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1、 Upgrade Yourself Studio English最常用的网络英语缩略语大全OMG、THX 和朋友聊 MSN 或是发短信时你是否会常常用到这些英语缩略语?当下的年轻人们可不会笨笨的一个词一个词的把一句话说完, 对于那些常用语,他们发明了自己的一套简写方式,一起来看看吧!Abbreviations, or short forms of words and phrases, are quite common in English. They are particularly common in electronic communication such as emails, text

2、ing, messaging on social media, and so on. One of the reasons written abbreviations are so common isbecause they are quicker to type than full words. So they save time and we all like to save time, right? Knowing common English abbreviations is important for understanding, of course, but learning to

3、 use them yourself is also a great way to add new vocabulary to your repertoire. Just keep in mind that abbreviations are definitely informal English and best used with friends and family, but not in formal school or business writing.缩写(或单词和词组的缩短形式)在英文中是非常常见的。尤其是在一些电子交流方式的社交媒体上,如邮件,短信,留言等等。书面缩写存在的其中

4、一条重要原因就是它跟全拼整个单词比起来更便捷。因此,它为我们节省了时间,谁不喜欢节省时间呢?当然,了解一些常用的英文缩写是非常有助于理解的,但是学会运用缩略语更是给你的词汇量增加动力。你只要记住,缩略语是非正式用语,最好用于朋友和家人之间,而不是正规的学校或商务写作中。 Note: Abbreviations traditionally are written in all capital letters in English, like acronyms, but when they are used in texting, chat rooms, or on social media th

5、ey are more commonly written in all lowercase letters. Using either all capital letters, or all lower case letters, is fine. 注:英文缩略语通常都是大写字母组成,就像首字母缩略词一样,但是当用于发短信,聊天室或社交媒体上时他们往往是用小写字母的。总之,用大写或小写都可以了。 AMA ask me anything 随便问。 BRB be right back Upgrade Yourself Studio English马上回来。 BTW by the way 顺便问一下

6、。 FYI for your information 仅供参考。 GG good game 认输退出。 ICYMI in case you missed it 万一你错过了。 IDC I dont care 无所谓。 IDK I dont know 不知道。 IKR I know right? (This is an emphatic expression of agreement.) 同意,中枪。 ILY I love you 我爱你! IMO in my opinion 我认为。 JK just kidding 开个玩笑。 Upgrade Yourself Studio EnglishLO

7、L laugh out loud 大声笑。 LMAO Laugh my ass off 笑死我了! OMG oh my god 哦,我的天! PPL people 人们。 TGIF thank God its Friday 感谢老天,总算到星期五了! THX thanks 谢谢! TBH to be honest 老实说。 WTF what the f*ck (This is an emphatic expression of surprise or anger.) 这 TMD 怎么回事! YOLO you only live once 你只活一次,想做什么就做什么吧。 Well, now t

8、hat you have had a look at these common English acronyms, lets take a look at how they can be used. Here are some texting conversations using acronyms from above. Keep in mind, these are not examples of spoken conversations, they are all written electronic conversations. 好了,现在你已经了解了这些常见的英文缩略语了,让我们一起

9、来看如何运用吧。下面是一个聊天对话,用到了上面的缩略语。记住,这些不是口语对话,它们都是电子书面对话。 Upgrade Yourself Studio EnglishJim: icymi we just made it 2 the finals John: I saw gg Al: tgif want to get drinks l8r (l8r=later) Abi: idk Im feeling tired Al: come on yolo Eric: wtf did you see what Kate wore 2 work today Erin: imo ppl can wear wh

10、atever they want who cares Now that you have seen how some of these acronyms can be used, why not see if you can figure out which acronyms go where in this fill in the blank. Good luck! 1. That was so funny it literally made me _. 2. I love the present you got me, _. 3. _ ! I cant believe that you just said that. 4. I _ during the movie we went to last night. It was hilarious. 5. I know what I am talking about _. 答案在这里,看这里看这里: Answers: 1. LOL 2. THX 3. OMG 4. LMAO 5. FYI 空中英语整理收集 http:/



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