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1、Lecture 7 Argumentation Concept and Basic Structure议论文的概念议论文就是运用一定的材料,通过一定的论证 方法来表明自己的立场、观点和态度的文章。 议论文与说明文密切相关。二者的相似之处相似之处在 于:都有说理成分,都是解释某个事实或某个 思想的文体。 区别区别:说明文是客观的解释说 明某一事物、观点等。而议论文则通过作者主 观上的说理和论证来影响读者的思想和行动。议论文要有三部分构成: 论点、论据和论证论点、论据和论证。议论文的标题议论文的标题必须反映出议论的主题或作者的论点。所以 ,常用以下几种形式的标题: 1)疑问句:这类标题本身就体现了

2、争论的焦点。例如:Who Influence Young Children Most? Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? Can Money Buy Happiness? 2)陈述句:这类标题本身就是议论文的论点。例如:Parents Are Spoiling Their Children, Rock Music Is Rotting Our Kids Mind等。 3)名词短语:这类标题没体现出论点,而是只提供了引论的 主题。例如:Computer Games, Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports, My

3、 View on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements等。 4)介词短语:这类标题通常由介词on, toward等引出议论的 话题。例如:On Reading, Toward a Good Teacher-Student Relationship等。议论文的要素之一 论点任何一篇议论文必须有论点。议论文的论点是 指作者在文章中所表明的主张、见解或观点, 它是议论文的核心内容,是议论文的纲。议论 文对论点的要求是:正确、鲜明、新颖。议论 文的论点通常用I believe, as far as Im concerned, in my opinion

4、, to my mind, however, yet, unfortunately等词语引出。有时,作者不使用这 些词语,而是直接表达自己的观点。1)议论文的论点必须是可争辩的。例如,I dont think euthanasia is humane和I believe that issuing lottery tickets is a good way to collect funds for social welfare projects都是可争议 的论点。相反,事实、个人偏爱、或已被科学 证实为人们普遍接受的观点通常都是不可争辩 的,因此不是好的论点。例如,language is a t

5、ool for communication, my favorite food is fish, pollution is harmful to peoples health都不适合做 论点。请看以下分析:a. I think, in China, the examination score is regarded as important in making a decision. b. In my opinion, it is not easy to achieve success. c. To my mind, taxis have become an important transpo

6、rtation means. d. I think cooperation is very important in our work. e. I believe we should have more fast food restaurants in big cities.2)论点必须鲜明,不能含含糊糊在开始学习议论文写作时,最好把论点放在开头 ,因为这样做能达到开宗明义、开门见山的效果 ,也为后面的论述创造条件。尤其是在考试中, 一篇议论文的字数不多,应尽快地摆出论点,使 文章中心明确,更应该把论点置于文章的开头。 议论文开头的写法也不是千篇一律。以下是常用 的几种方法:开门见山:文章一开

7、始就提出作者的观点。比如,在写一篇题为Why Do We Study English?的议论文时,可以直接开门见山:We study English to communicate with more people, not just to pass the various English tests.设问作答:这种方法是先提出一个问题,让人思索,不等找到答案,论 点自然道出。同样是以上题目,也可以这样引出论点:Why do we study English? Do we study English to pass the tests? Do we study English because w

8、e like it? After reflecting on these questions, I have realized that we study English for several reasons.引用入题:先引述名言或当事人的话语,再联系自己做一番发挥,提出 论点。以上题目,也可以这样引出论点:Many years ago, English writer Rudyard Kipling said, “East is East, and West is West and never the twain shall meet.” But truth is, nowadays Eas

9、terners and Westerners meet quite often议论文的要素之二 论据论据是论证过程必备的手段。没有论据的论证 空洞无物,形似枯槁。论据的来源有:事实依 据(例证法)、数据显示、名言警句、格言、 科学理论、专家见解等。议论文的要素之三 论证通过一定的逻辑思维能力和语言表达能力,将论据组 织起来,达到证明观点的效果。论证过程应做到:有 理有据,逻辑清晰,层次分明,观点明确。论证方法 有: (1)归纳法:从个别到一般。通过考察一类事物中某 些对象或全部对象具有的特性,推断出该类事物都有 这一属性。 (2)演绎法:与归纳法相反,是由一般到个别。是从 既有的普遍性结论或一

10、般性事理,推导出个别性结论 的一种方法。 (3)驳论法:首先给出一个谬误的观点,然后加以批 驳,最后确立自己的观点。议论文的四大类型根据论述的方法和角度,议论文大致可 分为四种类型:对立观点型、问题解决 型、说明利弊型和阐述主题型。1)观点对立型议论文基本步骤:引出话题摆出观点我的观点。 还可细分为: 1.1 引出话题摆出一种观点表明我与之相对的另 一种观点 1.2 引出话题分别提出两种观点表明我同意其中 一种观点并说明 1.3 引出话题分别提出了两种观点表明任何一种 观点我都不同意并提出自己的观点.注意:倘若选择上面1.1或1.3的模式,那么可以在第二部 分里留有足够的“谬论”空间, 以便自

11、己在后面加以反驳并 建立自己的观点。 若选择1.2模式,注意在第二部分写到自己同意的一方的 观点时不要着墨太多,而应当把充分的文字语言流到第三 部分加强自己的论证。以避免论据的重复。采用句型: 引出话题引出话题 1) has become a hot topic among people recently. Opinions vary from person to person. 2) Nowadays, people are divided on the question as to whether 3) Different people have different views on 4)

12、 The issue of whether or not has been widely argued currently. 摆出观点摆出观点 1) Some people suggest/hold the opinion that However/while other people hold a different point of view. 2) When it comes to, some people think/believe that However/while others claim that the opposite/reverse is true. 3) Nowaday

13、s, an overwhelming majority of people think that Nevertheless, there are still some people hold the opinion that 我的观点我的观点1) As far as I am concerned, I would like to agree to the former to some extent. 2)As to me/For my part, I would like to agree to the former to some extent. 3)In my opinion, both

14、sides are partly like. When we, we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems and then make the right decision. 真题演练(00年6月)Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? 1、很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是, 2、也有人持不同意见, 3、我的看法和打算 Positive: basic part of the language assess ones ability improve students or

15、al English Chinas entry into WTO Negative: add students study load written English is enough unnecessary if not work in foreign enterprises involves a lot of subjective elements2)问题解决型议论文v问题解决型议论文是遵循: 提出问题分析问题解决问题的基 本步骤进行的。审题时要弄清什么样的现 象,第二部分要给出具体原因,第三部分 给出相应对策。为了使文章有序,最好用 firstly, secondly, finally

16、etc.的过渡词。采用句型: 描述问题描述问题 1) Althoughhas brought convenience to us, many people have begun to realize that it is the source of trouble as well. 2) In recent years, many cities/nations/people have been faced/troubled with the serious problem of 3) With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention. 4) Thanks to Chinas reform and opening-up poli


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