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1、智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料2015年8月份GRE考试数学预测机经,让你完美备战-智课教育旗下智课教育对于马上要参加GRE考试的考生来说,机经可谓是帮助考生获得高 分的有力保证,那么今天小编为考生分享2015年8月份GRE考试数学预 测机经,让你完美备战,助战GRE考试。 想要在GRE考试中一举多得高分的考生,在复习中就避免不了使用 机经来帮助考生增加对GRE考试的了解,那么今天小编为考生友情分享 2015年8月份GRE考试数学预测机经,让你完美备战,希望对考生有所 帮助。 1. The probability that event A will occur is 0.5 The p

2、robability that event B will occur is 0.4 The probability that event A or B will occur is 0.8 Column A Column B The probability that A and B both 0.1 A. The quantity in Column A is greater B. The quantity in Column B is greater C. The two quantities are equalD. The relationship cannot be determined

3、from the information given 参考答案:C。通过题目条件可以得出AB 同时发生的概率是0.1. 2. Yesterday, at a certain school, the ratio of boys to girls was 1 to 3. Today, an equal number of boys and girls joined the school. The number that joined was greater than zero and no students left. Column A Column B Ratio of boys to girl

4、s now 1/3 A. The quantity in Column A is greater B. The quantity in Column B is greater C. The two quantities are equalD. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given 参考答案:A. (1+x)/(3+x) 1/3,因为x0 3. x is a positive integer less than 100. When x is divided by 5, the remainder is 4

5、, andwhen x is divided by 23, the remainder is 7. What is the value of x? 参考答案:99。X 要满足两个条件,x-4 能被5 整除,x-7 能被23 整除。 4. If k is an integer and 121 k2 225, then k can h ave at most how many values? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 E. 7 参考答案:D. k 可以是12,13,14,-12,-13,-14. 5. When positive integer k is divided by 5,

6、the remainder is 2. When k is divided by 6,the remainder is 5. If k is less than 40, what is the remainder when k is divided by 7? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 参考答案:C. 通过条件可以得出k 为17,故17/7,余3 6. In the quadrilateral shown here, a+b+c+d= 参考答案:1080. 四边形内角和为360. 故360*4-360=1080 ABCE is a square, and BCDE is a parallelogram. Quantity A: The area of square ABCE Quantity B: The area of parallelogram BCDEA. Quantity A is greater. B. Quantity B is greater. C. The two quantities are equal D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. 参考答案:C. 正方形的面积是长乘以宽,平行四边形的面积是长乘以高。一样


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