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1、第一部分 教材知识研究七年级(下)Unit 6考点一辨析sleep, asleep, sleeping与sleepy考点二辨析across, over与through考点三辨析a lot of, lots of, a lot, many与much考点四until的用法考点五stop的用法考点六辨析both与all练讲重难点高频话题写作指导1. My mother was so tired that she fell _ when watching TV. asleepsleep sleeping asleep sleepy 练讲重难点重难点精析考点一辨析sleep, asleep, sleep

2、ing与sleepy考点抢测2. Please turn off the light, for my grandmother is _ on the bed. sleeping3. My sister was worried about the final exam, so she hardly go to _. sleepsleep,asleep,sleeping 与 sleepy 的区别别如下: sleep n. many B. many; much C. much; much D. many; manyAa lot of lots of 意为为“很多,许许多”。表数量,既 可修饰饰可数名

3、词词,相当于many, 又可修饰饰不可数名词词 ,相当于much。如: What a lot of presents!礼品真多啊! I like black coffee with lots of sugar. 我喜欢欢放很多 糖的黑咖啡。 a lot 意为为“很,非常”,修饰动词饰动词 (相当于very much)、形容词词或副词词的比较级较级 (相当于much),表程 度。如: Im feeling a lot better today.我今天感觉觉好多了。满分点拨many, much 意为为“很多, 许许多”,既可作形容词词,也可作代词词,many 修饰饰可数名词词,much 修饰饰不可

4、数名词词。如:Because there were so much work to do, more than 70,000 people volunteered to support Expo 2010 Shanghai. 由于事务务繁杂杂,7万多名志愿者参与了2010上海世博会。8. Please hold on to your dream_ one day it comes true. A. if B. until C. though D. after9. The little girl didnt stop crying _ she found her mother. A. after

5、 B. until C. because D. whenBB考点四until 的用法考点抢测until 相当于till, 后接具体时时刻/时间时间 (yesterday)或从句,主句中动词为动词为 延续续性动词动词 。notuntil 直到才;主句中动词为动词为 非延续续性动词动词 。如:She works until 11:30 p. m. 她一直工作到晚上11:30。She did not go to bed until 11:30 p. m. 她直到晚上11:30才去睡觉觉。满分点拨注 意当 until 引导时间状语从句时,从句中常用一般现在时代替一般将来时;用一般过去代替过去将来时。1

6、0.The children were _ going to swim alone in the river by their parents. A. stopping to B. stoppingC. stopped D. stopped to11.The heavy snow stopped the train _ arriving on time. A. from B. for C. with D. inCA考点五stop的用法考点抢测stop作名词时词时 ,意为为“车车站”;作动词时动词时 ,意为为“停止,阻止”,其常考点如下:stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事。如:W

7、e are tired. Lets stop to do something to relax. 我们们累了,让让我们们停下来做点事情放松一下吧。stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事。如:Stop smoking. Its bad for your health. 不要吸烟。它对对你的健康有害。满分点拨stop sb. /sth. (from) doing sth. 意为为“阻止某人/某物去做某事”,介词词from可以省略。如:Nothing can stop you from exploring further field. 没有什么能阻止你到更远远一些的地方探险险。12.Lily

8、, Mary and Tom are _in America for further study. A. both B. all C. none D. neither 13.There are tall trees on _ sides of the river. A. both B. none C. all D. neither BA考点六辨析both与all考点抢测辨析词义用法 both表示“两者都 ”,反义 词是neither。(1)both/all of 复数人称代词宾格 ,其中of 不能省略; (2)both、all 与 not 连用时,表示 部分否定; (3)both、all 在句

9、中作主语同位语 时,通常位于be 动词、助动词或情 态动词之后,行为动词之前;在简 略答语及感叹句中,位于be动词、 助动词或情态动词之前,行为动词 之后。 all意为“三者或 三者以上 ”,反义 词是none。满分点拨1. Dont make any noise. Jason has already fallen _,and the_ twin brother hasnt waken up yet. A. sleepy; asleep B. asleep; sleepingC. sleep; asleep D. sleep; sleepingB2. The little boy didnt

10、go to sleep_ his mother returned home. A. unless B. if C. until D. whileC试题在线3. Look! These pants, shirts, coats, dresses and sweaters are _ her clothes. A. each B. all C. both D. eitherB命题探索城 镇分析近4年贵贵州36套中考真题题可知,贵贵州书书面表达题对题对 此话题话题 通常会从介绍绍自己的家乡乡、家乡乡的变变化、如何创创建文明城市及如何使家乡乡更美丽丽等角度命题题。估计计2016贵贵州中考仍会涉及与家乡

11、乡相关的作文,学生应应熟练练掌握此话题话题 的写作角度。高频话题写作指导首页 目录 尾页亮点句型速成1.示例:To behave properly, we should be friendly to others,talk with people and help some people in trouble. 仿写句:To_, we should_. 2.示例:If there are more flowers and trees around the neighborhood, everyone will become happier. 仿写句:If there are_,everyone

12、 will_. 开头句:1. Guizhou is my hometown where I was born and grew up. 2. Guizhou Province that is short for Qian lies in the southwest of China. 3. Its a beautiful city, but how to make it more beautiful?中间句:1. It was poor many years ago, but now it isnt what it used to be. 2. It is both modern and be

13、autiful. 3. It is popular with tourists not only for its fantastic weather but also for its fresh air. 4. Its a beautiful place with many places of interest. 5. I want everyone to do something for it. 6. To behave properly, we should be friendly to others, talk with people and help some people in tr

14、ouble. 7. When we see the rubbish,wed better pick it up and throw it into the dustbin. 8. We should plant more trees to make the air fresher. 结尾句:1. I love my hometown. Welcome to my hometown. 2. They are working hard so as to make it richer and more beautiful. 3. In a word, it is a right place for

15、you if you want to travel abroad. 4. If there are more flowers and trees around the neighborhood, everyone will become happier. 5. Lets take actions to make our city more beautiful. 假如你是某英文日报报社的记记者,三年前来到一个偏远远的山村采访时访时 看到村民们们生活困难难,交通不便,孩子们们上学要走很远远的路。三年后的今天 ,你再次来到这这个地方采访访,发现发现 村庄有了很大的变变化,老百姓生活富裕了,有楼房、手机、电视电视 机。村里修建了新学校,


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