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1、科技 (专业)英语Scientific output is “0”, if all inputs are not “1”.在“与”电路中,所有输入为“1”时, 输出为“1”;若输入不全为“1”,则输出为 “0”。all not 表示部分否定。多义词的含义选择是正确翻译的难点之一 ,必须根据上下文作出符合语境的判断。例4. The device is operated from batteries. 例5. This CPU is operated by a current of several milliamperes.例4. 该器件由电池供电。 例5. 这个CPU由几毫安的电流驱动。二、翻译

2、中的变换 (Changes in Translation) 1、词类的变换 (1) 汉语中动词使用得比英语多,用法也更灵活 ; (2) 英语中有冠词,汉语中没有; (3) 英语中大量使用介词,而汉语中使用得不多 。例6. Digital computers are essentially machines for recording numbers, operating with numbers and giving the results in numerical forms.数字计算机实质上是记录数字,计 算数字和给出数字形式结果的机器。例7. Signal is received by

3、the sensor.利用传感器接收信号。例8. Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the latter.气体与固体的区别在于前者比后者有 更大的可压缩性。2、省略主要是冠词、介词、代词三类。 例8. It is 30 cubic meters in volume.体积是30立方米。 例9. Any substance is made of atoms, whether it is a gas, a liquid or a solid.任何物质,无论气体、液体还是固 体,都

4、是由原子组成的。3、补充科技英语行文简洁,常用省略形式表达 。 例10. The first term of Fourier series is called the fundamental, the others the harmonic.傅立叶级数的第一项称为基波,其他 的(各项)称为谐波。4、引申有时直译让人感到生硬拗口,而在 正确理解原文含义的基础上适当引申, 可以使译文流畅。 例11. The product yield is a sensitive function of process control.直译:产品成品率是工艺管理的灵敏函数 。 引申:产品成品率与工艺管理密切相关。

5、5、词序的变换汉语主要用词语顺序来表示句子中各词语 间的逻辑关系,而英语除了用词语顺序外,还 常用介词、分词、副词等表示。因此翻译时常 常需要作适当的词序变换,否则译文不流畅, 甚至发生错误。 例12. Integrated circuits were successfully developed in USA in 1958.集成电路于1958年在美国研制成功。英文:谓语方式状语地点状语时间状语 中文:时间状语地点状语方式状语谓语应当注意:科技英语中大量使用被 动语态,而汉语中主动语态使用较多。 因此,翻译时转换语态可以使译文简洁 明快,并更符合汉语习惯。如英语中常 把分词和介词短语放在被修

6、饰事物的后 面,翻译时应根据汉语习惯将修饰成分 放在被修饰事物的前面。数字和数量阅读科技文献就会经常跟数字和数 量打交道,这就要求我们了解英语处理 数字和数量的方法,以及其与汉语的区 别。一、数制 (Number Systems)汉语的数制与英语不同,英语中美 式表达与英式表达也有差别。因此在阅 读科技文献时一定要注意。例12. The cost of a top grade fighter is 85 M dollars nowadays, compared with about 150 K in 1942.目前一架一流战斗机的造价大约是 8500万美元,而在1942年大约是15万(美元 )

7、。例13. Bandwidth of transistor amplifiers vary from 250 MHz in the L band to 1000 MHz in the X band.晶体管放大器的带宽在L波段约为250 MHz, 而在X波段约为1000 MHz 。对于K, M等表达方式,在谈论普通事 物的数量时,要换算成千、百万等;而在 谈论带宽、字节等工程量时,则不必换算 。 二、量词的缩写 (Abbreviations about Numbers)三、数量的增减 (Increase and Decrease)要注意英语中关于几倍和几分之几的表 达方式。例14. The co

8、st of this device was reduced by 70%.该设备的成本下降了70%。该设备的成本下降到 (原来的) 30%。 例15. We have experiments every three weeks.我们每三周做一次实验。我们每隔两周做一次实验。例16. The production have been increased two times as against last year.产量增加到去年的两倍。产量较去年增加了一倍。关于增加,可以按增加后的总量来翻译,也可 以按净增加量来翻译。关于减少,最好不要译成“减小了/减小到倍”, 这样不符合汉语语言习惯,也容易引

9、起歧义。一般 可以按减少后的余量来翻译,也可以按净减少量来 翻译。关于every,应注意“每 ”与“每隔”的区别。例17. Cellular telephone is an intriguing mobile concept that calls for replacing a single, high- powered fixed base station transmitter located high above the center of a city with multiple, low- powered duplicates of the fixed infrastructure

10、distributed over the coverage area on sites placed closer to the ground.intriguing adj. 有迷惑力的,引起好奇心的 duplicate n. 复制品 infrastructure n. 基础组织,基层结构蜂窝电话是一个非常巧妙的移动通信的 概念,用多个小功率、在覆盖区域中结构固 定、接近地面的发射机代替一个高耸在城市 中心的大功率、固定基站的发射机。例18. CDMA allows users to differentiate from one another by a unique code rather

11、than a frequency or time assignment and, therefore, offers several advantages over cellular telephone systems using TDMA and FDMA techniques, such as increased capacity and improved performance and reliability.differentiate v. 区分 cellular adj. 细胞的CDMA使用唯一的代码而不是利用频率或 者一段分配的时间来区分用户,因此,与使用 TDMA和FDMA技术的

12、蜂窝电话系统相比有若 干优点,比如增加了系统容量、提高了系统性 能及可靠性。例19. However, since those methods are very expensive in terms of labour, frequency spectrum and capital costs to establish an infrastructure just for positioning, many experts suggest that it is preferable to use existing systems to determine location.但是,鉴于那些方法都

13、需要花费大量的 人工、频谱和资金,却只能构建一个仅用于 定位的系统,许多专家认为还是用现有的系 统来进行定位更好一些。例20. Typically, an UWB signal is defined as any signal in which the 3-dB bandwidth of the signal is at least 25% of its center frequency.UWB信号的典型定义是:任何3dB 带宽大于等于其中心频率1/4的信号。UWB Ultra Wide Band练1. Location aware services are becoming attracti

14、ve with the deployment of next generation wireless networks and broad-band multimedia wireless networks especially in indoor and campus areas.练2. We must therefore conclude that when the distance between the molecules is very small, there are forces of repulsion and that these forces increase rapidl

15、y as the distance between the molecules decreases.练3. For direct current and low-frequency alternating current (up to a few thousand cycles per second), the resistance is reversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the path the current must travel; that is, given two conductors of the same material and having same length, but differing in cross-sectional area, the one with larger area will have the lower resistance.


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