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1、1UnitUnit 1 1 ArtArt完形填空之利用递进关系解题方法指导方法指导逻辑关系隐藏在句子中、句与句之间以及段落的衔接中。利用逻辑关系,我们可以通过确切、具体的线索,把答案的逻辑意义推测出来,从而确定正确选项。在各种逻辑关系中递进关系是最常见的类型之一。在做题时要特别注意下面表示递进关系的关联词:above all, whats more, moreover, worst of all, to make the matter worse, worse still, whats worse 等。典例引领典例引领 (2017 江苏)For a long time Gabriel didn

2、t want to be involved in music at all. In his first years of high school, Gabriel would look pityingly at the music students, 1 across the campus with their heavy instrument cases, 2 at school for practice hours 3 anyone else had to be there. He swore to himself to 4 music, as he hated getting to sc

3、hool extra early. 5 , one day, in the music class that was 6 of his schools standard curriculum, he was playing idly(随意地) on the piano and found it 7 to pick out tunes. With a sinking feeling, he realized that he actually 8 doing it. He tried to hide his 9 pleasure from the music teacher, who had 10

4、 over to listen. He might not have done this particularly well, 11 the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good 12 and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there 13 him. There he decided to give the cello(大提琴) a 14 . When he began practicing, he took it

5、 very 15 . But he quickly found that he loved playing this 2instrument, and was 16 to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well. This 17 , of course, that he arrived at school early in the morning, 18 his heavy instrument case across the campus to the 19 looks of

6、 the non-musicians he had left 20 . 1.A.travellingB.marchingC.pacingD.struggling2.A.rising upB.coming upC.driving upD.turning up3.A.beforeB.afterC.untilD.since4.A.betrayB.acceptC.avoidD.appreciate5.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.ThusD.Moreover6.A.partB.natureC.basisD.spirit7.A.complicatedB.safeC.confusingD.e

7、asy8.A.missedB.dislikedC.enjoyedD.denied9.A.transparentB.obviousC.falseD.similar10.A.runB.joggedC.jumpedD.wandered11.A.becauseB.butC.thoughD.so12.A.earB.tasteC.heartD.voice13.A.occurred toB.took toC.appealed toD.held to14.A.changeB.chanceC.missionD.function15.A.seriouslyB.proudlyC.casuallyD.naturall

8、y16.A.committedB.usedC.limitedD.admitted17.A.provedB.showedC.stressedD.meant18.A.pushingB.draggingC.liftingD.rushing19.A.admiringB.pityingC.annoyingD.teasing20.A.overB.asideC.behindD.out方法运用方法运用语篇解读 本文为记叙文,记述了 Gabriel 对音乐的态度的转变。1.D 此处是说背着沉重的乐器盒子的学生们在校园里吃力地走着,故应选择 D 项。struggle“艰难地行进”。travel“旅行”,march

9、“行进”,pace“来回踱步”。32.D 此处意思为到校练习乐器,故选择 D 项。turn up“到达”。rise up“上升”,come up“发生”,drive up“抬高,使上升”。3.A 学习音乐的学生要比其他学生早到学校,本题选择 A 项,表示在其他学生到学校之前就要到达。4.C Gabriel 对自己发誓一定要远离音乐,因为他不想那么早到学校,故选择 C 项,avoid“避免”。betray“背叛”,accept“接受”,appreciate“感激,欣赏”。5.B 根据段落内容可知,在第二段中 Gabriel 对音乐的态度发生了转变,所以设空处表示转折,故选择B 项。therefo

10、re“因此”,thus“因此”,moreover“此外”。6.A 音乐课是学校课程内容的一部分,故选择 part“部分”。nature“自然,天性”,basis“基准”,spirit“精神”。7.D 由于原来 Gabriel 对音乐敬而远之,所以他没有想到弹奏乐曲并不难,故选择easy。complicated“复杂的”,safe“安全的”,confusing“令人困惑的”。8.C 他意识到事实上他很喜欢弹奏乐曲,故选择 C 项。9.B 根据上下文可知,Gabriel 对音乐的感觉有了很大的转变,但是他又不想让老师看出来他那么明显的愉悦,因此选择 obvious“明显的”。transparent

11、“透明的”,false“错误的”,similar“相似的”。10.D 音乐课上老师在教室里来回踱步来听学生弹奏,故选择 D 项。wander “漫步”。11.A 此处指不让老师发现他的愉悦这件事做得并不好,设空处后的句子给出了原因,故选择 A 项。12.A 老师告诉 Gabriel,说他有灵敏的辨音能力,故选择 A 项。13.C 老师建议 Gabriel 去看看哪种乐器能吸引他,故选择 C 项。appeal to“吸引”。14.B Gabriel 选择了大提琴,即给了大提琴一个机会,故选择 B 项。15.C 根据上下文可知,Gabriel 对待练习大提琴这件事是很随意的,故选择 C 项,cas

12、ually“漫不经心地”。16.A 刚开始练习很随意,但当他发现他爱上弹奏大提琴后他便很投入地练习,故选择 A 项。be committed to“致力于”。17.D 当然,这就意味着他要很早到学校,故选择 D 项。18.B Gabriel 也像之前他同情的那些学音乐的学生一样吃力地拖着装着乐器的盒子在校园里行走,故选择 B 项,drag“拖,拉”。push“推”,lift“举起”,rush“冲”。19.B 联系上下文可知,Gabriel 现在成了他原来同情的那些人中的一个,故选择 B 项。20.C 此处表示 Gabriel 学音乐后和原来不一样了,故选择 C 项。leave behind“永久离开”。



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