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1、A Psalm of Life - From the Translation Point Scan Structure Content Emotion Skim 成仿吾先生早在20世 纪20年代发表的论 译诗一文中就说过 ,“诗歌大略可分为内 容、情绪和诗形三部 来理论。” A didactic piece(道德 说教诗)Structure一 Totally 36 lines, 9stanzas, combining use of trochee(抑扬格) and iambus(扬抑格) ; Most lines are tetrameter (4音步)(也有3音步); Rhyme : aba

2、b每基数行8个音节,偶数行7个音节。Structure二 Omission of syllables ,inversion and usage of informal word. 增减音节或用倒装句法,古色古香的字眼。 -gentleness, sweetness, and purity Eg: numbers= poem, verse or notes slumbers=sleeps Dust thou art, to dust returnest= Thou art dust, returnest to dust=You are dust, return to dust howeer=ho

3、wever oerhead=overhead main=ocean or seaDifficult language points 1Dust thou art, to dust returnest Line 3 stanza 2 Originate from chapter 3 Bible GENESIS, the New English Bible ,the Oxford University Press,1975: You shall gain your bread by the sweat of your brow until you return to the ground; for

4、 from it you were taken. Dust you are, to dust you shall return.Difficult language points 2The sands of time Line 4 stanza 7 Sands :古代计时用的沙漏中的沙粒。 The sands of time :人类的历史。 The sand are running out: time is passing quickly。 Leave footprints on the sands of time “名留青史”或“人过留名”1 Tell me not in mournful

5、numbers , life is but an empty dream ! For the soul is dead that slumbers And things are not what they seem. 不要悲伤,人生并非 虚梦一场。 Life is not an empty dream ,so please be not mournful.2 Life is real !Life is earnest ! And the grave is not its goal; Dust thou art ,to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the

6、soul, 灵与肉不能俱灭,人 生的归宿并非像我们 中国人所容易联想到 的“荒冢一堆草没了”。 When you pass away, the body die while the mind live. The goal of life is not like the saying:3 Not enjoyment ,and not sorrow , Is our destined end or way ; But to act ,that each to-morrow finds us farther than to-day. 人生既不是为了“行乐 须及春”和“今朝有酒今 朝醉”,也不是“抽刀

7、断 水水更流,举杯消愁 愁更愁”的在世不称意 的人生,而是“日日行 动,日日进步”的有所 作为的积极的人生。4 Art is long, and Time is fleeting , And our hearts ,though stout and brave , Still ,like muffled drums ,are beating Funeral marches to the grave. 虽然“人固有一死”和“ 时不待人”等不可抗拒 之规律,但只争朝夕 ,是可以创造出永存 的艺术的,或曰艺术 可以“不废江河万古流” 。5 In the worlds broad field of b

8、attle , In the bivouac of Life . Be not like dumb ,driven cattle ! Be a hero in the strife ! 人生是一场战斗,在 战斗中要争当英雄。 Life is like a battle , we must be a hero.6 Trust no future ,howeer pleasant! Let the dead past bury its dead ! Act-act in the living Present ! Heart within ,and God oerhead! 人们既不能依靠过去 也不

9、能依赖未来,唯 一可靠的是行动在现 在。 What is reliable is neither the Past nor the Future, but the acting right now!7 Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime . And ,departing ,leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time ; 学习虽死尤生的高尚 的伟人,去创造自己 之“留取丹心照汗青”的 不朽人生。 Learn from those long -live gr

10、eat men , fighting for our immortality life.8 Footprints that perhaps another , Sailing oer lifes solemn main , A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing ,should take heart again . 在历史上留下足迹, 泽被后人。9 Let us ,then ,be up and doing , With a heart for any fate ; still achieving ,still pursuing , Learn to

11、 labour and to wait . 呼吁众生决心不移, 努力进取,奋斗不息 。Summarize his advice for living His optimism which has characterized much of his poetry, also endeared many critics to him. He seemed to have persevered despite tragedy. In this poem, he writes: life is real !life is earnest; and the grace is not its goal!

12、this is the cry of the heart “rallying from depression”, ready to affirm life ,to regroup from losses, to push on despite momentary defeat.Translation 1 曾任驻华公使,英人Thomas Francis Wade (威妥玛1818-1895年 )早在1865年(据翻译论集第235页)以前就将它译成了汉文, 题为人生颂; 2 威译完成之后,时任清朝“总理各国事务衙门”(相当于今外交部) 主要官员的董恂把它改成七严古诗,仍用题目人生颂; 3 1959

13、年10月人民文学出版社的杨德豫译朗费罗诗选一书中,为 人生礼赞; 4 1984年12月陕西人民出版社出版的江冰华英美名诗选译中,有 生命的赞歌; 5 1986年商务印书馆香港分馆孙梁选编英美名诗一百首一书中, 有苏仲翔译生命之歌; 6 1987年3月中国友谊出版公司出版的、菲律宾华人施窨洲译世界 名诗选译一书为生的礼赞威译勿以忧时言 人生若虚梦 性灵咄即与死无异 不仅形骸尚有灵在人生世上行走非虚生也总期有用 何谓死埋方至极处 圣书所云人身原土终当归土 此言人身非谓灵也其乐其忧均不可专务 天之生人别有所命 所命者作为专图日日长进 明日尤要更进步作事需时惜时飞去 人心纵有壮胆远志 仍如丧鼓之鼓 皆

14、系向墓道去人世如大战场 如众军在林下野篮莫如牛羊无言待人驱策 争宜努力作英雄勿言异日有可乐之时 既往日亦由己埋己 目下努力切切 中尽己心上赖天佑著名人传看则系念 想我们在世亦可置身高处 去世时尚有痕迹 势如留在孩边沙面盖人世如同大海 果有他人过海 船只搁浅受难失望 见海边有迹才知有可销免愿此即应奋起动身 心中预定无论如何总期有济 日有成功愈求进功 习其用共坚忍不可中止董译莫将烦恼著诗篇 百岁原如一觉眠 梦短梦长同是梦 独留真气满乾坤天地生材总不虚 由来豹死尚留皮 纵然出土仍归土 灵性常存无绝期无端忧乐日相循 天命斯人自有真 人法天行强不息 一时功业一时新无术挥戈学鲁阳 枉谈肝胆异寻常 一从薤露

15、歌声起 丘陇无人宿草荒拢拢红尘听鼓鼙 风吹打磨草萋萋驽骀甘待鞭笞下 骐骥谁能辔勒羁休道将来乐有时 可怜往事不堪思 只今有力均须努 人力殚时天佑之千秋万代远蜚声 学步金鳌顶上行 已去冥鸿亦有迹 雪泥爪印认分明茫茫尘世海中沤 才过来舟又去舟 欲问失风谁挽救 沙洲遗迹可追求一鞭从此跃征鞍 不到峰头心不甘 日进日高还日上 肯教中到偶听骖“十年一觉扬州梦”( 杜牧) “只留清气满乾坤”( 王冕)“天生我才必有用”(李白) “天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期” (白居易)古书淮南子中的典故 李白“鲁阳何德,驻景挥戈”“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”(王维)“ 芳草萋萋鹦鹉州”(崔颢)Be not like dumb ,driven cattle !董译一首很好的古汉语格律诗:每节都是一首漂 亮的七言绝句(第五节除外)韵式均为aaba;诗 味亦浓,几乎每节乃至每句都有古诗或华夏文化 典故的痕迹,很容易使谙知中国。 Disloyally beauty“不忠的美人”西方翻译家所说的 first


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