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1、 -真题分析、专项训练、模拟训练CET 4 Writing历年四级写作题材及写作类型考试时试时 间间题题 目题题材写作类类型1999.1Dont Hesitate to Say “No”社会生活原因解释释型 1999.6Reading Selectively or Extensively?校园生活对对比选择选择 型 2000.1How I Finance My College Education?校园生活问题问题 解决型2000.6Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?校园生活对对比选择选择 型2001.1How to Succeed in a Job I

2、nterview?社会热热点问题问题 解决型 2001.6A Letter to a Schoolmate校园生活信函 2002.1A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus校园生活信函2002.6Student Use of Computers校园生活现现象解释释型历年四级写作题材及写作类型考试时间试时间题题 目题题材写作类类型2003.1It Pays to Be Honest社会生活原因解释释型2003.6An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accid

3、ent社会生活记记叙文2004.1A Letter in Reply to a Friend校园生活信函2004.6A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction社会热热点景点介绍绍2005.1A Campaign Speech校园生活演说词说词2005.6In Honor of Teachers on the Occasion of Teachers Day校园生活记记叙文2006.1Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists社会热热点对对比选择选择 型历年四级写作题材及写作类型考试时间试时间题题

4、 目题题材写作类类型2006.6On Students Selecting Lecturers校园生活现现象解释释型 2007.1Spring Festival Gala on CCTV社会热热点对对比选择选择 型 2007.6Welcome to Our Club校园生活海报报2008.1What Electives to Choose校园生活现现象解释释型2008.6Recreational Activities社会热热点对对比选择选择 型2009.1Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags社会热热点问题问题 解决型2009.6Free Adm

5、ission to Museums社会热热点现现象解释释型 2010.1Create a Green Campus校园生活 社会热热点现现象解释释型写作类类型第一段第二段第三段对对比选择选择 型表明一方或双方观观 点指明理由表明个人观观点或个人 做法 现现象解释释 型指明一种现现象或提 出一种观观点阐释现阐释现 象或 观观点对现对现 象、观观点进进行评评 价或发发表个人见见解 原因解释释 型提出一种社会现现象 或问题问题解释释原因发发表个人看法或提出 解决思路 问题问题 解决 型提出问题问题分析解决问问 题题的方法简简要评评价方法并总结总结应应用型描述事实实描述原因表明观观点或提出建议议综综合

6、叙事 型交待事件背景信息描述起因或 经过经过 和结结果描写个人感受或分析 事件发发生的原因图图表型说说明图图表反映的 趋势趋势 、问题问题 或现现 象分析其原因 或后果提出解决问题问题 的办办法 、建议议或进进行展望v1. 特点及写作要求对比选择型议论文是大学英语四级考试写作最常见 的写作题型。一般来说,这类议论文的通常是对一 个观点或事物的正反两方面或者两种不同的观点或 事物进行对比,从而引出主题,得出结论。在对两 种不同的观点或事物进行对比时,主要运用比较和 对比两种写作技巧。在四级考试中曾多次出现此类 议论文。对比选择型-P65v2. 写作流程 第一段:简单介绍某一现象或事物。 第二段:

7、分析某一观点或事物的正反两面,或比较两 种不同的观点或事物。 第三段:得出结论,或提出自己的看法。对比选择型或者第一段:简单提及某一现象或事物,并分析该现象或 事物的好处。 第二段:分析该现象或事物的弊端。 第三段:得出结论,或提出自己的看法v3. 真题分析2006年1月大学英语四级考试真题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? You should write

8、at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 名校校园正成为旅游新热点 2. 校园是否对游客开放,人们看法不同 3. 我认为.对比选择型v【范文】Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?(1)Nowadays, many well-known university campuses in China have become popular tourist attractions. During holidays, large numbers of tourists ca

9、n be seen on university campuses, particularly, Peking University and TsingHua University.(1)开篇自然,引出焦点问题对比选择型(2)Should the university campus be open to tourists? Peoples opinions vary from one to another. (3)Some maintain that opening university campuses to tourists can not only increase universitys

10、 financial income but also provide young students a good opportunity to know the university so that they can be encouraged to study harder to realize their dreams. (3)While others argue that opening university campuses to tourists may ruin both their natural and academic environment.(2)过渡句,承上启下 (3)分

11、别论述支持和反对的观点及理由对比选择型(4)As far as I am concerned, university campuses should not be open for profit as tourist attractions, because it is a place for study and research, not for tourism. Its purity and beauty will be destroyed if it becomes a profitable organization. (4)However, I think university is

12、a property for the whole society so that it can be open to individual visitors so long as the visit does not disturb its order.对比选择型(4)表明自己的观点,because原因状语从句引出 理由;so that, so long as的使用使句式更为多样v4. 参考模板【模板一】When it comes to the issue of , different people have different opinions. (进一步介绍 这种现象或观点).Some p

13、eople think that . They hold this opinion because (they think) . Others, however, take a negative / positive attitude to . (Others, nevertheless, are more pessimistic / optimistic about it). From their point of view, . Besides, . .对比选择型In my opinion/Personally /From my point view /If asked my attitu

14、de, I am more in favor of . I stand in / hold this attitude /opinion / view because . Its true that , but it doesnt mean that . Therefore / In a word/ In short, . Instead, we should对比选择型v4. 参考模板【模板二】Nowadays, wherever you go, you will hear people talk about . Whether you like it or not, it had becom

15、e a part of our life. Generally, it is believed that there are several advantages with . Firstly, .Whats more .But every coin has two sides, and is no exception. There are also some disadvantages with . To begin with . Beside, . And most important of all, .But all in all, . Therefore, we should . 对比选择型v1. 特点及写作要求现象阐释型的作文通常先指明一种现象或提出一 种观点,然后对这一现象或观点进行解释,最后 得出结论或发表个人见解。现象阐释型P66v2. 写作流程第一段:简要描述某一现象或某一观点。 第二段:具体阐释现象



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