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1、知识点总结本课程考试时间为150分钟,采用的题型有:单项选择 题、填空题、英译汉、汉译英、和撰写英语书信五大 题 型。各类题型所占分数比重大致为:选择题共20小题 , 每小题1分,占总分的20%(单项选择);填空题共15 题 25个空,每个空一分,占总分的25%;英译汉共10小 题,每小题2分,占总分的20%;汉译英共5小题,每小 题3分,占总分的15%;撰写英语书信占总分的20%。试 题难易度可分为较易、适中、较难三个等级。每份试 卷 中,不同难易度试题的分数比例为:较易占总分的 20%,适中占总分的60%、较难占总分的20%。建交信1.As this item falls(be, lie)

2、 within the scope(sphere) of our business activities.(lines)此种商品属于我公司经营范围。 2.We deal in Chinese textiles.我们经营中国纺织品。 3.This shop trades in paper and stationery. 这商店经营文具纸张。 4.We handle the import business of textiles. 我公司经营纺织品的进口业务。5.to enter into direct business relations with you 与你公司建立直接的业务关系。与某某建立

3、业务联系,一般用法: to establish business relations with; to enter into business activities with; to build up business relations with; to make business contact with 与谁建立业务联系用with v 建立什么样的关系:to establish direct ( 直接的) pleasant (愉快的),friendly ( 友好的),good (良好的),mutually beneficial (互利的) relations with v在什么基础上建立

4、业务关系:on the basis of v如:We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality , mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs.我们愿在平等互利、互通有无 的基础上与你公司建立业务联系。v 促进业务联系:to promote business relations;v加强业务联系:to strengthen (enhance) business relations.vAvai

5、lableAvailable 形容词available放在它所修饰的名 词前或后都可以, Available quantity 或quantity available 可供数 量 Do you have any sample available? 你们能给我们寄样品吗?Quotation quotation 做“报价”解时,常与动词make, send, give 等连用:Please make (send, give) us your lowest quotation. 还可以用let us have 的结构: Please let us have your lowest quotation

6、. “quotation”后面常跟介词for,然后接所报的商品, 在少数情况下,买方提及卖方的报价时用of. 向对方请求报价时,必用for:Please make us your lowest quotation for Chinese Folding Fans.请报中国折扇最低价。询价Quote 做报价解时的基本结构是: quote sb a price for sth:Please quote us your lowest price for carpets.报盘Offer 1)n. make (give, forward, send )an offer on (for) item at

7、priceWe are glad to give you an offer on portable typewriter Model MS-20 at US $140 per unit, CIF Bombay.2) vt. offer (item) at (price)We can offer you large quantities of this years peanuts at US$ 1,000 per metric ton.2.In due coursein due course 是商业书信中的成语,有时 用副词duly,意指情况正常按时到达。3. At sellers/buyers

8、 option at sellers option 表示由卖方决定, at buyers option 则表示由买方决定。4. Acceptable,Accept, Acceptance acceptable 是形容词,可接受的;accept是 动 词,接受;acceptance是名词,接受。在报盘有效期内接受报盘的全部条款,达成 交 易。我们就说:We accept your offer of 2 000 kilos black tea. 或:We confirm our acceptance of your offer of 5. in the market for something是书

9、面语,表示想买进某物。 如:You are in the market for Chemicals. 你公司要购买化工产品。 bring to market, put on the market, come into the market 都可以用来表示: 在市场上出售,投放市场。 如:The new color TV will come into the market soon. 新型彩色电视机不久将投放 市场。6.Trade In our trade with customers in the Asian-African countries 我们在同亚非国家的客户进行贸易时.trade 做

10、动词用时,表示“从事贸易,做生意,经营” 。 注意 trade in 和trade with 和某人做贸易接with, 经营某项商品接in.如:They trade mainly in cotton piece goods.他们主要经营棉布。订货及确认1. Subject to: subject to视而定,以为条件。如: This offer is subject to your reply being received by September 1.本盘9月1日前复到有效。 This offer is subject to prior sale. 本盘以先卖为准。 This offer i

11、s subject to the goods being unsold. 本盘以货物未售出为准。2.reduce reductionreduce 是动词,reduction 是名词,后面接介 词in,意思是减低、减少。减价还可以用 cut. 如:In order to close this deal we shall further reduce (cut) our price. We have made 8% reduction in our price. 另外,减到某一程度用bring down to, 如:We bring down our price to the level you

12、indicated in your letter of August 5. 略减用shade,如:We shade our price.支付见票后多少天支付的说法很多, 常见的有:L/C available by draft at 30 days after sight 见票后 30天付款; usance L/C at 30 days after sight 见票后30天付款; time L/C at 30 days after sight 见票后30天付款; term L/C at 30 days after sight 见票后30天付款; usance L/C at 30 days 见票后

13、30天付款;time L/C at 30 days 见票后30天付款;term L/C at 30 days 见票后30天付款。 当数量条款定有溢短装条款时,付款条件中 也 应有所反映: Payment:By confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight. The L/C should include a clause 5% more or less for both the quantity and the amount allowed.保兑的、不可撤销的信用证付款。信用证必 须 包括装货数量和总值都有5%溢短的条款。Payment

14、: By confirmed, irrevocable L/C, allowing 5% more or less both in amount and in quantity. 保兑的、不可撤销的信用证, 数量和总值均允许5%溢短。 付款条件的替代用法很多:Payment: By confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents in China. 保兑的、不可撤销的信用证, 凭装运单据在 中 国即期支付。By confirmed, irrevocable L/C pa

15、yable by draft at sight which should reach us at least one month before the shipping date, and should remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the date of shipment. 保兑的、不可撤销的信用证, 至迟应在装运 期 前一个月开达我方,在中国支付,信用证有 效 期至装运期后15天止。For payment, please arrange for an irrevocable letter of

16、credit, valid until June 30, to be opened in our favor with the ABC Bank. 关于付款,请安排由ABC银行开立以我方为受益人 , 有效期至6月30日截止的不可撤销的信用证。Payment should be made under an irrevocable letter of credit which is to be opened in our favor within a week after the date of your order.付款条件,在你方定货后一个星期内开立以我方为 受 益人的,不可撤销的信用证。be out of line with表示“与不相符合” 。 Your price is out of line with the prevailing market level. 是指与现行行市不相符合。 类


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