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1、 Reading ComprehensionAnd Language PracticeYin Cui Rizhao Experimental High SchoolBenefits: Reading for1. Language learningwords, phrases, grammar and sentence patterns. 2. Passage structures. 3. Cultural background. 4. Moral education.【Key points of this period】l1. 通过把握篇章结构和体裁来把握主旨大意。l2. 欣赏和借鉴Passa

2、ge One中的词汇和表达形式。l3. 读后感。l1. 讲故事,包括人物或故事情节。讲故事必定有其目的:证明某一理论, 或 l 阐明某一概念,或赞美某种美德,或谴责某种罪恶等等记叙文 l2. 用平实的语言客观地解释或探讨各种问题,如机器的制造过程、自然 或 l 社会现象产生的原因、工程项目的规划或问题的解决方案等等,介绍 自 l 然科学、社会科学领域的最新成果,社会经济发展过程中出现的新生 事 l 物等等说明文 l3. 不同于一般普通的文章,措辞简洁明了、直截了当。是一种使用范围 比 l 较广泛的文体,象广告、书信、列车或飞机的时刻表、产品说明书、 宣 l 传海报、简明新闻等都属于此类。他们的

3、目的都是为了向读者传输信息。 应用文 l4. 也是说理性的文章,一般由论点(argument)、论据(evidence)和论证 过 l 程组成。文章都要提出论题、观点、提供充分的证据,使用一定的逻 辑 l 方法证明观点或得出结论。 议论文 lQuestions after reading passage(问题归类) lMain idea(主旨大意/段落大意); inference/conclusion(推理判断) ldetails (事实细节 ); the meaning of words(猜测词义 )l Preparation for Task One: Styles of passages

4、(体材划分)Task One: 通过把握体裁和篇章结构解答阅读理解在高考题型中 的点考查形式-主旨大意Conclusion:总分式文章的主旨在文章的开始 议论文的主旨论点。 说明文的主旨解释或探讨的各种问题;问题的 解决方案;介绍自然科学、社会科学领域的最新 成果;社会经济发展过程中出现的新生事物。 记叙文的主旨单纯记叙文:讲述的人物或故事 情节;夹叙夹议式:在议论处。 应用文的主旨作者想要向读者传输的信息。Task Two: Reading comprehension1. Read Passage One to finish the rest questions. 2. 借鉴Passage

5、One中出现的词汇和表达形式。Questions: Paragraph One: It is only later when he has aged and been through many battles that he learns an important lesson: there is no “I” in “team”. 句型? Paragraph Two: There is no better examples of the value of teamwork than the Boston Celtics. Chinese meaning? Garnett and Allen

6、joined Pierce on the Celtics and changed the NBA in the process. 下课以后和我们一起打篮球吧? Paragraph Four: His selflessness showed the young players that doing what made the team better was the only thing that mattered.划分句子成分: Paragraph Five: They wanted to support their friends and teammates. Paragraph Seven:

7、 The result: the Boston Celtics won the 2008 NBA championship and are considered the favorites to won the Eastern Conference championship again this year. Chinese meaning?Task Two: Language learningParagraph One: It is only later when he has aged and been through many battles that he learns an impor

8、tant lesson: there is no “I” in “team”. It isIt is被强调部分被强调部分that/whothat/who其余部分其余部分 我现在是在莒县一中学习。我现在是在莒县一中学习。 It is in It is in JuxianJuxian Number One Senior High that I am studying. Number One Senior High that I am studying. Paragraph Two: Garnett and Allen joined Pierce on the Celtics and changed

9、 the NBA in the process. join: to become a member of an organization or a group join 组织/团体in 活动 下课以后和我们一起打篮球吧? What about joining us in playing basketball after class? Paragraph Four: His selflessness showed the young players that doing what made the team better was the only thing that mattered.划分句子

10、成分:His selflessness 主语showed 谓语the young players间接宾语 that 宾 语 从句doing what made the team better从句主语 was 系动词the only thing 表语兼定语从句先行词that 定语从句关系代词在从句中做主语mattered定 语 从句谓语. Paragraph Five: They wanted to support their friends and teammates. We support the police wholeheartedly in their work against cri

11、me. The middle part of the bridge is supported by two huge towers. She needs a high income to support such a large family. Please support your local theatre, so buy some tickets today.Paragraph Seven: The result: the Boston Celtics won the 2008 NBA championship and are considered the favorites to wo

12、n the Eastern Conference championship again this year. Chinese meaning? favorite: 最有希望获胜的选手 Paragraph Eight: Recite this sentence and use it properly. There is a saying that goes, “A successful team beats with one heart.” l波士顿.凯尔特人l保罗 皮尔斯 lPaul Pierce.波士顿.凯尔特人; 球场绅士 雷 阿伦 Ray Allen 波士顿.凯尔特人狼王 凯文 加内特

13、Kevin Garnett Task Three: Discussion After reading the story, what do you think of the three players? And what do you think of the sentence- There is no “I” in “team”. l众人划桨开大船 l一支竹篙呀,难渡汪洋海 众人划桨哟,开动大帆船 一棵小树呀,弱不禁风雨 百里森林哟,并肩耐岁寒,耐岁寒 一加十,十加百,百加千千万 你加我,我加你,大家心相连l同舟嘛共济海让路, 号子嘛一喊,浪靠边 百舸嘛争流,千帆进, 波涛在后,岸在前l一根筷子呀,轻轻被折断 十双筷子牢牢抱成团 一个巴掌呀,拍也拍不响 万人鼓掌哟,声呀声震天,声震天l同舟嘛共济,海让路, 号子嘛一喊,浪靠边 百舸嘛争流,千帆进, 波涛在后,岸在前Review what we have learnt in this class.l Wish you would be happy when reading.Wish you happiness and progress every day.Thank youBye- bye



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