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1、n三. 转译成形容词n(一) 形容词派生的名词往往可以转译成形容词。n nThe pallor of her face indicated clearly nhow she was feeling at the momentn她苍白的脸色清楚地表明了她那n时的情绪。nThe security and warmth of the destroyers nsick bay were wonderful.n驱逐舰的病室很安全也很温暖,好极了。n(二) 有些名词加不定冠词作表语时,往往可以转译n 成形容词.n n1) The blockade was a success.n 封锁很成功。n n2) A

2、s he is a perfect stranger in the city,n I hope you will give him the necessary n helpn 他对这城市完全陌生,所以我希望n 你能给他必要的帮助。n n四、其它词类转译 n n(一)形容词与副词的互相转译n n英语名词译成汉语动词时,修饰该名词的形容词n往往转译成汉语副词。nWe took brief, restless naps,struggled to nunderstand the intermittent broadcasting nof Radio Prague,n我们短短地、不安地睡了几次,竭力想n

3、听懂布拉格电台断断续续的广播n n2. 英语动词译成汉语名词时,修饰该n 动词的副词往往转译成形容词。 nThe film “Carve Her Name with Pride” nimpressed him deeply女英烈传这部电影给了他深刻的印象。n n由于英汉两种语言表达方式不同,还有一些n英语形容词可译为汉语副词。n n1) This is sheer nonsensen 这完全是胡说。n n2) Buckley was in a clear minorityn 巴克利显然属于少数。n(二)名词与副词的互相转译n n1名词转译成副词n1). When he catches a gl

4、impse of a potentialn antagonist,his instinct is to win him n over with charm and humorn 只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要n 用他的魅力和风趣将这人争取过来。n2). The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the citypoorn 新市长有礼貌地前来访问城市贫民,n 获得了他们的一些好感。n2副词转译成名词 1)They have not done so well ideologicall

5、y,however, as organizationally但是,他们的思想工作没有他们的组织工 作做得好。 2) He is physically weak but mentally soundn 他身体虽弱,但思想健康。nExercise:试用所学技巧翻译下列句子,注 意 斜体字的处理 1. I recognized the absurdity of dealing with them through intermediaries.n我认识到, 通过中间人跟他们打交道是愚 蠢的.n2. He was still more surprised at the singularity of th

6、e strangers appearance.n他看到那个陌生人的外表非常古怪就更加 惊异了3. We place the highest value on our friendly relations with developing countries.n我们高度珍视同发展中国家的友好关系.n4. He had the kindness to show me the way.n他好意地给我指路.n增词法n一、根据意义上或修辞上的需要n n(一)增加动词n增词法n一、根据意义上或修辞上的需要n n(一)增加动词1.In the evening,after the banquets,the co

7、ncerts and the table tennis exhibitions,he would work on the drafting of the final communiquen晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看n乒乓球表演之后,他还得起草最后公n报。(二)增加形容词n n1)With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are n building socialism!n 中国人民正在以多么高的热情建设社会n 主义啊!n n2)The plane twisted under me,trailing flame n and smoken 飞机在下面螺旋

8、下降,拖着浓烟烈焰掉n 了下去。n n(三)增加副词n n根据原文的上下文,有些动词在一定场合可增加适当n的副词,才能确切表达原意。n n1)The crowds melted awayn 人群渐渐散开了。n2) As he sat down and began talking,words n poured out.n 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。n(四)增加名词n n1在不及物动词后面增加名词n n1) Mary washed for a living after her husband n died of acute pneumonian 玛丽在丈夫患急性肺炎去世后,就靠洗n

9、衣服维持生活。n n2) Day after day he came to his work-sweeping,n scrubbing, cleaning.n 他每天来干活-扫地,擦地板,收拾房间。n2在形容词前增加名词n n1) This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine.n 这部打字机真是价廉物美。 n n2) He is a complicated man-moody,mercurial,n with a melancholy streakn 他是一个性格复杂的人-喜怒无常,反复多变,n 有些忧郁寡欢。n n3在抽象名词后增加名词n n persua

10、sion 说服工作n preparation 准备工作n backwardness 落后状态n tension 紧张局势n arrogance 自满情绪n madness 疯狂行为n antagonism 敌对态度n n1)After all preparations were made,n the planes were flown across the n USto San Franciscon 一切准备工作就绪以后,飞机就n 飞越美国去旧金山。n n2) Profanity was tacitly given upn 亵渎神灵的粗话全都心照不n 宣地不用了。n4在具体名词后增加名词n n

11、1) He felt the patriot rise within his breastn 他感到一种爱国热情在胸中激荡。n n2) He allowed the father to be overruled by n the judge, and declared his own son n guiltyn 他让法官的职责战胜父子的私情,而n 判决他儿子有罪。n n(五)增加表示名词复数的词n n1增加重叠词表示复数n n1) Flowers bloom all over the yardn 朵朵鲜花开满了庭院。n n2) Newsmen went flying off to Mexico

12、n 记者纷纷飞到墨西哥去了。n 2增加数词或其他词表示复数n n1)The lion is the king of animalsn 狮是百兽之王。n 2) Most were absorbed into the Russian empire through colonial expansion under the Tsars大部分是在历代沙皇统治下,通过殖民扩张而并入俄罗斯帝国的 n(六)增加表达时态的词n n1对某种时间概念作强调时,往往要加一些词。n n1)I had known two great social systemsn 那时以前,我就经历过两大社会制度。n n2)I had

13、never thought Id be happy to find n myself considered unimportantBut this n time I wasn 以往我从未想过,当我发觉人们认为n 我是无足轻重时,我会感到高兴。但n 这次情况确是如此。 n2强调时间上的对比时,往往需要加一些词。 n1) The old man said,“They say his father was n a fishermanMaybe he was as poor as we n are” n 老头儿说:“听人说,从前他爸爸是个打n 鱼的。他过去也许跟我们现在一样穷。n n2) I was,

14、and remain,grateful for the part he n played in my release n 我的获释是他成全的,对此我过去很感激,n 现在仍然很感激。 n n(七)增加语气助词 n1)Dont take it seriouslyIm just makingn fun of you n 不要认真嘛! 我不过开开玩笑罢了。 n2) As for me,I didnt agree from the very n beginning n 我呢,从一开始就不赞成 n(八)增加量词n n a full moon一轮满月, a bad dream一场恶梦n n1) Into the dim clouds was swimming a crescent n moonn 一钩新月渐渐隐没在朦胧的云彩里去了。n n2) A stream was winding its way through the n valley into the rivern 一弯溪水蜿蜒流过山谷,汇合到江里去了。n n(十)增加概括词nYou and I n 你我两人n nmilitarily,politically and economicallyn 军事、政治、经济等各方面n1) The Americans and the Japanese conducted n a



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