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1、第一部分 教材知识研究八年级(上)Unit 3 考点一 used to的用法考点二 辨析provide, give, supply与offer考点三 辨析lend, borrow与 keep 考点四 wonder的用法考点五 辨析answer与reply练讲重难点考点六 辨析news, message与information 考点七 agree的用法考点八 辨析voice, sound与noise 考点九 辨析beat与win 考点十 辨析dead, die与deathused to的用法(2015年3次)考点抢测1.She _ live with her grandparents, but

2、now she lives with her parents.A. used to B. used forC. was used to D. was used forA练讲重难点重难点精析考点一2.This small room _ keep some old furniture and books.A. used to B. is used toC. is used for D. is used asB满分点拨Used to的用法used to do sth .过去常常做某事be /get used to doing sth .习惯于做某事, to 为介词,后接名词、代词或v-ing 形式

3、be /get used to do sth. 被用于做某事 be used for doing sth. 被用于做某事be used as .被用于当作某物如:He used to live in a small village, but now he has been used to living in the big city.他过去住在一个小村庄里,但是现在他已经习惯住在大城市里。 Computers are used to help people do many things. 电脑被用来帮助人们做很多事情。Knives are used for cutting things. 刀是

4、用来切东西的。The room is used as a living room. 这个房间被用作起居室。辨析provide, give, supply与offer考点抢测3.We will supply you _ the equipment of a language classroom next week.A. with B. forC. to D. in考点二A4.Can you _ me a job?Yes, but you must work hard as possible as you can.A. offer B. provideC. supply D. makeA满分点拨p

5、rovide 指“供给,提供,装备,准备”,强调有预见,并通过储存或准备的方式为某事做准备,以在需要时提供所需物品。往往含有“免费供给”的意味。如:We provided them with board and lodging. 我们给他们提供食宿。give意为“供给,给出”,多指一般性“给出”或因别人需要而“给”。如: We gave her flowers for her birthday. 我们送她一些花以庆祝她的生日。supply 指“供给,补充,弥补”,还可作名词,意为“供给(量),物资,存货”, supply一般需付钱。如:We are well supplied with foo

6、ds. 我们的食物供给充足。offer 指“提出,提供,呈现”,表示向别人提供可接受也可拒绝的某物,如帮助、服务或物品,这可能是对方要求也可能是自己主动提出的。如:He offered me a job, but I didnt accept. 他提供给我一份工作,但我没有接受。wonder的用法考点抢测5.Its no _ that youre tired. Youve run about 800 meters.A. action B. wonderC. design D. surprise考点四B6.I wondered _ the sound I heard was last night

7、, just like a crying from an old woman.A. what B. thatC. if D. whichA满分点拨wonder作动词时,意为“疑惑,想知道”,相当于want to know。(1)wonder后接who, what, why等引导的宾语从句,表示“想知道,对感到惊讶”。如:I wonder why she did that. 我想知道她为什么做那件事。(2)wonder后接if或whether引导的宾语从句,用于有礼貌的询问。如:She wondered whether you were free that morning. 她想知道那天上午你是

8、否有空。(3)wonder后接“疑问词+不定式”构成短语。如:He wonders what to do next. 对接下来要做的事,他感到困惑。 wonder作名词时,意为“奇迹”。如:The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the world. 长城是世界七大奇迹之一。拓展wonder作为名词讲时,也常用于句型:Its no wonder(that)=No wonder that.“难怪,不足为奇”。如:Its no wonder that they wont come. 难怪他们不会来。agree的用法考点抢测7.They all _

9、 Laura about building a museum here.A. agree on B. agree toC. agreed with D. agree in考点七C8.Both of the two sides didnt _ the date of the meeting, so they decided to ask their leader for help.A. agree to B. agree onC. agree with D. agree inBagree with sb./ones words = be in agreement with sb.=同意某人(的观

10、点)。如:He always agree with his friends about everything.=He is in agreement with his friends about everything. 他总是每件事都同意他朋友的观点。 满分点拨agree to do sth. 同意做某事。如:We agree to leave early. 我们同意早点出发。agree to sth.(plan, idea, suggestion) 赞同某事。如:He agreed to the plan. 他同意这个计划。 agree on sth.商定某事,主要指双方通过协商而达成协议。

11、如:Both sides agreed on these terms. 双方就这些条件达成共识。我们的爱好从全国近六年相关话题书面表达的命题来看,通常有以下三个角度的内容:1. 去某地参加某一社会实践活动。如:2014武汉;2013襄阳。2. 中学生的课余生活, 涉及娱乐、旅游等,如:2015玉林防城港;2015宜宾;2014泰州。2016河南中招作文猜押命题探索3. 描述做某一事情的感受,一般为半命题作文,要求先点明主题,然后介绍原因等。如:2013沈阳;2013温州。关于此话题,预计河南中招考查第三种角度的几率更大。此处以2010年河南中招真题为例:1. 示例:Playing the pi

12、ano is my favorite activity in my spare time.仿写句:简在空闲时间最爱做的事情是看故事书。_亮点句型速记2. 示例:In my opinion,doing exercise in our free time is good for our health.仿写句:在我看来,在空闲时间打乒乓球对我们的健康和视力有好处。_开头句:1. In my opinion, doing more exercise is quite important.2. Why is cooking fun? Here are two reasons.3. There are m

13、any kinds of activities we can do during our free time.中间句:1. My parents are always busy with their work.2. When I am free, I will clean the room for them and so on.3. I always try to do many different kinds of things to make my life colorful.4. I am confident in myself and I can do everything well.

14、5. I feed chickens, water flowers and ride horses.6. So when I come back home early, Ill cook for them.结尾句:1. In all, doing the housework is fun and useful.2. How interesting it is! And I can learn a lot from it.3. l like cooking. It brings me a lot of fun.4. We should do some other things to relax ourselves.(2010河南)请以“_ is fun”为题写一篇英语短文。要求:1. 先把题目补充完整(空格处可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句);2. 短文中不得出现真实的地名或人名等信息;典例剖析3. 词数80左右。_is fun_ _【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,可以提取 以下信息:1. 本文需先将题目


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