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1、II 重点短语 1.die _ 灭绝;(风俗习惯)逐渐消失 2. _peace 和平地; 和睦地; 3. _ danger 在危险中;垂危; 4. _ _ danger 脱离危险; 5. _ relief 如释重负; 6. protect _ 保护不受 7. pay attention _ 注意; e _ being 形成,产生; 9. _to 按照;根据所说 10.so _ 以致于;结果1.Now some creatures are in danger of _. A. dying out B. dying off C. dying of D. dying from 2.No _ has

2、been made in the talks on the withdrawal of foreign troops. A. success B. progress C. advance D. result 3. Attention must be paid to _ the jewelry shop _. A. prevent, from being robbed B. preventing, from being robbed C. prevent, to be robbed D. preventing, to be robbed 4. Im totally at a _ as to wh

3、at is going on here. A. loose B. lose C. lost D. loss 5. When she heard that his life was in_ danger, she felt quite at _ loss. A. the, the B. a, a C. /, a D. a, / 6. The distant country is so _ that I dont want to go back to the noisy city. A. peace B. at peace C. peaceable D. peaceful 7. It is our

4、 hope that the two countries will live _ for ever. A. in a peace B. in peace C. peaceful D. in peacefully1. 单词 1) Nowadays more and more people come to know the important part w_plays in our environment. 2) These plants need great p_agianst cold. 3) There are w_ animals in the forest. 4) Many natura

5、l r_ have been set up to protect the rare animals and plants 5) He reported the l_of his wallet to the police. 6) He went to Shenzhen Special EconomicZ_ to start his business.1 I was late, _, I missed the train. A. as a result B. as a result of C. with the result D. with a result 2. The practice of

6、children working in the factory has nearly _. A. died off B. died out C. died D. died down 3. For a moment Arthur was _ how to reply to the question. A. have no idea B. not known C. puzzling D. at a loss 4._ in thought, he almost knocked into a passing car. A. Lost B. Having lost C. Lost himself D.

7、Losing 5. Wed like to _ a table for five for dinner this evening. A. preserve B. reserve C. retain D. sustain6. Wouldnt it be _ wonderful world if all nations lived in _ peace with one another? A. a; / B. the; / C. a; the D. the; the 7. The distant country is so _ that I dont want to go back to the

8、noisy city. A. peace B. at peace C. peaceable D. peaceful 8. The tiger is _ danger of dying out. A. at B. in the C. in D. inside 9. No response was _ rapidly _ our demands for the equipment which was most needed. A. gave; to B. made; to C. offered; for D. given; for 10. They didnt have any good equi

9、pment, so once the soliders were at sea, they were _ the mercy of the wind and waves. A. at B. with C. For D. of1. 世界是何时开始存在的? When did the world _ _ _? 2. 他举起手臂护住面部免受这一击。He raise his arm to _his face _ the blow. 3.他当时有生命危险。 He was _ _ _losing his life then. 4.我们同邻居和睦相处。 We live _ _with our neighbou

10、r.1.单词拼写 1. Drunk-driving can not only cause traffic accidents, but also e_ the lives of pedestrians. 2. He wore a thick overcoat as a p_ against the bitter cold. 3. I dont like going to work on an empty s_. 4. We should pay more a_ to state affairs. 5. When did the world come into b_? 6. The city c

11、overs an a_ of 15 square kilometers. 7. The giant panda has become an endangered s_. 8. This had a grear e_ upon the future of both mother and son. 9. Most of the worlds wheat is grown in the North Temperate z_.1. I think he should have further study abroad, but his mother suggests _ in a big compan

12、y. A. him work B. he works C. his working D. to work 2. All the evidence suggests that _ money. A. him stole B. he steal C. he stole D. his stealing 3. It is suggested that a doctor _ immediately. A. be sent for B. send for C. is send for D. should sent for 4. The conference has been held to discuss

13、 the effects of the tourisim _ the wild life in the area. A. in B. on C. at D. with 5. The exciting performances attracted the passers-bys _. A. notice B. attention C. patience D. taste 6. This book _ 18 articles, _ three written by my father. A. contains; includes B. includes; containing C. contain

14、s; including D. includes; contained 7. In the accident five passengers were killed, _ a foreigner. A. including B. included C. include D. which were included. 8. In the accident five passengers were killed, a foreigner_ . A. including B. included C. include D. which were included.1.Wildlife_(保护) is a topic that is very important everywhere. 2.M _(收入) last year increased a lot. 3.This is no longer a _(遥远的) dream. 4.The apple _(含有) plenty of vitamins. 5.When there is a lot of _(灰尘) i



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