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1、上海交通大学 2001 级七年制硕士学位论文 切口入路可达到与经三角肌胸大肌入路同样的复位效果, 此外尚具有直观,创伤小的优点。 关键词 关键词 肱骨近端,骨折,内固定,肱骨近端锁定钢板 上海交通大学 2001 级七年制硕士学位论文 THE COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE TREATMENT OF PROXIMAL HUMERAL FRACTURE THROUGH A SMALL INCISION ON THE ANTEROLATEERAL SHOULDER ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the clinical ourtcomes of th

2、e treatment of the displaced proximal humeral fracture with a locking proximal humeral plate(LPHP) through a small incision on the anterolateral shoulder or a standard deltopectoral approach. Methods: In the period from January 2006 to December 2006, 62 cases of displaced proximal humeral fractures

3、were surgically reduced and fixed LPHP in Shanghai Sixth peoples Hospital, of which the data of 52 cases available for analysis. According to Neers classification, there were 19 patients with two-part fractures, 22 with 3-part and 11 with 4-part fractures. The patients were divided into two groups,

4、according to the approaches taken by, a small incision group(group A) and a deltopectoral incision group(group B).There were 23 cases in group A, of which 9 were classified as Neer two-part fractures and 3-part respectively, 5 as Neer 4-part. There were 29 cases in group B, of which 10 were classifi

5、ed as Neer two-part fractures, 13 as Neer 3-part fractures and 6 as Neer 4-part. A small 上海交通大学 2001 级七年制硕士学位论文 incision was made on the anterolateral shoulder in group A, and the deltoid muscle was separated to reduce the fracture. The LPHP was inserted beneath the muscle and the proximal was fixed

6、, the distal was fixed through another small incision. A deltopectoral approach was made in group B. The fracture was reduced and fixed with LPHP. The time interval from injury to operation, operation time, postoperative length of stay in hospital, the degree of reduction, bone healing time, shoulde

7、r function and the rate of avascular necrosis of the humeral head were recorded. All the data between the two groups were analyzed and compared. Result: A follow-up of mean 16 months, ranging from 12 to 24 months, was performed in 52 cases. The mean operation time was 100mins in group A, 109mins in

8、group B. There were 20 cases of anatomic reduction in group A,21 cases in group B and 3 cases of functional reduction in group A, 8 cases in group B. The mean healing time was 14.2 weeks in group A, 15.7 weeks in group B. The mean Constant score was 80.3 in group A, 76.6 in group B. The rate of necr

9、osis of the humeral head was 0% in group A, 17.2% in group B. There were no statistical significance in operation time, healing time and the joint function(p0.05). There was statistical significance in the rate of necrosis of the humeral head(p0.05)。受伤至手术的时间间隔 A 组 5.650.79 天,B 组 6.930.60 天, 平均手术时间 A

10、 组 100.568.67min, B 组 109.4110.11min, 术后住院时间 A 组 6.170.45 天,B 组 6.410.38 天,经 t 检验发现三者均无 显著差异(p0.05)。骨折术后复位的评价中 A 组解剖复位 20 例,功能复位 3 例,B 组解剖复位 21 例,功能复位 8 例,经卡方检验发现两组无显著差异 (p0.05)。术后两组骨折均愈合,平均愈合时间 A 组 14.22.6 周,B 组 15.7 3.1 周,平均 Constant 评分 A 组 80.37.8,B 组 76.68.2,经 t 检验发现 没有统计学意义(p0.05),两组的肱骨头坏死率 A 组

11、无一例(0%),B 组有 5 例 (17.2%),经 t 检验发现有统计学意义(p0.05)。术后两组的上臂感觉均正常, 没有发生感染、螺钉钢板断裂等情况。 上海交通大学 2001 级七年制硕士学位论文 8表 1 两组的一般资料 例数 平 均 年 龄 性 别 ( 男 / 女) 2 部分骨 折 3 部分 4 部分 A 组 23 54.0 7/16 9 9 5 B 组 29 49.6 15/14 10 13 6 P 值 0.277 0.123 0.914 0.277 0.123 0.914 表 2 两组的手术用时等比较 受伤至手术时间间隔 (days) 手术用时(mins) 术 后 住 院 时 间

12、 (days) A 组 5.650.79 100.568.67 6.170.45 B 组 6.930.60 109.4110.11 6.410.38 P 值 0.194 0.597 0.683 0.194 0.597 0.683 表 3 骨折复位的评价 解剖复位 功能复位 合计 A 组 20 3 23 B 组 21 8 29 合计 40 12 52 P 值 0.202 0.202 表4 两组治疗效果比较 愈合时间(周) Constant 评分 肱骨头坏死(例) A 组 14.22.6 80.37.8 0 B 组 15.73.1 76.68.2 5 t 值 3.827 4.742 2.1463.

13、827 4.742 2.146 P 值 0.183 0.216 0.0280.183 0.216 0.028 2.4 讨论2.4 讨论 肱骨近端骨折的手术治疗,通常都是通过三角肌胸大肌间隙入路11-14。其 优点为暴露广泛,易于操作,能够避免损伤腋神经。Plecko M等15人用LPHP 经此入路治疗64例肱骨近端骨折患者,其中36例符合选择标准(受伤后14天内按 标准的方式行手术内固定并且随访一年以上) ,包括11-A3骨折8例,1例B1,5例 B2,3例B3,1例C1,16例C2,2例C3,术后平均随访31个月,年龄相关Constant 评分平均80.7,DASH评分18.0。Athana

14、sios Koukakis等16人报道LPHP治疗20 例肱骨近端骨折患者,平均年龄61.75岁,经标准的三角肌胸大肌入路,暴露骨 折块并复位于准确解剖或近似解剖位置后置入钢板固定,随访16.2个月,平均 Constant评分为76.1(30-100),平均手术时间75m(60-120m) ,平均失血量 2.8g/dL(平均Hb术前11.4,术后8.6)。 但是三角肌胸大肌间隙入路也存在很多缺点。Loebenberg等17认为经三角 肌胸大肌入路暴露骨折块时众多神经血管结构包括腋神经、 肌皮神经和旋肱前动 脉都处在危险中。在更加复杂或移位严重的骨折时,肱骨头血供可能已经代偿, 通过三角肌胸大肌

15、入路分离可能进一步破坏剩余的微弱血供。 旋肱后动脉对肱骨 头血供贡献很少,而旋肱前动脉在胸大肌下缘远侧大约1cm处发自腋动脉,并沿 肩胛下肌腱下缘外侧走行18。经三角肌胸大肌入路时,旋肱前动脉可能处在风上海交通大学 2001 级七年制硕士学位论文 9险中,特别是骨折情况下变异的解剖19。因此在暴露受到限制的情况下,大结 节典型的后上移位的复位将变得很困难。 而不能够准确地固定大结节骨块可能导 致钢板周围的骨块位置差,导致结节缝合的失败,或畸形愈合导致术后功能受限 20 。Robinson等21也认为通过三角肌胸大肌入路直视主要骨折块存在困难, 尽管应用这个间隙治疗肱骨近端骨折常常得到满意的进入

16、, 但是暴露3或4部分骨 折中后外侧移位的大结节经常受到限制,并且需要较长时间用力牵开三角肌,有 直接损伤三角肌的危险或者把三角肌从近端锁骨起点上撕脱下来。 经肩关节前外侧小切口(劈开三角肌,于三角肌前部和中部之间进入)是最 直接的途径。这个入路通过无血管的前三角肌间隙,通过远端延伸和腋神经的保 护,直接进入肱骨近端外侧区,不对肱骨头的重要血供产生破坏22。Seebauer 等23认为经该入路可以避免经三角肌前部的迂回入路,一旦穿过三角肌,就可 直视肩袖、结节、肱骨干外侧部。因此该入路具有直观的优点。 除了直观, 该入路还具有创伤小的优点, 切开皮肤和皮下组织后就是三角肌, 肌纤维可纵向钝性分离, 损伤小。 其缺点是可能损伤腋神经。 后者起于臂丛后束, 与旋肱后动脉相伴行,一起通过四边孔,然后分为后支和前运动支28-29。前运 动支由后向前绕肱骨外科颈走行,由三角肌深面进入该肌,并继续向前发出不同 分支支配三角肌



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