新目标英语 八上unit8.2

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《新目标英语 八上unit8.2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标英语 八上unit8.2(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、你的校园旅行怎么样?你去动物园了吗? 有一些鲨鱼吗? 你还做了什么其他的呢? 拍照 和我的朋友们出去闲逛 买一份纪念品 看见一些海豹吃一些冰淇淋 去水族馆went to the aquariumtook photoshung out with my friendssaw some sealsbought a souvenirWere there any sharks?Did you go to the zoo?ate some ice creamHow was your school trip?What else did you do?1.去水族馆2.拍照3.和我的朋友们出去闲逛4.看见一些海

2、豹5.买一份纪念品6.有一些鲨鱼吗?7.你去动物园了吗?8.吃一些冰淇淋9.你的校园旅行怎么样?10.你还做了什么其他的呢?went to the aquariumtook photoshung out with my friendssaw some sealsbought a souvenirWere there any sharks?Did you go to the zoo?ate some ice creamHow was your school trip?What else did you do?过 去 时Unit 8 How was your school trip?Section

3、 A Period 2win (won) 赢,获胜 prize 奖赏 Win(won) a prize 赢得一个奖 autograph 亲笔签名New words and phraseswin+奖品/比赛 beat+对手 e.g. beat me in tennis_ Did you buy that hat? _ What else did you do? _ Did you see any sharks? _ Did you win that hat? _ Did you get his autograph? _ Were there any seals? _ Did you take a

4、ny photos?2aListen and check( )the questions you hear.get ones autograph1. Tina met a famous actor. T F2. Tina got Jake Deans autograph. T F3. Toby won a prize. T F4. Tina won a hat. T F5. There were many actors at the T Faquarium.Tina took Jake Deans photo.Tina bought a hat.She only saw Jake.2bList

5、en again and circle “T” (true) or “F ” (false).Kevin: So, Tina, what else did you do? Tina: You wont believe it, but I met Jake Dean! Kevin: Jake Dean, the famous actor? You really met him? Tina: Yes! Hes making a movie at the aquarium.Tapescript Kevin: Wow! Did you get his autograph?Tina: No, I did

6、nt. Laura did. But I took his photo! Here it is. Kevin: Wow! Were there other actors there? Tina: No, we only saw Jake. Look, heres Toby. He won a prize in the Gift Shop. Kevin: Did you win that hat? Tina: No, I didnt. I bought it!visitor n.访问者参观者 outdoor adj.户外的 octopus n.章鱼 end n.结束结尾 monitor n. 班

7、长 Chicago 芝加哥 California 加利福尼亚州New words and phrasesat the end of 在的末尾 e.g.在这周的末尾,他学到了500个单词in the end 最后 e.g. 最后,中国赢得了足球比赛At the end of the week, he learned 500 words.In the end, China won the football match. 为什么不和我们进行一些户外活动呢? Why not have some outdoor activities with us?3a Read the article and cor

8、rect the statements below.Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitors Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch

9、, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.1. The students had a terrible school trip.2. They saw an octopus in t

10、he Visitors Center. 3. They took the subway back to school.great Outdoor Poolbusbus3a Read the article and correct the statements below. 4. The students watched a movie about dolphins. 5. The science teacher cleaned the bus.sharksclass monitor3a Read the article and correct the statements below.Clas

11、s 9 had a great time on the school trip. They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitors Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. =had great fun =enjoyed themselvessawAfte

12、r lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.=At last =In the endLets check玩的愉快在学校郊游时一部关于鲨鱼的电影观看一场海豚表演之后去了户外

13、游泳池买了很多礼物累但是快乐在今天结束时have/had a great timeon the school tripa movie about sharkswatch/watched a dolphin showafter thatgo/went to the Outdoor Poolbuy/bought lots of giftstired but happyat the end of the dayWere there? Did you see? Did you go?3b PairworkWrite down a list of places you visited and the t

14、hings you did there. Then make conversations.A: Where did you go?B: I went to Chicago/ Tokyo. A: Were there any people?B: Yes, there were./ No, there werent.A: What did you do?B: I went to an aquarium.A: Did you buy/see/watch/play/go/ ?B: Yes, I did. / No,A: How was the weather/your trip/?B: It was

15、首字母填空1.He is helpful in our class so we make him our m_ 2.If I meet Yao Ming, I must get his a_. 3.He won the first p_ in the contest. 4.Her parents bought her a piano as a g_ on her birthday. 5. It was an o_ shopping mall. 6. _ the end of the day, we were very tired. oniterutograph rizeift utdoor At 单选1. My brother _ back from England _the end of last week.A. come at B. came in C. come in D. came a


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