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1、引弧板与熄弧板官方标准(Run-on and Run-off Plates) 一看标题小case, 搞船体的谁不知道引弧板和熄弧板啊,就算不知道,问一下度娘,出来一大片,什么引弧板和熄弧板的长度,宽度,厚度,材质,坡口,安装形式等等就都有了。可是作为造船师平台的“师长”怎么会把这么一个看似弱智的问题拿出来做开篇讨论呢?其实不然, 你很快就会发现百度所提供的这些与引弧板和熄弧板相关的所谓的要求,标准,规定都是莫衷一是,人云亦云,简而言之就是有很多不同的版本而且不具备权威性。大部分的船级社规范里面也没有针对引弧板和熄弧板具体的规范要求,导致我们在船舶建造过程当中,船厂,船东,船级社之间为此经常闹小

2、别扭。鉴于此,我们这里要讨论的是针对引弧板和熄弧板“官方的,权威的,国际的”标准或要求。这个时候你能告诉我一个靠谱的答案了吗?引弧板和熄弧板在不同的船级社规范或国际标准里面翻译上有一些小的差别。比如: 在 GL 船级社里面被称Run-in and Run-off plates, 在 NK 船级社叫 end tabs, 而在欧标( EN ) 里面被称为Run-on and Run-off plates。师长曾经也被一个爱较真的国际友人在此问题上为难过,经过一番细细的考证和查阅相关资料,终于给出了令其相对满意的答案,以下是我们的邮件通讯记录,以便大家参考(邮件中人名均为化名,请勿对号入座):Dea

3、r Mr. Zaochuans, Good morning and I hope you are well. Can you kindly assist me to find some supporting information regarding Run-on-Off tabs. I want to find the actual standards for these but I can t see it in my system.Thanks and regards, Sergejus - Good evening Sergejus, , Sorry for my late reply

4、 due to we are very busy in delivering of our 3rd vessel recently. Attached are the Standards/ Rules in relation to Run-on and Run-off plates for your reference. Actually, there is no detail requirement from Class in this respect. However, one copy of the shipyard standard practices (see attached) o

5、n Run-on and Run-off plates can be deemed as a common shipbuilding practice which is very similar to the recommendation from EN Standard 1998. Thanks and Best regards, Zaochuans - 以下为邮件附件内容1.European Standard (EN) EN1011-1:1998, Page 9, item16:“Run-on and Run-off plates, when required, shall be manu

6、factured from a grade of metal compatible with that used for the fabrication, and shall have a thickness and edge preparation similar to those used for the joint. The length of run-on and run-off plates depends on the thickness of the parent material and the weld procedure. The run-on and run-off pl

7、ates shall be of sufficient length to ensure that start/stop imperfections are contained within them.“ 2.European Standard (EN) EN1011-1:2009(E), 7.3:“The ends of butt welds shall be welded to provide the full weld thickness. This may be achieved by the use of run-on and/or run-off plates. These sha

8、ll be produced from a material which is compatible with that of the parts to be joined. The thickness, the weld preparation and the length of the run-on and run-off plates depend on the welding task and the welding process.“ 3.NK Rules-2014, Part M Ch2,2.3.3:“The ends of important welded joints are

9、to be fitted with the end tabs or to have proper oversized edge, which are to be cut off after welding“ 4.GL Rules-2014:“With mechanized welding processes or when arc striking and end crater defects in butt welds have to be avoided, run-in and run-off plates shall be provided in continuation of the

10、line of the weld.“ 5.Shipyard Standard Practice (From one of Chinese Shipyards):“When Submerged Arc Auto Welding is adopted, start end and terminal end (free end ) must be fitted with run-on plate and run-off plates. The dimensions of them are 150*100mm, and thicknesses are same to the parent plate.

11、 When single Side Welding is adopted, run-on plate and run-off plate is chosen according to special requirement.“ and “When Manual Arc Welding or CO2 Automatic Welding, CO2 Semi-Automatic Welding is adopted, run-on plate and run-off plate must be fitted and the thickness of them shall comply with ta

12、ble 1“ and“when Face plates of T-bar are jointed, run-on and run-off plates must be fitted”, etc. 综上所述,我们可以得出以下权威结论:(1) 引弧板和熄弧板材质等级应与被焊母材兼容或相似(参见以上EN-1998/EN-2009); (2) 引弧板和熄弧板的板厚以及坡口准备应与被焊母材一致或相似(参见以上EN-1998) ;(3) 引弧板和熄弧板的长度取决于所采用的焊接任务以及焊接方法(参见以上EN-2009); (4) 引弧板和熄弧板在焊接结束后应切除;重要的焊缝末端在焊前必须装设引弧板和熄弧(参见以上NK 规范);(5) 当采用机械化的焊接方法或对接焊缝端部的起弧或收弧缺陷必须避免时,引弧板和熄弧板应提供(参见以上GL 规范) 。(6) 权威的标准以及船级社规范中没有对引弧板和熄弧板的长度和宽度进行具体量化,但并不是说对此没有要求。以上拙文仅就此谈些浅显看法,意在抛砖引玉,以期各界专家大师不吝赐教!



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