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1、M4U2language points1. light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony 在开幕式上点燃奥运圣火.(1).We lit the candle and the candle lit the room.(2).She could just see by the light of the candle.(3).Its still light outside.(4). The basket is very light; I can easily pick it up.(5)light green【说出下列light的词性和意思】vt:

2、点燃, 照亮n:光,光亮,发光物 adj: 明亮的adj: 轻的adj: 浅色的【用light的正确形式填空】(1)He stopped and_the cigarette.他停下 了脚步点燃香烟(2).I put a _match to the letter and watched it burn.我划了根火柴点燃了那封信并看 着它燃烧。litlighted【归纳总结】light 过去式、过去分词lit litlighted lighted注意:做定语时只能用lighted【即学即用】They _a candle and the _candle_the room.A. light, ligh

3、ting, lit B. lit, lighted, litC. lit, lighting, lit D. lighted, lit, litBlight up放光/容光焕发, 点燃, 照亮(1)The candle lighted up the whole room.(2) Her face lights up when he is present.2.hang on(在逆境中)坚持, (打电话时 )不挂断, 紧紧握住【用hang的正确形式填空】 (1)She _curtains over the window. 她把窗帘挂在窗上。(2)The man _for murder.那 男子因谋

4、杀罪被处绞刑。hungwas hangedhang的过去式,过去分词hung hung 悬挂 hanged hanged 绞死【即学即用】(1)On the wall _a painting.A. hangs B. hang C. hanging D. hanged(2) In front of the hall color flags were_. A. hunger B. hanged C. hang D. hanging AD*有一类动词既是及物的,又是不及物的,如果 表示主语内在的特征、性质或所处的状态而不 是强调动作本身,就要用动词的主动形式表被 动,这样用起来简洁,符合英美人的习惯

5、。常 见的动词有: sell(销售), hang(悬挂),weigh, measure ,wash, write, wear, open, shut, lock, close, start, begin, read, tear, boil, burn(燃烧), grow, break, change, 等(与副词well(好), easily(容易地) , perfectly(十分地)等连用) (1)These clothes _easily.这些衣服很易洗 。 (2)The pen _well. 这笔很好写。 (3)This meat _easily.这个肉很好切。 (4)His books

6、 _well, so they _ out soon. 他的书很畅销,所以很快就被卖光了。 (5)The door wont _, so well ask the repairman to _ it. 这门就是打不开,所以 ,我们将请修理工打开它。 (6)We_the bridge and it_ 20 metres long! 我们量了量这座桥,它(量起来)有 20米长!【练习尝试】wash writes cuts sellare soldopen openmeasuredmeasures3.contribution【填空】 Thomas Edison _the world.托马斯.爱迪生为

7、世界做出了巨大贡献。made a great contribution to/ made great contributions to【短语归纳】 对.做出贡献make a contribution to/ make contributions to (to为介词)【归纳总结类似结构的短语】(1) have an effect on / have effects onimpactimpactsinfluenceinfluences (2) make a contribution to / make contributions to(3) make a preparation for / mak

8、e preparations for (4) make an arrangement for / make arrangementsfor【to是介词的常用短语】 pay attention toapply toadapt tocontribute torefer tolook forward tostick toget down tolead to注意应用于,适用于适应有助于,促进,导致涉及,提及,参考,查阅盼望坚持着手做导致V: contribute【说出下列句中contribute to的 意思】(1)It is an honour to be invited to contribute

9、 to your literature magazine (2)He offered to contribute to the Red Cross (3)Fresh air and exercise can contribute to good health (4)The former president studied hard when he was young, which contributed to his success in his career. (5)Medical negligence was said to have contributed to her death.投稿

10、捐助(款)促成的因素有助于导致contribute to【练习尝试】Science and technology have _ in important ways to the improvement of agricultural production.A. attached B. assisted C. contributed D. witnessedC4.There are many requirements that must be met before a sport can be considered.【短语归纳】满足某人的要求 (1)meet /satisfy ones requ

11、irement/ needs / demands类似结构:满足某人的欲望 meet/ satisfy ones desireV:_require需要,要求(2)require sb to do sthThe roof requires an expert to repair.屋顶需要 专家才能修理 The situation _.情况需要我 在那儿。requires that I should be there.(3)require/requirement后接 that从句, 从句用虚拟语气(should)+V原The window _ _=The window _ _ _ _窗户需 要修理r

12、equiresrepairing requires toberepaired【归纳总结】(4)require doing sth=require to be done相同用法的词还有:want need deserveTheir requirement that he _one years experience is reasonable.A. had B. hasC. have D. would haveC(1).Every possible use should be _ advanced technology.A:made of B:made up C:made from D:made sure A有此用法的短语有: pay attention to make use of do damage to meet ones requirementhave difficulty in doing sthsummary1.light2.hang on /hang3.contribution4. There are many requirements that must be met before a sport can be considered.


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