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1、价键理论(VBT)和晶 体场理论(CFT) 胡爱国胡爱国 背景知识背景知识 金属有机化合物的定义及金属有机化学发展历史 金属有机化合物中的结构和化学键金属有机化合物中的结构和化学键 化合价、 氧化态、 d 电子数、 饱和度、有机配体、配位数和18电子规则 空间点群(Point Group)、立体构型 价键理论(Valence bond Theory)、晶体场理论(Crystal Field Theory) 分子轨道理论(Molecular Orbital Theory) 金属有机化合物的反应金属有机化合物的反应 配合反应 氧化加成反应和还原消除反应 (Oxidative Addition &

2、Reductive Elimination) 迁移插入和消除反应(Migration Insertion & Elimination)、配体上的反应 金属有机化学在高分子合成中的应用金属有机化学在高分子合成中的应用 阴离子聚合反应 (Anionic Polymerization) 配位聚合反应 (Coordination Polymerization) 卡宾配合物和烯烃复分解聚合反应(Olefin Metathesis Polymerization) 交叉偶联反应及相关聚合反应 (Cross Coupling Polymerization) 原子转移自由基聚合反应(Atom Transfer

3、Radical Polymerization) 金属有机高分子化合物(新型功能高分子) 教学大纲教学大纲 Valence Bond Theory(价键理论)(价键理论) Linus Carl Pauling (1901 1994) Recall: Hybridization and Valence Bond Theory in covalent compounds Carbon Ground State Carbon Transition State Carbon in CH4 Valence Bond Theory(价键理论)(价键理论) Main Postulates I) The met

4、al ligand bond arises by donation of pair of electrons by ligands to the central metal atom. (金属和配体间的化学键源自配体向中心金属提供电子对) II) To accommodate these electrons the metal ion must possess requisite number of vacant orbitals of equal energy. These orbitals of the metal atom undergo hybridization to give hy

5、brid orbitals. (中 心金属先提供能量相近的空的杂化轨道杂化轨道来容纳来自配体的电子) III) Sometimes the unpaired (n-1)d orbitals pair up before bond formation making (n-1)d orbitals vacant. The central metal atom makes available number of d-orbitals equal to its co-ordination number. (有时候中心金属的未成对d电子会先配对,并空出与配位数相当的空的d轨道) iv) The meta

6、l ligand bonds are thus formed by donation of electron pairs by the ligands to the empty hybridized orbitals. These bonds are equal in strength and directional in nature.(配体中的电子对 进入中心金属的空d杂化轨道,于是形成了能量简并的配位键) Valence Bond Theory(价键理论)(价键理论) Valence Bond Theory(价键理论)(价键理论) Octahedral Complexes Valence

7、 Bond Theory(价键理论)(价键理论) Shape - Octahedral d2sp3 Magnetic behavior - Paramagnetic (3 unpaired e) It IS Diamagnetic - No unpaired electrons. Should be paramagnetic (4 unpaired e). Valence Bond Theory(价键理论)(价键理论) Square Planar Complexes d8组态的离子如Pd2+,Ni2+都易形成平面四方形配合物。d9组态的离子也可以激发一个电子而形成平面四方形配合物 Valenc

8、e Bond Theory(价键理论)(价键理论) Inner and Outer Orbital Complexes vs (n-1)d orbitals for d2sp3 hybridization nd orbitals for sp3d2 hybridization The electrons in the metal pair, so the complex is either diamagnetic or will have lesser number of unpaired e It is called outer orbital complex. It has a large

9、 number of unpaired electrons. 不论是以何种方式形成哪种complex,VBT都将导致过多的负电 荷集中在金属离子上。而过渡金属的电负性又比较低。如此,负 电荷集中于电负性低的原子上,造成理论上不可回避的矛盾。 Valence Bond Theory(价键理论)(价键理论) Back Bonding Drawbacks of Valence Bond Theory It is a qualitative approach describing bonding in coordination compounds. The theory fails to explai

10、n the optical absorption spectra and magnetic properties of coordination compounds. The theory does not provide an answer to the origin of characteristic colors of complex ions. It does not explain why Co(NH3)63+ is an inner orbital complex and CoF63- is an outer orbital complex. In the crystal fiel

11、d model, the central metal ion is treated as positive while the ligands are negative point charges (设想中心金属为正离 子而负离子配体环绕周围) Crystal Field Theory(晶体场理论)(晶体场理论) Ligand Field degenerate d orbitals Crystal Field Theory(晶体场理论)(晶体场理论) Octahedral Configuration and Oh Point Group Crystal Field Theory(晶体场理论)(

12、晶体场理论) d orbitals in octahedral ligand field Eg T2g Crystal Field Theory(晶体场理论)(晶体场理论) d orbitals in octahedral ligand field eg和t2g之间的能级差叫做晶体场分裂能,用D表示,并定义其为10Dq E 8C3 3C2 6S4 6d linear, rotations quadratic A1 1 1 1 1 1 x2+y2+z2 A2 1 1 1 -1 -1 E 2 -1 2 0 0 (2z2-x2-y2, x2-y2) T1 3 0 -1 1 -1 (Rx, Ry, R

13、z) T2 3 0 -1 -1 1 (x, y, z) (xy, xz, yz) Crystal Field Theory(晶体场理论)(晶体场理论) Tetrahedral Configuration and Td Point Group Crystal Field Theory(晶体场理论)(晶体场理论) d orbitals in Tetrahedral ligand field Td point group 在四面体场中没有电子“头对头”的情形,e和t2组态间的能量差(Dt)没有八面体场中的大,为4/9 Do Crystal Field Theory(晶体场理论)(晶体场理论) d o

14、rbitals in Square Planar ligand field 在平面正方形场中有四种情形,通过计算,它们的能量次序为:b1g(12.28Dq) b2g(2.28Dq) a1g(-4.28Dq) eg(-5.14Dq) D4h point group Crystal Field Theory(晶体场理论)(晶体场理论) Applications of CFT(晶体场理论的应用)(晶体场理论的应用) The Spectrochemical Series The magnitude of Do can be determined indirectly from spectroscopi

15、c measurements and is therefore usually give in spectroscopic energy units (usually cm-1). The influence of the ligand on the magnitude of Do was determined for a series of pentaaminecobalt(III) complexes. Why most OM are colorful? d3 complex like Cr(NH3)63+ d-d transition High spin and Low spin com

16、plexes(高自旋和低自旋配合物)(高自旋和低自旋配合物) Crystal Field Stabilization Energy (CFSE) A consequence of Crystal Field Theory is that the distribution of electrons in the d orbitals can lead to stabilization for some electron configurations. 在配体场作用下,d轨道能级分离,d电子首先进入能量较低的轨道,由此与未配位前产生的能量差叫晶体场稳定化能,对于八面体场配合物,在eg轨道上增加一个电子,总能量升高6Dq,在t2g轨道上增加一个电子,总能量降低4Dq Complexes are high spin if Dq is small : weak field case Complexes are


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