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1、第五章 英译汉的疑点 5.1 动态表达法与静态表达法 5.2 概略化表达法与具体化表达法 5.3 有生命主语句与无生命主语句第五章 英译汉的疑点 For 20 years we were passive witness to the deterioration of prices of our raw materials and an excessive increase of the prices of manufactured goods.5.1 动态表达法与静态表达法 静态表述在英语中多以“be(或功能相当于be的连系动词 )+名词/形容词/副词/介词短语”句式为主。在汉语中多以“ 是+

2、名词/形容词”句式为主;动态则是指“动作动词+其他句 子成分”这类句式。英语中在选择表述动作意义的方式时 常常是静态的表述方式多于动态的表述方式;而汉语却因 为有多用动词的习惯,重动态描写。动态表述多于静态。 翻译时处理这一差异的常用方法有两种:一是化静为动, 二是化动为静。5.1.1 化静为动 A. 词类转换 B. 被动 C. 含有动作含义的静态表达 D .其他思考 为什么被动句在科技文用得很多?5.1.2 化动为静从翻译效果上看,有时把有些英语时态句式 译成汉语的静态句式往往比译成动态句式 效果要好。或者在英语动态句的意义不易 用对等的汉语动态句来表达的时候,或表 述不准确、不流畅时,也要

3、转换为汉语的 静态句式。思考 化动为静情况下涉及到的词的特点5.2 概略化表达法和具体化表达法 Next to health, heart and home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the automobile. The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing.5.3 有生命主语句和无生命主语句 从动作的执行者有无生命这一点上看,英语和汉 语中的动词均可分为有灵动词和无灵动词。前者 用在表示有生命的主语后,后者用在表示无生命 的主语后。在英语中,有灵动词

4、与无灵动词无明 确的区别,即一个动词常常是既可用作有灵动词 ,也可用作无灵动词;但是在汉语中却存在着明 显的区别。有生命主语句与无生命主语句 The past decade saw much progress in our society. That night sleep eluded him. The houseboats simple design provides a living room, a dining room, and several bedrooms, one behind the other, with a corridor along one side. His re

5、putation and achievements outlive him.思考 翻译无生命主语句关键是?无生命主语句的译法 A. 把无生命主语转换成有生命主语 e.g. The word “expect” always crept into Dads stories.无生命主语句的译法 B. 把无生命主语转化成表示具体事物的主 语,或者保留原主语,但是注意搭配的改 变。 The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him amid his tribulation.无生命主语句的译法 C. 把无生命主语转换为汉语的状语

6、D. 把无生命主语转化为汉语复句 E.g. The publishers rejection of his manuscript depressed him.无生命主语句的译法 E. 转化为无主句 The heat makes me sweat like a pig. F. 转化为外位成分 G.采用使役句 H. 拟人化5.4 形合法和意合法5.4 形合法和意合法 Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken.5.4 形合法和意合法 形合法是指采用形合手段来显示分句、句 子和句群中各成分之间的相互关系;意

7、合 法是指依靠逻辑意义上的关联来显示这些 关系。较之英语,汉语是重意合的语言。 究其原因,可能是汉语本身没有关系代词 和关系副词,连接词的数量也比较少。因 此,对汉语语句的理解常常是靠对语义和 逻辑关系的感悟和具体语境来实现的,并 不求助于话语的形式完备。5.4 形合法和意合法 A. 简单句 (1) I was too tired to talk with you. 我很累,不能同你说话 。 (2) We never meet without a parting. 有聚就有散。 (3) He lived neither for fame nor for personal gains. 他活 着

8、不为名不为利。 B. 并列句 (1) We have studied English for a year and we can act English. 我们学了一年英文, 已经能够演英文剧了。 (3) The door was opened, and the audience came crowding in. 门开了,观众一拥而入。 (4) And with this, and a proud bow to his patrons, the Manager retires, and the curtain rises.领班的说到这里,向观众深深的鞠了一躬,退到后台,幕起。 5.4形合法和

9、意合法 C. 复合句 (1) When I was reading a book, she came in. 我正在看书,她进来了。 (2) Ill let you know as soon as it is arranged. 一安排好就通知你。 (3) It has been a long time since I saw you. 好久不见了。 (4) As she talked on she got more and more excited. 她越讲越兴奋。 5.4形合法和意合法 (5) I knew nothing about it until he told me. 他告 诉我了

10、我才知道。 (6) Come when you are free. 有空就来。 (7) If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬 天来了, 春天还会远吗? (8 ) He was a free-will agent and he chose to do careful work, and if he failed, he took the responsibility without subterfuge.他是个自有主意 的人,干活就要认真干好, 没干好, 他就承担责 任, 决不借故推委。5.4 形合法和意合法 (9) There was som

11、ething remarkable in his manner of doing so, though I could not have said for my life what.他这一举一动我总觉得有点 奇特,奇特在哪里我又说不上。 (10) Whatever you like to eat, just tell me.想吃什 么, 只管告诉我。 (11) A wind blows so bitterly that the orphanage boys reach the door with fingers stiff in an agony of numbness. 在呼啸的寒风中, 孤

12、儿院的男孩将 一份份牛奶端到育婴房去, 一天得跑两趟呢。 他 们走到门口时, 手指冻得僵硬, 一点儿都不听使 唤。 5.4 形合法和意合法 (12)At daylight I was half wakened by the sound of chopping. Again it was so even in texture that I went back to sleep. 黎明时分, 一阵劈柴声搅 得我似醒非醒。 那拍子依然不紧不慢, 又把我带 回梦乡。 (13) The cook turned pale, and asked the housemaid to shut the door,

13、 who asked Brittle, who asked the tinker, who pretended not to hear.厨子的脸发起白来, 要使唤丫头把门关上, 丫头叫布利特尔去,布利特尔叫补锅匠去,补锅 匠却装着没听见。5.4 形合法和意合法 意合法虽然是汉语的主要特征, 但这并不意味着英语的 形合句译成汉语时统统得用意合法。事实上现代汉语也具 有形合的特征,所不同的只这一形式特点不及意合法那么 显著而已。汉语中有不少表示因果、目的、转折、条件等 逻辑连接词或起关连作用的副词,如“由于、因此、以至 、与其.不如、既又、只要.就.、才“等,它们 能使汉语句子成分和句子与句子之间

14、的逻辑关系更加清晰 ,不易产生歧义。含有这些连接词的句子与一些意合句相 比措辞上显得更加正式、语气更加庄严。英译汉时,如果 采用意合法来翻译会造成句意费解、逻辑白明,就可采用 形合法来翻译。例如: 5.4 形合法和意合法 (1) I cant tell you anything when you wont listen. 既 然你不听, 我就什么也不对你说。 (2) She has her weakness, but that doesnt mean she is not qualified for the job. 她有缺点但这并不是说她不能 胜任这项工作。 (3) You dont hav

15、e to worry as long as we are here. 只 要我们在你就别担心。 (4) Since I shall be here again tomorrow, I wont wait any longer. 反正我明天还来, 现在就不等了。 (5) Hardly had we started off when it began to rain. 我 们刚要出发就下雨了。 5.4 形合法和意合法 (6) Elsie, flushed with pride, happiness, and the sweet champagne and already looking more

16、of a Dulver, was compelled to respond. 埃尔西由 于骄傲、喜悦, 又喝了几杯甜香槟酒而脸色通红 , 更象达尔佛家的人了。现在她只好站起来致答 词。 (7) In the 1950s most Americans believed parents should stay in an unhappy marriage to avoid damaging the children.在50年代, 多数美 国人认为, 做父母的即使婚姻不美满, 也要维持 下去, 以免伤害孩子。5.4 形合法和意合法 其次,我们还可以采用形合法翻译英语中一些带有意合特 征的句子或汉语与之“形似“的句子。 (1) A clear conscience laughs at false accusatio


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