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1、31 省市学位英语网省市学位英语网 学位英语门户网站学位英语门户网站 2013 年吉林学位英语全真模拟试题年吉林学位英语全真模拟试题 (三)(三) Part I Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark

2、the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singe line through the center 1The advantage of the new bridge will be the way it the towns on the opposite banks of the river. A)communicates B)connects C)attaches D)spans 2MrsKarnowsky has the being the oldest person to graduate from this college

3、 A)distinct of B)distinction of C)distinctive of D)distinguish of 3Saudi Arabia has planted the trees to keep the sand from fertile areas A)taking over B)taking out C)taking down D)taking up 4Because she gates dishonesty, she is her son A)strict on B)heavy on C)hard on D)tight on 5You must walk thro

4、ugh the underground to get across that busy street A)pass B)past C)passage D)passenger 6.“When you leave the roommake sure the door” A)of locking B)you lock C)for you to lock D)to lock 7.I come yesterday but I had an important meeting to attend A)had to B)must have C)ought D)was to have 8Many an air

5、plane and many a big gun in the exhibition A)are shown B)has been shown C)has shown D)shown 9“Alice acts quite unfriendly”“NoShe is than unfriendly A)more shy B)shyer C)more shyer D)shy more 10.After the coffee with a teaspoon the hostess gave it to the guest A)whipping B)whirling C)stirring D)beati

6、ng l1Even a child would not be by such an obvious lie. A)cut of B)make up C)pulled through D)taken in 12The child Was terribly frightened of school in his early school days,but he soon it. A)got of B)got away C)got across D)growth 13Her excellent performance made a deep on the audience A)impression

7、B)comment C)reaction D)opinion 14Who on Saturday? A)do help you B)you help C)do you help D)you do help 15 Plastics, the machine is light in weight. A)To make of B)Having made C)to be made of D)Made of 16. His success was due to he had been working hard. A) that B) the fact that C) the fact which D)

8、the fact 17. On the river there is _bridge. A) an old stone fine B) an fine old stone C) an old fine stone D) a fine old stone 18. Only when it rains A) does the river overflow B) the river does overflow 31 省市学位英语网省市学位英语网 学位英语门户网站学位英语门户网站 C) overflow does the river D) overflows the river 19. He as

9、well as I you. A) agree with B) agree to C) agrees with D) am to agree 20. “What kind of dress are you going to make?”I would like one something like_you are wearing“. A) one B) that C) the one D) which 21In 1939 the Ohio and Mississippi river overflowed the worst flood ever known in the United Stat

10、ed A)the cause of B)which caused C)and caused D)they caused 22The earth might look like a perfect sphere,but careful measurements A)show is not B)show that it is not C)that shoe it is not D)show it that is not 23.For many children,nothing seems so exciting their first airplane ride A)so does B)as C)

11、on D)is 24 Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have a possible life span greater than . A)man B)the mans C)the one of mans D)that of man 25. the financial means to remain independentThomas Edison was compelled to seek employment as a night telegraph operator. A)He was depri

12、ved of B)Deprived of C)That he was deprived D)Although he was deprived of 26. The police accused him of setting fire to the apartment but he denied in the area on the night of the fire A) have been B) to be C) to have been D) having been 27. Why do you stand and watch the milk _over? A) boiling B) b

13、oiled C) to boil D) being boiled 28. “Would you like to go for a walk? Yes, Its “ A) so warm the day B) such warm a day C) so warm a day D) rather warm a day 29. Not only the players but also the coach has on uniform. A) their B) hers C) his D) our 30. “Did Young and Tom understand her? “ No,_ of them is very bright.“ A) No one B) None C) Not one D) Neither Part II Re


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