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1、国际建筑市场与工程管理东南大学建设与房地产系 李启明 DEAN.DR.PROF.DA.FCIOB.FRICS国际建筑市场与项目管理q 国际工程管理研究动态 q 国际建筑市场及结构分析 q 国际建筑市场准入和一流承包商发展战略 q 国际工程担保和保险 q 国际工程招标投标 q 国际工程采购模式与合同类型 q 国际工程合同原理及注意要点 q 国际工程投标报价与决策 q 海外工程实践与案例分析讲授:李启明博士、教授 邓小鹏 博士、副教授工程采购模式与合同类型工程采购模式及其特点1 平行承包模式(传统模式)业 主咨询工程师设计院承包商分包商1分包商2注:直线表示合同关系,虚线表示工作关系(下同)Des

2、ignProcurementConstructionAcceptanceDPCA 模式Quantity SurveyorEngineers ( Structure / Services )contractorsNominated Subcontractors NominatedSuppliesDomestic SubcontractorsDomestic SuppliesClientArchitectClient Sector Consulting SectorProduction SectorLine of SeparationManagement RelationshipContractu

3、al RelationshipTypical Separation of Design Payment on measured basis of quantities of work,using the rates agreed; Payment on the basis of estimated cost with certain additions for over-headed and profit but limited control of cost. Building or civil contracts may be classified according to various

4、 characteristics. Depending on the methodof arriving at the contract sum, building contract fall into 3 categories:n Lump sum contracts;n Measurement contracts;n Cost reimbursement contracts. 所谓总价合同是指业主付给承包商的款额在 合同中是一个规定的金额,即总价。总价合同有 以下四种不同的形式。1) 固定总价合同(Fixed Lump Sum)适用范围及特点:n工期较短;n最终产品要求明确;n设计完整,发

5、发包工程内容及技术经济指标明确;n合同总额是一个规定的金额;n如果设计和工程范围有变更,合同总价也必须相应变更。1. 总价合同(Lump Sum Contracts)2) 调值总价合同(Escalation Lump Price)适用范围和特点: n 工期较长; n 最终产品要求明确; n 设计完整,发发包工程内容及技术经济指标明确; n 合同按照时价计算,总额是一个相对固定的价格; n 由于通货膨胀导致人工、材料等成本增加,合同总 价也必须相应调整。调价方法:文件证明法和调价公式法。调价方法:n 文件证明法凭正式发票向业主结算价差。 n 调价公式法C=Co(0+ 1M/M0+ 2L/L0+

6、3T/T0+ nK/K0 C,调整后的合同价; Co,原签订合同中的价格; 0,固定价格的加权系数,合同价格中不允许调整的固 定部分的系数,包括管理费用,利润等 M,L,T,.K,受到价格浮动影响的材料设备、劳动工资、运费等价格,带脚标0为原合同价,没有脚标 为付款时的价格; 1+ 2+ 3+ n=1,相应于各有关项的加权系数,一 般通过对工程概算分解测算得到。3)固定工程量总价合同(Lump Sum on Firm Bill of Quantities)4)管理费总价合同(Management Fee Lump Sum)n 可以在报价竞争状态下确定项目造价并固定;n 业主在主要开支发生前对工

7、程成本能够心中有数;n 由承包商承担较多风险;n 评标时易于迅速选定最低报价单位;n 在施工进度上可极大调动承包商的积极性;n 业主能更容易/更有把握控制项目.总价合同优点(从业主角度)n 必须完整而明确地规定承包商的工作;n 根据项目的规模/地点和价格价格调整情况,应使承 包商的风险是正常的和能够接受的;n 必须将设计和施工方面的变化控制在最小限度内;n 只有当承包行情对承包商趋于有利时,采用总价合 同才能招来有竞争力的/合格的投标人.采用总价合同的若干要求(1) General legal principles of contracts are a guide only in solvin

8、g specific contractual problems. Usually it is necessary to consult a lawyer for adequate advice and guidance in dealing with the unique facts of a case.(2) Stipulated-sum contracts have a particular legal character that may be characterized as “a complete job for a stipulated price”; this may not r

9、equire the contract documents to specify everything necessary for a “complete job.” Summary of Key Points for SSC(3) A contractors primary obligations in SSC are to perform the contract, and to be paid accordingly.(4) An owners primary obligations in SSC are to provide information about and access t

10、o the site, and to pay for the work as it is done according to the contract.(5) A designers primary duties are to issue the certificates for payment and completion required by a contract when they are due; to issue written interpretation of the contract when required; and to seek the performance of

11、the contract by both parties when so stipulated( as in the standard forms of contract).Summary of Key Points for SSC(6) Changes can not be made by the owner in SSC without mutual agreement of the contractor; either as stated in the contract( as in the standard forms of contract)r, or as mutually agr

12、eed to subsequently by the parties.(7) Subcontractor should contain the conditions of the primary contract, insofar as they are pertinent.(8) In SSC, the contractor is paid to carry the greater burden of risk by the owner, who carries a lesser burden of risk.(9) To the extent that SSC allows changes

13、 in the works, the owner is open to risk from excessive costs.Summary of Key Points for SSC(10) SSC require the design to be practically complete and settled before bids are sought; but this precludes an owner from using a contractors knowledge in the design of the work, and to a significant extent

14、in its implementation.(11) The best kinds of work to be done within a SSC are those of straight forward design and of standard construction.Summary of Key Points for SSC当准备发包的工程项目内容、技术经济指标一时尚 不能像采用总价合同时那样明确、具体地予以规定 时,则以采用工程单价合同形式为宜。工程单价合 同有以下两种不同的形式。 1)估计工程量单价合同(Bill of Approximate Quantities Contra

15、ct)2)纯单价合同(Straight Unit Rate Contract)2. 工程单价合同(Unit Price Contract)n 单价固定(只有实际工程量有较大变化时可 调整单价)n B/Q表中的工程量只是估算值,工程量须按 实结算,工程价格应按照实际完成量计算;n 可适用于大型复杂项目。n 在招标前,业主无需对工程范围作出完整的/详尽的 规定,从而可以缩短招标准备时间;n 能够鼓励承包商提高工作效率,节约工程成本,提高 利润;n 业主只按分项工程量支付费用,可以减少意外开 支;n 合同结算时只需对那种不可预见的、未予规定的 工程单价进行调整,结算程序比较简单。单价合同优点(1)

16、A unit price is an average price per unit of an item of work.(2) In North America, UPC are limited to engineering construction, but unit prices are used in SSC to price changes in building work.(3) UPC usually require adjustments in the unit prices when quantities of items of work done vary by more than a stipulated amount( typically, 15 percent).(4) With bids for UPC, an owners consu



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