英语应用文写作-5 Posters

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《英语应用文写作-5 Posters》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语应用文写作-5 Posters(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Unit 3 Postersa certain performancea sports event any form of entertainment2Frequently used patterns in posters A chorus will be given at the Arts Center of the university on the New Years Day.元旦在大学艺术中心将有合唱演出。 The circus enjoys a good reputation around the world.这个马戏团在世界上享有很高的声誉。 Here comes a rare

2、chance to appreciate the unique stage technique of Bian-lian.千载难逢的好机会!快来欣赏舞台绝技变 脸!3The super star Lady GaGa will lead the singing.超级明星Lady GaGa将领衔演唱。 The pop group has been active for the past 20 years.这个流行歌曲演唱队近20年来一直活跃在舞台上。 Come for a real hit of rockn roll performance!请来欣赏一场真正的摇滚乐演出! Diverse mino

3、rity costumes will be exhibited with exquisite charm.将展出各种具有精美风采的少数民族服装。4For the further information, please call xxx.欲咨询、购票, 请拨打电话xxx.Tickets available at xxx.在xxx处购票No admission fee is required for members of the club.会员入场免费。For booking, please go to the Student Union.要订票请到学生会。Please at the Bookin

4、g Office in advance.请提前在售票处订票。5There are still tickets available for the night shows.夜场票依然有售。Children under 6 are not permitted to admit.六岁以下儿童谢绝入内。Short pants are not accepted in the theatre.着短裤者不得进入剧场。All are cordially welcome.热烈欢迎大家出席观看。6Poster海报 篮球友谊赛 由我院学生会文体部举办,来我院 访问的美国威斯康辛大学校队和我院院 队于2013年11月

5、15日(星期六)下午四 时在水泥球场举行篮球友谊赛。热烈欢 迎大家出席观看。外文学院学生会文体部7POSTER Friendly Basketball Match All Are Cordially Welcome Under the auspices of the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of Students Union of the College, a friendly basketball match will be held between the visiting U.S. Wisconsin Team and o

6、urs on the cement basketball court at 4:00 p.m., on Saturday, Nov. 15, 2013. the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of Foreign Languages and Literature8A poster may have various kinds of styles, but it must be included the following basic elements:1) Title2) Body: the introduction about a

7、certain performance, a sports event or any form of entertainment, etc.Format and Patterns93) Important points/ Requirements:including when, where, fee, age limit, clothes, etc.4) Ending:a few words of welcome and inspirationFormat and Patterns10影讯 本星期五(10月23日)晚七时整开始放映美术片 小号手(英语对白) 记录片 春天(英文字幕) 故事片 创

8、业者(英语对白)地点:学校礼堂票价:每张五元,票房有售11电影消息 FILMS Friday evening (Oct. 23rd)beginning at 7:00 Cartoon: The Little Bugler (Dubbed in English) Documentary: Spring(With English captions) Feature: Pioneers(Dubbed in English) Place: The School Auditorium Tickets: 5Yuan each, now available at the Booking Office12英语

9、演讲比赛 学生会定于本周末举行一场英语演讲比赛。本 次演讲赛所有的竞争者都是经过初赛竞争的胜利者。 去年演讲赛的金奖得主李薇将头一个登场。比赛结束 时英语联谊会将上演一场英文短戏。客座教授史密斯 先生将担任首席评委,到会的还有来自其它大学的学 生们。 快来加入我们的行列,度过一个令人兴奋的夜 晚吧!它将带给你一次难忘的经历,寓教于乐,享受 学习双丰收! 时间:2013年11月4日晚7:30 地点:学校大礼堂 票价:免费入场(注意;乱扔垃圾罚款10元)13英语演讲比赛海报 English Speech Contest The Student Union organizes an English

10、Speech Contest at the coming weekend. All the contestants have passed the first round of selection. Last years Gold Prize winner Wei Li will be the first speaker, and the English Union will put on a short English play at the end of the contest. The guest professor Mr. Smith will be the head of the j

11、udges. Students from other universities will also be present.14Come and join us for an exciting evening! You may find it an unforgettable experience to enjoy as well as to learn.Time: 7:30 p.m., Nov. 4,2013Place: The University AuditoriumTicket Price: Free unless fined of 10 Yuan for littering英语演讲比赛

12、海报 15时装秀 美妙绝伦的流行时装秀将在时装交易会中心举行 。本次时装秀由国家时装协会和滨海市政府共同赞助。 包括克里斯蒂在内的十位世界级名模将在T型台上一展 风采。 本次展出的流行时装内容丰富,品种多样,包括 从泳装到结婚礼服等各种不同质地、风格和剪裁的服装 !这是你欣赏一流的时尚与魅力的良机,无论如何都不 应错过。欲咨询、购票,请拨打时装交易会中心办公室 电话 12345678展出地点:时装交易会中心 时间:2014年1月20日至2月20日,上午8:00 至下午6 :00 票价:50元 (学生票10元)16时装展海报 Fashion ShowFantastic fashion shows

13、 will be given at the Fashion Fair Center. It is sponsored jointly by the National Fashion Association and Binhai Municipal Government. Ten world-famous models including Christie Brincley will be on the T-stage.The fashions cover a wide range from swimming suits to wedding dresses of various materia

14、ls, terrific styles, and fit cuts!17时装展海报 Here is your chance to appreciate the first- class exhibition of beauty and fashion, which nobody could afford to miss. For further information, please call the Fashion Fair Center office 12345678.Place: Fashion Fair CenterTime: Jan. 20 to Feb. 20, 2014,8:00

15、 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.Ticket: 50 Yuan for adults and 10 for students18欢迎各位光临龙舟友谊赛端午节在即,为迎接这一中华民族的传统节日, 特举办一场端午节划龙舟友谊比赛。比赛由校学 生会体育部及娱乐中心举办,参赛的是中国学生 队和留学生队。比赛将于2013年10月22日(星期 六)下午4时在南湖举行。欢迎届时光临。校学生会体育娱乐中心19端午节划龙舟比赛海报 Welcome to A Friendly Boating MatchThe Dragon-boat Festival is drawing near. In order to

16、celebrate this traditional Chinese festival, a friendly boating match will be held with the support of the Recreational and PE Department of the Student Union of the College. The match will be held between the Chinese student team and the overseas student team of the university. It will be held on South Lak


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