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1、外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries类别课程标准要求掌握的项目话题Some problems about developing and developed countries 词汇transport, smart, vast, entertainment, homeless, charity, inhabitant, lo

2、cation, tourism, hunger, income, poverty, human, development, index, goal, expectancy, position, figure, household, measure, region, educate, unfortune, exchange up to, at the top of, make sure, more than, make efforts, connect.with., as a result, find out功能Difficulties in language communication How

3、 do you find it? Its totally fascinating! As you see(them) I didnt get that. (Lets)find some of the action.语法1)but/however, although/while The report shows that were making progress but that we need to make great efforts. However, in other parts of the world, eg. Eastern Europe, water is now mostly

4、safe to drink. 2)Making comparisons: I think Sydney has less rain than Beijing. Sydney doesnt have as much pollution as Beijing.外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries1develop(n.devel

5、opment)1)vt. 发展;养成;形成;培养He developed an interest in science.他对科学产生了兴趣。Warm rains and summer suns develop plants.暖和的雨水和夏日的阳光促使植物生长。 2)vi. 发展;成长;形成;出现He developed into a strong leader.他成长为了一个坚强的领导者。外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries

6、巧记developing及其相关词The huge increase in oil prices in the 1970s had great influence on the development of many developed and developing countries, still less the underdeveloped countries.20世纪70年代石油价格猛涨,曾对许多发达国家和发展中国家的发展产生很大的影响,更不用说不发达国家了。外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries高考直击One of t

7、he best ways for people to keep fit is to_healthy eating habits.Agrow BdevelopCincrease Draise解析:“人们要保持健康最好的办法之一就是要养成良好的饮食习惯。”此处与habit构成搭配“养成习惯”的选项只有develop。答案:B外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries即学即用完成句子Ever since he lived in the country, he _ _ _ _ _ getting up early in the mornin

8、g.从住在乡下开始,他就养成了早晨早起的习惯。答案:has developed a habit of外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries2income n. 收入外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countriesHe cant support his family on his income.他的收入不能养活家人。As far as I know, your income from your job doesnt meet your expenses.据我所知你工作的收入并

9、不能满满足你的花销销。What is your income from little pub?你这这个小酒馆馆的收益是多少?译译他的收入比他妻子的高。误误His income is more than his wifes.正His income is larger than his wifes.外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries知识拓展be on a high/low income 高/低收入live within ones income 量入为出unearned income 非劳动收入;非工资收入外 研 版 英 语Mod

10、ule 2 Developing and developed countries词语辨析income, pay, salary, wages和fee1)income 收入;收益;进款(统称);即用一段时间的劳动或服务而换得的金钱收益和同等收益,如出售货物或资金投资的收益。Please give me an earned income.请给我的劳动所得。2)pay薪水,工资;最普通用语,特指海陆军人及其他在政府部门工作者的薪水。He has a high rank and pay in the army.他是部队高官,工资很高。外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and d

11、eveloped countries3)salary薪水;指从事脑脑力劳动劳动 的劳动劳动 者,如事务员务员、记记者、老师师、牧师师等具有特殊技能或专门专门 知识识的人的固定劳动补偿劳动补偿 。He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.他工资资很高,但总总是向朋友借钱钱而又从不归还归还 。4)wages工资资(通常用复数形式);指劳动劳动 者的工资资,特指以时间计时间计 酬,或日薪、周薪等短期结结算的劳动报劳动报 酬。His wages are $ 460

12、 a week.他每周工资资460美元。外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries5)fee手续费续费 ;薪金;指付给给律师师、医师师或其他专业专业人员员的酬金或学费费等。如a license fee 牌照费费;a membership fee 会(员员)费费;a school(tuition)fee 学费费;a doctors/medical fee 医疗费疗费(注意表达工资资高或低时时,应应用much或little。)外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries即学即用

13、用上述各词的适当形式填空:The workers went on strike for higher_.How much is the membership_?The company could not pay such large_.What is her monthly_?What is your_from your job?答案:pay fee salary wage income外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries3poverty n. (U)(1)贫穷/困She had been worn down by pover

14、ty and illness.她贫病交加,受尽折磨。(2)贫乏;缺乏/少His work was criticized for its poverty of imagination.他的作品因缺少想象力而受批评。外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries知识拓展poverty line/trap 贫困线/陷阱poor adj. 贫穷/困的;缺少/乏的be poor in. 缺少/乏live in poverty 过着穷苦的生活fall into poverty 陷于贫穷poverty of thoughts 思想的贫乏poverty

15、 in vitamins 维生素的缺乏the poverty of the soil 土地贫瘠外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries即学即用Tod has taken all possible means to find a job. He knows that_.Aout of work causes povertyBbeing out of work causes poorCout of work causes poorDbeing out of work causes poverty答案:D外 研 版 英 语Module

16、2 Developing and developed countries4illness nUC疾病,身体不适illness of children 儿童所得的各种疾病a serious illness 重病外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing and developed countries词语辨析illness; sickness与disease(1)illness为最普通用词,泛指得了某种疾病后身体不适的状态。Several children are away from school because of illness.几个孩子因病不能上学。外 研 版 英 语Module 2 Developing



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