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1、Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语1worldwide1)adj. 遍及全世界的In a word, worldwide economic trends are good.总的来说,世界经济趋势是好的。 2)adv. 遍及世界各地,全世界Our products are sold worldwide.我们的产品销往世界各地。Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研

2、 版 英 语知识拓展worldfamous adj. 世界闻名的world power n. 世界强国worldclass adj. 国际水平的world war n. 世界大战Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语即学即用翻译句子这件事已经引起了全世界的关注。_答案:The story has attracted worldwide attention.Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语2active adj. 活跃的;积极的He is an active member of the club.他是俱乐部

3、的积极分子。Although she is nearly 80, she is still active.尽管快80岁了,她还是很活跃。She is very active in the local business circle.她在当地的商业圈非常活跃。Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语搭配take an active part in sth. 积极参与某事He takes an active part in school life.他积极参与学校活动。be active in (doing) sth. 积极参加某事She is active

4、in political activities.她热衷于政治。He was active in organizing student meetings.他积极组织学生集会。Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语The boy broke the cup. 那男孩打碎了杯子。 The cup was broken by the boy.杯子被男孩打碎了。Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语知识识拓展be active in. 在方面活跃跃/积积极take an active part in 积积极参加activ

5、ely adv. 积积极地;活跃跃地activist n. 积积极分子activity n. 活动动Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语即学即用完成句子The virus is still _ _ _ _.这这种病毒仍然在血液中起作用。答案:active in the bloodModule 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语3damage n. 损害;危害do damage to sth. 危害/损害The storm caused great damage/did a lot of damage.暴风雨带来了许多损

6、失。The accident did a lot of damage to the car.这一事故把汽车损坏得很严重。Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语知识拓展do wrong to sb.do sb. wrong 冤枉某人do good to sb.do sb. good 对对某人有好处处do a favor for sb.do sb. a favor 帮某人一把;给给某人以恩惠Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语词语辨析damage, destroy, ruin damage“损坏”,意味着损坏后价

7、值或效率降低, 一般是部分性的。 destroy指十分彻底的“破坏”,常含“不能或很难 修复”的意思。 ruin指逐渐地“毁坏”,使失去价值、兴致等。Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语I damaged my shoes in football practice today.今天练练足球时时我把鞋弄坏了。The building was completely destroyed by fire.那座建筑物被火烧烧得一干二净净。The bad weather runied our trip.天气恶恶劣,破坏了我们们的旅行。Module 3 The V

8、iolence of Nature外 研 版 英 语即学即用Though the flood did great_to the crops, farmers still won a good harvest.Ahurt Bruin Cdamage Dinjury答案:CModule 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语The precious manuscripts were hopelessly_by long exposure in the cold and damp cellar.Adamaged BdestroyedCharmed Druined答案:DM

9、odule 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语4affect v. 影响The rise in prices will affect all classes.物价的上涨将使各阶层的人都受影响。The climate affected his health.气候影响了他的健康。Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语词语辨析affect, effect1)effect是affect的名词形式,不能混淆。2)effect通常用于have an effect on词组中,且effect常与介词on连用,表示“对有影响”。The

10、medicine has little effect on the old man.这药对这位老人几乎不起作用。Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语知识拓展affect/influence sth.have an effect/influence on sth.be of effect 无效bring into effect 实施;使生效come/go into effect 开始生效;开始实行in effect 事实上;在实施中;有效take effect 生效;起作用with effect 有效地without effect 无效地Module

11、3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语高考直击(2007江西)Scientists are convinced_the positive effect of laughter_physical and mental health.Aof; at Bby; in Cof; on Don; at解析:convince sb. of sth.“使某人相信某物”,the effect on.“对于的影响”;由此两种搭配形式可知选C项。答案:CModule 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语即学即用The economic crisis has

12、 seriously _ West German exports.Aaffected Binflunced Ceffect Dinfected答案:AModule 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语1in allas a total 总共;总计There were twelve of us in all for dinner.我们一共有12人吃晚饭。Thats 25.40 in all.总计25.40英镑。Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英

13、语知识拓展all in all 总的说来above all 首先;重要的not at all 一点也不;不用谢after all 到底;毕竟;别忘了All in all it had been a great success.总的说来,那是个巨大的成功。Thank you very much for your help.多谢你的帮忙。Not at all.别客气/不用谢。Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语You shouldnt have scolded the boy at all. He is a child after all. Above

14、all, he made only two mistakes in all.你根本不该责备该责备 那孩子,他毕毕竟还还是个孩子;更重要的是,他总总共才出了两处错处错 。Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语高考直击(2010江西29) We give dogs time, space and love we can spare, and _, dogs give us their all.Ain all Bin factCin short Din return解析:考察in的词组。 in all “共计”; in fact“实际上”; in short

15、 “简而言之”; in return “作为回报”。答案:DModule 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语即学即用Do you mind if I record your lecture?_ Go ahead.ANever mind BNo wayCNot at all DNo. Youd better not答案:CModule 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语2happen to:if an event happens to someone or something, they are involved in it and affected by it(某人)发生了什么事;(某物)发生了什么情况What has happened to the recorder?录音机怎么了?A funny thing happened to me on my way home last night.昨天晚上我回家的路上发生了一件有趣的事情。Module 3 The Violence of Nature外 研 版 英 语知识拓


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