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1、June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents ForumRegulatory Issues and Chinas Auto Market政策法规对中国汽车产业的影响 Wayne W.J. Xing Ph.D China Business Update China Automotive Review 中国汽车要闻 邢文军June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents ForumThe Au

2、to Market Today中国的汽车市场 Future Trend Fiat: 菲亚特 Nanjing Hyundai-Kia: 现代-起亚 BAIC, Dongfeng, GAIC Suzuki: 铃木 Changan, Changhe; Mitsubishi: 三菱 Southeast Isuzu: 五十铃 Qingling; June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents Forum3?: FAW, Dongfeng, SAIC “三大?”BAIC: 北汽 DaimlerChrys

3、ler, Hyundai, Mitsubishi GAIC: 广汽 Honda, Toyota, Dongfeng-Nissan Passenger Changan Group: 长安 Ford, Suzuki Hafei/Changhe: 哈飞/昌河 Aviation Industry Group Jianghuai Auto Group 江淮 Nanjing: 南汽 Fiat, MG Rover Southeast (Fujian):东南 Mitsubishi, China Motors Brilliance: 华晨 BMW Qingling Motor Group:庆铃 IJune 26

4、, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents Forum3?Domestic Investment 国内投资 Chery: 奇瑞 R&D Center, Engine Plant, Export/JVGeely: 吉利 R&D Center, Engine plant, Export/JVBYD (Qinchuan): 比亚迪 HK$254 million/74% sharesGreat Wall: 长城 100,000 units car assembly plantJianghuai: 江淮 lig

5、ht commercial, MPV, carLifan: 力帆 1.6L carZhongxing: 中兴 SUVs and pickupsGonow Auto: 吉奥 SUVs and pickupsLoncin: 隆鑫 300 million, bus/June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents ForumReality and Definition 如何定义 Sedan 轿车 Automobile 汽车 Motor vehicle 机动车 Consumers 消费者 Family

6、 car 家庭轿车Price: 价格 100,000, 80,000, 40,000, 30,000 Sedan vs hatchback 三箱, 两箱 (Citron ZX, Xiali)June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents ForumSummary 结论: Eexisting and potential large market 现实和潜在大市场 Institutional and commercial 公、商务车市场 Consumer market: 消费者市场:摩托车、农用

7、车、微车Motorcycles, farm vehicles, mini-vehicles (not 100%) Sedans 轿车 Transition from a centralized to a market system 计划经济向市场经济过渡 June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents ForumFuture Trend and Drivers未来市场的走向和影响因素June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of

8、China2006 Presidents ForumInteraction of Three Forces 三股力量的博弈 Government, World Market, Domestic Market 政府、国际和国内市场Streamlining of Central Bureaucracies精简政府机构Protection of Private Property 公有制和私有制WTO Impact 世贸组织The Rise of a Consumer Market 消费者市场的兴起June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role

9、of China2006 Presidents ForumDeclining Administrative Control 行政干预逐渐弱化 Ministry of Machinery Industry 机械部 State Administration of Machinery Industry 机械局 China National Automotive Industry Corp. 中汽总 State Economic and Trade Commission 经贸委Federation of Machinery Industry 机械工业联合会 CAAM/SAE 中国汽车工业协会/中国汽车

10、工程学会June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents ForumEmphasis on the Rule of Law 法制增强Type/Product Approval 认证 Safety: compulsory tests, frontal collision 安全碰撞法规 Emission Control: Euro III & II 排放 Consumption Tax 消费税 Consumer Protection: Recall 消费者保护 Fuel consumption l

11、evel:然油消耗限制June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents ForumAdministrative Control 行政干预依然存在Auto Industry Development Policy 产业政策(2004) Market entry 市场准入 50:50 Equity Share JV for OEMs 股比限制 Two JVs for the same type of vehicles 项目限制June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturin

12、g and the Role of China2006 Presidents ForumDifferent departmental priorities (部门交叉管理) SDRC:发改委 Circular (investment threshold) State Assets Commission 国资委 Large State-owned companies MOFCOM:商务部 Investment, Sales, Export Quality Inspection,Supervision & Quarantine: 质监局 Administration of Taxation: 税务

13、局 Taxation Industry and Commerce: 工商局 Business License Public Security: 公安局 Vehicle License & Registration Communications: 交通部 Maintenance & Repair Ministry of Science &Technology: 科技部June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents ForumMarket vs. Central Planning 市场和计划经济

14、State Council DRC 国务院发展研究中心 Government Should Not Interfere 政府不宜干预 Equal Access and Fair Competition 公平竞争June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents ForumDriven by Market Forces 市场的作用越来越大Automobile: means of production vs consumer good汽车:生产资料还是消费品 Public/Institutional

15、 to Private Ownership公有到私有 Economic Growth & Rising Living Standards经济发展和生活水平June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents Forum Overall Economic Growth 经济持续增长 Average GDP growth 7-8% GDP增幅 Active fiscal policy 积极的财政 Average annual growth in output 10-15% 汽车年产量均增 15 左右June 26, 2006Global Auto Manufacturing and the Role of China2006 Presidents ForumInternational Players 跨国公司Multinational Presence 跨国主机厂和供应商 Govern


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