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1、1.Writings : Why we come to college? (Knowledge, personality and ability) How to build new relationship between teachers and students? How to build a harmonious dorm relation? Should college students take part in activities? Part time job and learning) Listen with your heart How to conquer negative

2、emotions? (Loneliness) Learn by yourself or learn together? Listen to the teacher or learn after class? How to learn well? Listen to learn or read to learn?) Learn by books or by activities? How to use Internet to learn? Books, journals and nets (learn through different resources) How to become an e

3、xcellent college student?/Learning in excellence How to study English and major together? Should we read in the morning? How to avoid plagiarism?( 抄袭 ) Study first or play first How to adjust yourself to college study? Aim, plan and time arrangement, techniques Aim high or aim low? Extensive study o

4、r intensive study? Learn more or learn deep? How to be a good group leader? Should we participate in contests? Take public English contests Be a learner or a studier? How to make good use of time? English learning: Listen for information or for sound? (Read) Can we maneuver the roads of life? 2.Deba

5、tes: the best relationship with roommates is one of friendly distance? Easier to forget or to remember? 3.Dialogues: an ideal roommate What kind of woman do you like? What kind of man would you marry? Would you do everything for him? It is not the high priority with me. Living together or not? 4. St

6、ory, joke /riddle/twister /( 绕口令 )tellers: a second apprentice Would I? 5. Text retellings: special delivery 6. Role-Plays: The Gift of Life 7. text /essay reciting 8. English songs performance 9. Speeches: 历年演讲比赛题目argumentary:_ is my top concern 2004 年“校园杯”英语演讲比赛暨“CCTV 杯”全国大学英语演讲比赛(九江学院选拔赛) 隆重举行“Ma

7、n and Internet” 。 比赛中,各位选手以自信、良好的心态和充分的准备沉着应赛,赢得了观众阵阵掌声比赛通过榜样的力量提高了同学们学习英语的兴趣和锻炼口语的积极性,另一方面也展示了我院学生的英语实力,浓郁了校园文化氛围。2007 年“ CCTV杯” 大学英语演讲比赛“Global Citizenship Begins at Home ”这一主题,在 “Prepared Speech” 、“Impromptu Speech” 、“Questions and Answers” 三个环节上展开了激烈角逐,1. 半决赛阶段只设即兴演讲。赛题保密,选手上场前15 分钟抽题。即兴演讲时间为3 分

8、钟;从参赛选手中选出前6-8 名进入决赛。2.决赛阶段设定题演讲3分钟 2009(题目为: Culture Smart or Science Intelligent?) 、即兴演讲 1 分钟、提问 ( 就选手定题演讲或即兴演讲内容各提一个问题,选手回答时间为每题1 分钟。 )和历史文化知识问答等环节。informative How to be a good speaker? How to be a good listener?(audience) How to fight stage fear/stress/worriness/final exam worriness/pressure? 附件

9、 2:2008 年校大学英语演讲比赛选题范围1. The state retirement age should be raised 2. You must do the things you think you can not do. 3. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm 4. The relationship between technology and the environment. 5. Practicing mercy killing. 6. How do college students deal with h

10、aving part time jobs while studying? 7. A wise man cares not for what he cannot have 8. Money brings people greater security. 9. The advantages and disadvantages of computer games 10. The Olympic spirit 演讲定题题目:1. Building Trust between people 2. On Challenge 3. Traffic policemen 4. How to define a f

11、riend 5. Crimes and laws 6. On morality 7. Building a harmonious society 8. On buying private cars 9. On Self-confidence 10. Sense of responsibility 11. Quantity and quality 12. Age and experience 13. On optimism 14. Chance and choice 15. Creative thinking in education 16 Climate and agriculture 17.

12、 Competition and co-operation 18. School rules and regulations 19. Mobile phones and global communication 20. Let kids enjoy holidays 大学生英语演讲比赛中即兴演讲的方法2011-10-29 00:52:52 Tag : 学英语英语能飞英语网我要评论 (0)大学生英语演讲比赛中即兴演讲的方法:各届大学生英语演讲比赛中令参赛选手感到最困难的就是即兴演讲部分。本文通过分析历届全国“21世纪杯”大学生英语演讲比赛中优秀的即兴演讲,提出在英语即兴演讲中需要注意的事项及需要

13、准备的知识和文化的积淀,为选手提供建议和帮助。即兴演讲是指演讲者在事先没有准备或者没有充分准备的情况下进行的临时性演讲。即兴演讲除了需要多方面的知识素养外,还需要敏捷的思维能力,快速的语言表达能力以及应变能力。在英语演讲比赛中,即兴演讲部分是最具有挑战性的部分,也最能体现参赛者的真实英语水平。本文将通过分析历届“21 世纪杯”全国大学生英语演讲比赛中优秀选手的即兴演讲,分析优秀演讲者需要掌握的语言表达及应变方法,提出在英语即兴演讲中需要注意的事项及应对方法,以期为选手提供建议和帮助。1 方法1 1 结构对于议论文形式的即兴演讲话题来说,不能够随性而为,一般要求演讲者思路清晰,在即兴演讲前必须构

14、建好演讲的整个框架结构。优秀的选手通常采用总分一总的结构,即提出论点支持论点总结论点。现以第十一届全国英语演讲比赛冠军曹丰的即兴演讲话题为例,他的题目是:Nowinthe age oftheInternet,readingbooks does not seemimportant a8 it once wasDo you think people call learn as much on the Interuetas they can by reading books?Which method do you prefer?他是这样开头的: “Actually I don t agreewith

15、thefirst sentence ofthistopic:intheage ofthe Intemet,reading books is not a8 important as it was once”接下来分析原因,最后做出总结:“Sointhisage ofInteruet,inthis age ofmodernization,in this age of civilization,why do you have to force someone to choosebetweennternetandbooks?Ipreferusingboth ofthem”1 2 开头瑞士作家温克勒说:

16、“开场白有二项任务:一是建立说者与听者的同感;二是如字义所释,打开场面,引入正题。”总的来说,开头应简短并能抓住听众的兴趣。开头一般有以下几种方法。1 2 1 开门见山,直切主题这种开场的方式单刀直入,能够直奔演讲主题,通过简洁的语言,开门见山,直切主题能迅速吸引听众的注意。1 2 2 设问式演讲者一开始就提出一个或几个令人出乎意料的问题,能够迅速地唤起听众的兴趣和注意力,引发人们的深思,自然地激发听众的参与意识,缩短与听众的距离。采用设问开头的方式,关键在于问题要提得好,提得恰当。提问的信息要与后面阐述的问题联系紧密,能巧妙而自然地引出演讲的主体内容。第三届全国英语演讲比赛冠军梁励敏在演讲“Are buses better than cars?”时这样开头:Is not owning aprivate eara dreamthat is deeply rooted in any Chinese for years time?Isnt i



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