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1、安徽大学硕士学位论文民间借贷与中小企业融资研究姓名:李柯庆申请学位级别:硕士专业:政治经济学指导教师:韦伟2010-04I摘摘 要要 经过多年的市场经济发展,现代金融体制得到了很大完善。同时,没有哪种正规金融体制能完全满足金融市场的所有需求,中国现行的金融体制决定了不能满足所有中小企业的融资需求。在投资渠道狭窄的情况下,部分有富余闲置资金的自然人或企业急需寻求资金出路。在这种情况下,民间借贷成为满足供求双方的必然选择。多年的经济发展过程中,民间借贷成为中小企业融资的重要来源。 民间借贷存在着一些自身无法克服的弱点,如政府难以管理、容易被不法分子利用、抗风险能力比较弱等,这些往往成为政府管制、取

2、缔民间金融的理由。民间借贷尽管有一定的弊端,但其在活跃金融市场、合理配置资源、促进经济发展等方面起到了一定的作用,是正规金融的有益补充。当民间借贷在促进各地经济发展中的作用逐步显现时,国家才开始关注、研究其发展,所以国内对民间借贷的研究起步较晚。本文以完善民间借贷体制、促进中小企业发展为研究出发点,具有一定的现实意义。 全文共分七个部分,依次为绪论、第 15 章和结束语,基本框架如下:第一部分是绪论。介绍全文的研究背景、研究目的、研究思路、研究方法和创新点;第二部分介绍相关理论概述及基本概念界定。包括中小企业融资研究和民间借贷研究文献综述,基本概念的界定;第三部分介绍民间借贷对中小企业融资影响

3、现状。包括民间借贷对中小企业融资影响现状、中小企业融资特点、中小企业融资难现状;第四部分介绍民间借贷对中小企业融资影响分析。包括民间借贷的正面效应、民间借贷的负面效应分析;第五部分介绍民间借贷对中小企业融资影响的因素分析。包括民间借贷的优势、民间借贷与正规金融的比较优势分析、中小企业从民间借贷融资可行性分析、中小企业民间借贷融资实证分析;第六部分介绍如何引导民间借贷正规发展。包括从法律上正确对待民间借贷发展、加强对金融中介机构的监管、加强商业银行的金融产品创新、加强行业协会在短期融资中的作用、政府应提供民间借贷发展的良好环境和扩大信息沟通范围加强民间借贷监测;第七部分是结束语。 由于对民间借贷

4、的研究是一个庞大的系统工程,需要研究的内容很多。在II本文的有限研究中,肯定不能做到全面周详,甚至还存在某些欠缺。如由于民间借贷的隐蔽性、不规范,致使本文的统计数据不全面。本文的研究是基于一定的调查实践经验和理论基础,总结目前中小企业发展中普遍遇到民间融资问题,为民间借贷发展总结出几点政策建议,虽然研究之中也有很大的不足之处,但是希望能为中小企业融资的未来发展提供分析基础和政策建议。 关键词 关键词:民间借贷;中小企业;融资链条;经济发展 IIIAbstract After years of market economic development, the modern financial s

5、ystem has been greatly improved. At the same time, there is no formal financial system which can fully meet all the needs of the financial markets. Chinas current financial system decided not to meet all the financing needs of SMEs. In the case of investment channels, some have surplus or idle funds

6、 of the natural resources companies need to find way out. In this case, private loans become the inevitable choice to meet the demand and supply sides. Years of economic development, private lending as an important source of financing for SMEs. There are some private lending can not overcome their o

7、wn weaknesses, such as government difficult to manage, easy to by unscrupulous elements, such as weak anti-risk ability, they tend to be government regulation, banning private financial reasons. Borrowing despite some shortcomings, but its financial markets in the active, rational allocation of reso

8、urces, promoting economic development has played a certain role, is a useful complement to formal finance. When borrowing in promoting the role of economic development throughout the show step by step, the state began to pay attention only to study its development, the domestic borrowing of late dat

9、e. This private lending institution to improve and promote the development of SMEs starting point for the study has some practical significance. Full-text is divided into seven parts, followed by an introduction, chapter 1-5 concluding remark, the basic framework is as follows: The first part is an

10、introduction. Full text of the research background, research goals, ideas and innovation; second section describes the basic concepts of the theory outlined and defined. Including the financing of small and medium enterprises and private lending literature review, the basic definition of the concept

11、; the third section describes the current situation of SMEs. Including the status of SME financing, SME financing characteristics, status of financing of SMEs; fourth section describes the impact of borrowing on the financing of SMEs. Including the positive effects of private lending, private lendin

12、g IVof the negative effects; fifth section describes the financing of private lending to SMEs factors. Including the characteristics of private lending, private lending and formal financial analysis of the comparative advantages of SMEs financing from private lending feasibility analysis, empirical

13、analysis of the financing of SMEs borrowing; Part sixth describes how to guide the formal development of private lending. Legally correct view from private lending development, strengthening the supervision of financial intermediaries to strengthen the commercial banks of financial product innovatio

14、n, industry associations in the short-term financing to strengthen. Government should provide a good environment for the development of private lending and expansion of communication range, the strengthening of civil debt monitoring; seventh part is the conclusion. As the research on private lending

15、 is a huge systematic project, need to study the contents of the lot. In this limited study, certainly can not be fully detailed, and even there some lack. Such as the invisibility of private lending is not standardized, resulting in incomplete statistical data of this article. This article is based

16、 on a certain survey of practical experience and theoretical basis for the development of SMEs in the present day, are experiencing a civil financing for the development of private lending summarizes several policy recommendations, Although the study is also among the very inadequate However, hope for the future development of SME financing analytical basis and policy recommendations. Keywords: private lending; small-and-medium-sized enterprises; Financing Chain;Economic development 绪 论



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