做准备”。答案:B6(2013诸城高三质检)The town came into _ as we turned the corner.Abeing BuseCfashion Dsight解析:考查短语搭配中的名词。come into being“形成”; come into use“开始使用”; come into fashion“流行”; come into sight“进入视线”。根据as we turned the corner可知,D项正确。答案:D7(2013兖州高三质检)As far as I see, _ is no possibility _ he wil

6、l win the tennis match this time.Ait; that Bthere; thatCit; whether Dthere; whether解析:考查同位语从句的用法及there be句型。句意:在我看来,他这次不可能赢得这场网球比赛。此处that he will win the tennis match this time是possibility的同位语。答案:B8(2013宝鸡高三质检)If we dont take steps, the Tibetan antelopes and pandas will _ some day just as dinosaurs.

7、Adie out Bdie awayCdie down Ddie off解析:考查动词短语意义。句意:如果我们不采取措施,藏羚羊和熊猫总有一天会像恐龙一样消失。die out“渐渐消亡”; die away“(声音、光线、风等)逐渐消失”; die down“(火、情绪、风暴等)由强变弱”; die off“(家族、种族等)相继死亡”。答案:A.根据提示翻译句子1过度捕杀(hunt)极大地影响(affect)了野生动物的数量。_2有(there be)一些动物绝迹(die out),也有一些处境危险(in danger)。_Hunting too much affects the number

8、 of wild animals greatly.There are some animals dying out and others in danger.3政府已经关注(pay attention to)了这个问题。_4一系列的法律付诸实施(come into effect)。_5我们会成功地(succeed)阻止(prevent . from .)这种状况的恶化。_Our government has paid attention to the situation.A series of laws has come into effect.We will succeed in preve

9、nting the situation from being bad to worse. .加入适当过渡词,联句成篇参考范文:_Hunting too much affects the number of wild animals greatly. As a result, there are some animals dying out and others in danger. Fortunately, our government has paid attention to the situation and a series of laws has come into effect.

10、Eventually, we will succeed in preventing the situation from being bad to worse.演练知能提升 见“限时集训 (九)”【教师用书独具】根据语境寻找非谓语的逻辑主语是解决这类问题的关键;只有找准了非谓语的逻辑主语,才能判断使用哪一种非谓语形式。【变式训练】I appreciate your _ the opportunity to me in your company two years ago.Agiving Bto giveCbeing given Dto be given解析:和原题相比较,变式题中非谓语的逻辑主

11、语发生了变化,为“your”,且与give构成主动关系,故使用现在分词形式。答案:A【教师用书独具】正确使用there be句型的关键是了解这一句型在句中充当了什么成分。【变式训练】 We didnt find the Blacks _ the lecture. No one had told them that _ a lecture the following day.Aattending; there being Bto attend; there to beCattending; there would beDattend; there was解析:变式题和原题相比较,只有一个变化,即原题中的介词 about换成了变式题中的连词that;答案由原来的动名词结构there being变成了含有there be的句子。答案:C



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