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1、Impacts of Plug-in Vehicles and Distributed Storage on Electric Power Delivery NetworksPeter B. Evans, New Power Technologies Los Altos Hills, CA USA Soorya Kuloor, PhD, Optimal Technologies (US), Inc. Raleigh, NC USA Benjamin Kroposki, PhD, P.E., National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden, CO USA

2、 Abstract This paper discusses studies funded by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) via SunPower, Inc. and the California Energy Commission (CEC), performed by New Power Technologies and Optimal Technologies that showed that high-penetrations of distribution-co

3、nnected storage devices or plug-in vehicles can have adverse grid impacts due to their charging loads. Randomly-located or unmanaged additions, such as plug-in vehicles, can also have greater impacts at lower penetrations when compared to managed additions such as utility-sponsored storage. The stud

4、ies also found that potential adverse impacts from such charging loads are highly localized, and once identified are readily managed. The studies also show the use of a high-definition Energynet power system simulation and AEMPFAST power system optimization software for identifying and managing the

5、potential impacts of distribution- connected storage. Keywords: Plug-in Vehicles; Battery Electric Vehicles; Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles; V2G; Electrical Storage; Load Flow Analysis; Optimal Control; Power Distribution; Power System Simulation; Power Transmission; Distributed Storage, Distributed Genera

6、tion I. INTRODUCTION The Department of Energy (DOE) Renewable System Interconnection (RSI) Study addressed barriers to the expansion of renewable energy technologies associated with the possible impacts on the electricity grid of high penetrations of these technologies. The distributed generation el

7、ement of the RSI Study is to address technologies that connect to the grid at the distribution level, including solar photovoltaic (PV), distributed wind, vehicle-to-grid (V2G), and distribution- connected storage. Among the issues related to renewable energy grid integration to be addressed under t

8、he RSI Study are: Understanding and developing solutions to utility concerns about large penetration of renewable generation resources including storage connected to the electric power system, and Conducting detailed analysis of renewable energy system performance and grid effects through electrical

9、 transmission and distribution (T storage offers similar potential, but with far greater practical operational range. Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) refers to the dual-use of plug-in battery electric or hybrid vehicles as storage capacity available to the grid for such purposes. The appeal of V2G is the redu

10、ction in the effective cost to the power delivery network of the storage asset. Electric storage also places a corresponding charging load on the network. Even where there are adequate electric supply resources to serve charging loads off-peak, delivering the power to these loads may introduce local

11、ized problems with in the delivery network. Further, plug-in vehicles place a charging load on the network whether or not they are used as V2G storage resources. Lastly, rapid charging, a clear customer value for plug-in vehicles, translates to higher charging loads. The focus of this paper is the p

12、otential impacts of such charging loads on the power delivery network. For a given power delivery network, we sought to determine the penetration level at which the charging load of plug-in vehicles might begin to adversely impact the performance of the power delivery network. We also sought to asse

13、ss the role of the size of individual storage additions on their impact on network performance. A fundamental distinction of plug-in vehicles and V2G relative to electrical storage generally is that their location within the power delivery network is far less likely to be “planned” by the power deli

14、very network operator. So if power 978-1-4244-2601-0/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE838Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Electronic Science and Tech of China. Downloaded on January 26, 2010 at 06:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. delivery networks are sensitive to charging loads at partic

15、ular locations, it is important for network operators have the means to proactively identify those locations as well as the penetration levels at which these loads become a concern. Customer-side distributed storage and plug-in vehicles are both likely to be connected at customer service voltages an

16、d potentially at electrically-remote locations within the power delivery network. Meaningful impacts of the charging loads of such devices could be highly localized, thus their assessment requires the ability to see the power delivery system at the circuit element level as well as system wide. For this work we used a high-definition Energynet model of the subject syst


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